Three people seriously injured in shooting in the center of Antwerp

Shooting Incident in Antwerp: What Just Happened?

So, grab your popcorn, folks, because Antwerp just had a real-life episode of Antwerp’s Got Guns. Reports came in that several shots were fired in an apartment in the bustling center of this picturesque city. Seriously, if you’ve ever wondered what a Belgian crime drama looks like, we’re about to find out!

Three Injured, Two in Mortal Danger

Here’s the grim outline: three people have been left seriously injured, with at least two of them reportedly in mortal danger. Now, I know what you’re thinking—this might not be the type of “living the dream” that most of us aspire to. But wait, it gets juicier!

The Aftermath: Who’s Who?

In the aftermath of the gunfire, five individuals have already been arrested, which, one would assume, makes for quite the awkward dinner conversation. Imagine being the one person at the table who’s all “But I only brought cupcakes!” while everyone else is recounting their not-so-dramatic escape from bullets. A spokesperson from the Belgian police has stated that they’re still trying to figure out who’s wearing the black hat and who’s wearing the white—and if this is just a big ol’ mix-up in a parking garage. The kids used to call it ‘Who Dun It?’

Houdini’s Gone Missing?

Now, let’s talk location. This all went down in a busy shopping area, which means shoppers were probably more panicked about whether they’d get to their next sale rather than their safety. Imagine it: You’re grabbing a latte when suddenly, three shots ring out! Talk about needing an extra shot of espresso to recover!

Police Investigation: What We Know

The police wasted no time rushing to the scene and cordoning off the area, probably making it the only place in Antwerp that’s less accessible than their famed chocolate shops. They are asking everyone to avoid the vicinity, which, let’s face it, is probably the best advice since someone first suggested steering clear of a revolving door.

The Next Chapter: No Clear Answers Yet

Now, with three of the injured still in the hospital and two other suspects taken to the police station, it’s unclear whether we’ll ever really know what happened. But, if law enforcement plays their cards right, this could turn into a full blown mystery better suited for a Netflix series—“Antwerp: The Parking Garage Chronicles” has a nice ring to it!

Final Thoughts

In the end, while we wish for a quick resolution and full recovery for the injured—let’s remember this isn’t just a number or a headline. These are lives affected, and the aftermath of such events ripples through communities. But hey, if we can learn something from this, it’s to always read the fine print before moving into a new apartment—“Gunfire, Aisle 5” is not typically what’s advertised in real estate listings.


NOS Nieuws•woensdag, 18:44

Several shots were fired in an apartment in the center of Antwerp. Three people were seriously injured. At least two of them are in mortal danger.

The three injured people and two other people have been arrested for involvement in the shooting. A spokesperson for the Belgian police says that it is not yet clear which of them are the perpetrator and the victim. “Who had what share in the facts is still being determined.” It is also not known whether one or more weapons were involved.

The police do not want to say anything about the identity of the five suspects, except that they are between 23 and 38 years old. Three of them are still in hospital, the two other suspects have been taken to the police station.

Parking garage

The shots were fired late in the afternoon in a home in a busy shopping area. The street where it happened is an extension of the famous Meir shopping street in Antwerp. Two of the injured were found in a nearby parking garage, about a hundred meters away.

The police quickly arrived on the scene and cordoned off the area. The situation is now under control and officers are investigating. Police are still asking people to avoid the area.



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