‘There was nowhere left to run’ – I was an alcohol and drug addict; now I run a sober travel company

Sure, let’s dive into this article with a dash of sharp wit and a cheeky flair, shall we?

From Addict to Entrepreneur: Lauren Burnison’s Remarkable Journey

Imagine you’re knee-deep in partying like it’s 1999—drugs, booze, the whole shebang. Suddenly, you snap out of it and think, “What’s missing from this chaos? Oh right! A sober travel company!” That’s the genius move from our heroine, Lauren Burnison. The Antrim woman went from the depths of addiction to the heights of entrepreneurship, landing on a brilliant idea that combines adventure with sobriety. She calls her magic operation We Love Lucid: a travel company where thrills come with absolutely no substances—perfect for keeping your wallet and brain intact!

Now, before you roll your eyes and mutter, “Sober travel? Sounds like a broccoli buffet on an unseasoned chicken,” let’s unpack this. Are there any destinations on this non-alcoholic itinerary that’ll make you feel like you’re actually enjoying yourself? Trust me, Lauren knows how to turn abstinence into an art form. Who knew sobriety could actually be so… thrilling? (Spoiler alert: it’s definitely not just watching paint dry.)

Lauren Burnison on her travels
Lauren Burnison on her travels: because who needs a cocktail when you can have a high altitude?

So, while most of us were pouring shots, Lauren was clearly plotting her comeback story. Can you imagine the pitch meetings? “Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you: vacations without the hangover!” It’s like a travel brochure for adults who’ve sobered up and realized that maybe the exotic locations are more appealing than waking up in an alleyway somewhere downing a greasy breakfast burrito—although I will say, they do hit different after a wild night out.

Let’s not forget, her journey didn’t start on the clean path. In her own words, Lauren describes a rather colorful past—one where she narrowly escaped being hit by the wrong end of a beer bottle in Bolivia while high on “potent cocaine.” Sounds like an opening scene for the next big travel fraud documentary, doesn’t it? And it really puts into perspective just how far she has come. Sometimes, one wild ride leads to another, just without the ride at the back of a police car!

Lauren’s venture, We Love Lucid, not only offers sober travel options but also a glowing beacon for those wanting to experience life with clear eyes and a full heart. So next time you think you need a little liquid courage—or perhaps something more potent—remember Lauren. Instead, consider swapping that cocktail for a hiking trail or a cliff dive, all without losing your marbles. Adventure doesn’t have to come blurry; you just need the right guide—and if that guide happens to juggle sober fun and entrepreneurial spirit, well, that’s just icing on the cake!

Let’s raise a glass of… sparkling water to Lauren Burnison!

Remember, this is about exploring the exhilarating and engaging side of life without substances. Lauren Burnison really might be the coolest friend you never knew you needed—offering fun in the sun without the weight of a hangover on your conscience! Cheers to that!



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