‘We’re raising €1,500 a month’: how the Re-turn bottle deposit scheme is paying off

A Splash of Good Sense: The Boyne Fishermen’s Rescue and Recovery Service

Ladies and gentlemen, gather round!

Today, we’re diving into something that’s as slippery as an eel in a barrel of oil – the Boyne Fishermen’s Rescue and Recovery Service. For more than 70 years, they’ve been out there saving lives, which is very noble until you realize it takes a fair bit of cash to keep those boats afloat. And I thought my pub tabs were a challenge!

A Coastal Revolution: The Deposit Return Scheme

Now, let’s talk about the shiny new toy in town – the deposit return scheme. When this gem launched, it drew more eye rolls than a celebrity showing up at a charity event for their own brand! Critics had a field day, but lo and behold, it’s actually turned out to be a hero, slashing coastal litter faster than Lee Evans at a comedy club. Seriously, the rubbish is disappearing like my hopes of ever being a morning person!

Volunteer Vibes: Meet Alan McCrohan

Enter stage left, our man of the hour, Alan McCrohan, a volunteer crew member. The Boyne Fishermen’s team is sort of like the Avengers, but instead of capes and superpowers, they’ve got life jackets and first aid kits. Alan and his pals are keeping this charity running 24/7, 365 days a year. They don’t even take Christmas off. Wouldn’t it be easier to go on holiday? I mean, it’s not like the fish are going to start a union!

Paddling Upstream: The Cashless Blues

But wait, there’s more! These guys have had to adjust to a cashless society quicker than a stand-up comic reworking their set after a bad gig. They’ve been relying on the goodwill of the public since 1952 – or as I like to call it, “the golden age of blowing in the wind”. But with the pandemic making it harder to find that loose change, they found themselves paddling upstream. It’s a challenge; I mean, who hasn’t tried fishing for change at the bottom of the couch? Someone get these folks a crowdfunding page ASAP!

A Call to Action!

So what can we learn from this? As they tackle issues like coastal litter and public donation blues, I think we all need to step it up. Let’s throw a few coins at these modern-day life-savers. Who knew saving lives could be more challenging than keeping a straight face during a Jimmy Carr set?

In conclusion, hats off to the Boyne Fishermen’s Rescue and Recovery Service! Their work serves as a reminder that while coastal litter may diminish, the spirit of volunteerism and community support is unshakeable—much like a Lee Evans performance, that’s bound to leave you in stitches!

So, who’s up for a donation? Because let’s be honest, our change jar deserves to be emptied for a worthy cause, and if it’s anything like my last relationship, it’s about time we gave it a good shake!

This piece pulls back the curtain on the trials and triumphs of an essential service, with a dash of humor because, let’s face it, laughter really is the best medicine—especially when delivering the hard truths about charity in a cashless world!



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