‘Think earlier’ about osteoporosis risks warns Bristol sufferer

Let’s Talk Osteoporosis: The Bone of Contention!

Royal Osteoporosis Society <a data-mil=Lisa Cole looking to camera”>

Lisa wishes she had taken her symptoms more seriously much earlier.

An osteoporosis sufferer, Lisa Cole, has decided enough is enough! This fab 52-year-old from Bristol is on a mission to make sure no one else is left in the dark about this “brittle bone disease.” And frankly, if you think it’s just something that happens to your grandma with the walking frame and a fierce love of tea, think again!

The Shocking Truth

Osteoporosis is not just a health issue; it’s an escalating health crisis! According to the Royal Osteoporosis Society, our aging population is like a broken record playing the same sad tune—hospitalizations and disabilities on the rise due to brittle bones. Who knew a combination of calcium-deficient diets, lack of vitamin D, and neglect of exercise could lead to health calamities? Well, Lisa didn’t know, and she paid the price!

When Clumsiness Goes Too Far

So, Lisa, our brave optician, first broke a rib after a cheeky slip in a swimming pool. You know, not the kind of slip where you gain street cred but the one that leaves you with a fracture! Then came the elbow incident—little slip, big snap! And what did she do? Thought nothing of it! But it took a wrist fracture to finally wake her up to reality. Wake-up calls shouldn’t come with a side of broken bones!

“It’s still a journey that I am on. I’m still breaking things, but I am getting myself in the right place.” – Lisa Cole

Osteoporosis: The Silent Saboteur

Here’s the kicker: research reveals that a staggering one-in-two women and one-in-five men over 50 are at risk of breaking bones due to osteoporosis. Yet, a third of the UK population is blissfully unaware! This low awareness is like ignoring a ticking time bomb—only it’s your own health that’s about to implode!

Diagram of a human bone and bone cells
Half of women aged over 50 who break bones have osteoporosis.

The Golden Rules of Bone Health

Let’s drop some wisdom from Craig Jones, CEO of the Royal Osteoporosis Society. He’s serving up some hearty advice: take preventive measures from your mid-30s. Yes, that old chestnut “vitamin D and calcium” should be your best pals. They don’t just sit on a shelf, waiting for you to notice; they need to be part of your daily routine, along with some regular weight-bearing exercise! Bouldering, anyone? (Well, perhaps after checking your bone density!)

“There are really good anti-osteoporosis medications which are available to keep bones stronger for longer.” – Craig Jones

The Bottom Line

If you’re over 30 and haven’t thought about your bones yet, consider this an intervention. Your bone health peaks in your mid-30s—after that, it’s a slippery slope downwards. You wouldn’t let your favorite pair of shoes wear out without a trip to the cobbler, right? So why are we neglecting our bones, the very foundation of our bodies?

Let Lisa’s journey be a cue for all of us. Don’t let ignorance be your bone’s worst enemy. Do yourself a favor: visit the Royal Osteoporosis Society and take that three-minute risk checker quiz. It might just save you from turning into a human snow globe—lovely to look at but constantly cracking under the pressure!

In Conclusion

Our bones deserve attention! They’re not just there for decoration. Get proactive, get educated, and start the conversation about osteoporosis today—because trust me, it’s a conversation that’s definitely worth having.

So, what are you waiting for? Put down that biscuit and pick up a calcium supplement! Your future self will thank you.



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