They create a vaccine to castrate dogs that they claim is reversible – Liberal del Sur – Periodismo Trascendente

Findley is one lucky dog. The small white and brown Chilean terrier is one of the first dogs in the world to be neutered without undergoing surgery.

The procedure occurred in his home in Santiago while he was held by his owner and received treats. After everything was over, he ran out as if nothing had happened.

There was no sedation or surgical intervention, just a simple injection.

Leonardo Sáenz, a veterinarian and professor at the University of Chile who developed the vaccine called Egalitte, says that it works by blocking the hormone responsible for reproduction and is reversible.

As it is a hormone that releases gonadotropin, if we have it blocked, we do not release gonadotropin and therefore we do not release sexual hormones and the animal is in a state of castration”Saenz said.

The vaccine can be used in both males and females and costs approximately 50,000 Chilean pesos (around $50) and requires a prescription and evaluation by a veterinarian to see if the dog is a suitable candidate.

Sáenz said the product could also help castrate animals on a larger scale, as it is less invasive and complicated than surgical castration.

In one injection it is much easier for you to vaccinate a larger number of animals, for example, if you need to carry out reproductive control.”said Sáenz.

The simplicity and possibility of reversing neutering is what made Findley’s owner, Tamara Zamorano, choose the procedure.

The other treatment, castration, scared us a little bit,” said Zamorano. “Besides, this is much simpler and is reversible, so if we later want to cross it, waiting for the appropriate time, we will be able to do it.””, he noted.

Findley did not comment on the procedure, but he squirmed a little during the injection. Later, he happily licked the vet’s hand and went on with his day.


Findley’s Neutering Adventure: A Tale of Modern Science and Canine Charisma

Well, well, well! Findley is a Chilean terrier who’s hit the doggy jackpot! That’s right, he’s one of the first pups in the world to get neutered without the whole shebang of surgery. No surgeon’s scalpel, no sterile rooms, just a cozy little spot at home with a nice dose of treats! I mean, who knew the secret to doggy surgery was just a little bribery?

In Santiago, Findley was pampered by his loving owner while getting the jab. He came out like nothing even happened. Honestly, if only all human medical procedures were this painless! Forget anesthesia; I’m getting my next vaccine with a side of cake!

“As it is a hormone that releases gonadotropin, if we have it blocked, we do not release gonadotropin and therefore we do not release sexual hormones and the animal is in a state of castration,” says Dr. Leonardo Sáenz, the genius vet behind the magic of a simple injection.

Who knew neutering could be as easy as taking a pain-free vaccination? It’s almost as if scientists took a good look at pet owners panicking over surgery and thought, “Let’s make their lives easier. And hey, let’s also save some tails—literally!”

This vaccine—dubbed Egalitte—works its charms by blocking the hormone responsible for reproduction. Best part? It’s reversible! So, if Findley’s owner, Tamara Zamorano, changes her mind, they can get back in the romantic game whenever they want. It’s reproductive control, but make it fashionable.

“The other treatment, castration, scared us a little bit,” Zamorano confessed. “Besides, this is much simpler and is reversible…”

Tamara’s got a point. Who wouldn’t be scared by the very word “castration”? It sounds like something out of a horror movie! Now, thanks to this groundbreaking approach, taming the canine population is like going for a stroll in the park.

Not only is this vaccine less invasive—what a time to be alive! And for the staggering cost of about 50,000 Chilean pesos (approximately $50), you get to neuter not just one dog, but tackle a community of them. That’s what we call a ‘two-for-one special’ but without the risk of overcooked fries!

The best news yet? It looks like more pooches might be getting this easy-peasy treatment in the near future, thanks to the simplicity of it all. Dr. Sáenz is on a mission to help pups across the globe, and frankly, it could change the game for pet parents everywhere.

“In one injection it is much easier for you to vaccinate a larger number of animals,” Dr. Sáenz explains.

And just like that, Findley sauntered out after his injection, charmingly licking the vet’s hand like a true diva. Can you imagine? Being a dog and still managing to get a free gourmet treat post-vaccination? Now that’s a victory! And I can’t help but think—if only humans had that luxury post-surgery. Imagine getting free lollipops and not just reminders of what you can’t eat.

So, here’s to modern medicine! May all our furry friends experience less trauma, more treats, and a world where neutering doesn’t involve actual ‘surgery’ but rather a dash of science and a sprinkle of savvy.

Findley, you lucky little chap, we tip our hats to you!


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