How to empty the WhatsApp trash and free up space on your cell phone – El Diario NY

WhatsApp Decluttering: The Comedy of Space Management

Alright, gather round everyone, because today we’re diving into the modern-day issue we all face: that mysterious digital hoarder we call WhatsApp, which practically doubles as a gallery exhibit for all those unwanted cat memes and vacation snaps you never quite got around to deleting!

Isn’t it delightful how a messaging app designed for communication ends up cramming your device with a digital mess that could rival a teenager’s bedroom? We’re talking photos, videos, audios, and documents—all piling up like that laundry you keep promising yourself you’ll wash soon. Spoiler alert: it never gets washed!

What Happens with the Files You Receive via WhatsApp?

Every time you receive something on WhatsApp, like that mildly hilarious video of your mate’s dog trying to dance, what do you think happens to it? That’s right! It’s nestled away, cozy in your device’s memory like an uninvited guest who’s overstayed their welcome. And much like that guest, it gets harder to ignore as time goes on!

If you’re part of multiple group chats (because, let’s face it, it’s all fun and games until you have your eighth “Happy Birthday” message in a row from your mum), this file accumulation is serious business. Those precious gigabytes are just being gobbled up, leaving you with a sluggish phone. And no one wants a phone that’s slower than a snail on holiday, right?

How to Empty the WhatsApp “Trash” on Android

Now, you might think “No recycle bin? How utterly tragic!” But fear not, brave WhatsApp user! Here’s how to channel your inner ninja and delete those pesky files:

  1. Access your file manager. You know, that app that’s there but you always forget about! It might be labeled “Files” or “File Manager”—a bit like how your significant other calls the remote control “the thing that changes the TV.
  2. Navigate to Internal Storage or Primary Storage. Honestly, it’s as exhilarating as an undercover mission!
  3. Follow the trail like a detective: Android folder > media > com.whatsapp > WhatsApp > Media. Ta-da! You’ve unlocked a hidden treasure trove of files.
  4. Select the files you want to delete. It’s like a game of “Keep or Toss” but with less guilt! Look for those cringe-worthy selfies, or the 35-minute video of your cousin’s birthday party.
  5. Hit delete! Just like that, you’ve banished those files to the great digital beyond!

And no worries, your phone won’t throw a tantrum. It’s quite relieved, actually, as it no longer has to lug around that data like a pack mule.

Additionally, Let’s Talk Databases

Now, we’ve tackled the media, but don’t forget about those hefty database files where WhatsApp keeps all your precious conversations as though they’re the crown jewels. If you feel like the Marie Kondo of your digital life, here’s how to declutter:

  1. Open up that magical file manager again and navigate to Internal Storage.
  2. Same old story: Android folder > media > com.whatsapp > WhatsApp > Databases. It’s like a family reunion for your files—awkward and cluttered!
  3. Select the outdated backups with names dating back to the Stone Age. Trust me, these conversations aren’t exactly going to win Pulitzer Prizes.
  4. Delete those unnecessary backups. If you don’t need a flashback of every chat from 2019, then chop chop!
  5. And voilà! A clean slate without any casualties!

Quick Clear Chat Method!

Feel like doing a superhero move and clearing everything without losing conversation history? Check this one out:

  1. Open WhatsApp and go to the Chats tab. Make sure no one’s watching… you know, just in case they notice you cleaning!
  2. Tap that 3 dots icon in the top right corner (the one no one admits they ever touch).
  3. Head to Settings, then Chats, and look for Chat History.
  4. Select “Empty all chats.” Trust me; your heart will race, and you might feel like an evil genius!
  5. Confirm the action. Just like putting your hand on a small wind-up toy! It’s gone before you know it!

This method is phenomenal for those who like a quick fix while keeping their prized chat history intact. Because let’s be honest, no one wants to lose that glorious GIF of your friend dancing like no one’s watching!

The Regular Clean-Up Routine

For all the procrastinators out there, remember that regular cleaning is vital. Here are some handy tips:

  • Disable automatic downloading. That way, every meme doesn’t auto-save to your phone like it’s a financial obligation.
  • Make backup copies in the cloud! Like your bank account, but less guilt inducing!
  • Periodically check and delete files that you don’t need. It’s a bit like a bored teenager’s room—out with the old junk!

By following these tips, you’ll keep your phone zippy and WhatsApp happy. Because no one wants to chat with a lagging mess, right?

So, let’s keep those gigabytes free and your conversations flowing smoothly. Who knows, your phone might even start to feel like it’s lost a bit of weight—just like us after an unexpectedly vigorous walk to the fridge!

Keep reading:

  • Easy trick on WhatsApp to avoid scams: activate this function
  • WhatsApp reinforces the security of your chats
  • WhatsApp update: How to keep the app working on my cell phone

WhatsApp, one of the most used messaging applications in the world, has become an essential tool for daily communication. With millions of users constantly sending and receiving photos, videos and documents, It is easy for these files to accumulate and clutter the device’s memory. This can slow down your phone’s performance, making applications take longer to open or the operating system becoming less efficient.

Fortunately, WhatsApp offers various ways to manage these files, allowing himUsers can free up space and improve the performance of their phones.

On this note, We show you how to empty the hidden WhatsApp “trash” and how to optimize your phone’s storage in a simple and effective way.

What happens with the files you receive via WhatsApp?

The multimedia files you receive on WhatsApp, such as photos, videos, audios and documents, They are automatically stored in your device’s memory. Over time, this accumulation can take up a large amount of space, especially if you participate in many groups or receive large files frequently.

    This file overload can make the cell phone slow down, affecting both the operation of WhatsApp and other applications. Additionally, users often forget to delete these files once they are no longer needed, which exacerbates the problem.

    That is why regularly cleaning multimedia files is key to maintaining the performance of your phone.

    How to empty the WhatsApp “trash” on Android

    Although WhatsApp does not have a visible recycle bin, on Android devices It is possible to permanently delete files through the system file manager. Below we explain how to do it step by step:

      1) Access the file manager. Depending on your device, this tool may be called “Files” or “File Manager.”
      2) Go to Internal Storage or Primary Storage.
      3) Navigate to the Android folder > media > com.whatsapp > WhatsApp > Media.
      4) Select the files to delete. In this folder you will find subfolders organized by file type, such as images, videos, audios, and documents. Choose the folders or files you want to delete.
      5) Delete the selected files. Once this is done, the files will disappear from your device and will not take up any more space.

      This simple process will allow you to empty what we could consider the “hidden trash” of WhatsApp, freeing up a significant amount of space.

      In addition to multimedia files, WhatsApp saves a series of files in its databases folder, where it stores backup copies of conversations. Over time, these databases can accumulate, taking up unnecessary space on your device.

        To delete files from the WhatsApp database, follow these steps:

        1) Access the file manager of your mobile and go to Internal or main storage.
        2) Navigate to the Android folder > media > com.whatsapp > WhatsApp > Databases.
        3) Select the database files you no longer need. These usually have names that include the date of creation.
        4) Delete old backups. This way, you can free up a considerable amount of space without affecting current conversations.
        5) Deleting these backups is particularly useful for those users who do not require saving multiple versions of their chats and want to avoid the accumulation of data in the system.

        Another efficient way to free up space on WhatsApp without losing conversation history is to empty all chats. This method is ideal for deleting old messages and multimedia files in bulk, without having to delete chats completely.

          Follow these steps to clear all chats:

          1) Open WhatsApp and go to the Chats tab.
          2) Tap the 3 dots icon in the top right corner and select Settings.
          3) Access Chats and then Chat History.
          4) Select the Empty all chats option. WhatsApp will ask you if you want to delete media files as well. If you select this option, photos, videos and documents will be deleted from both the application and your mobile gallery.
          5) Confirm the action by tapping Clear chats.

          This method is very useful for those who want to free up space quickly, since it removes all unnecessary files, keeping conversation history intact. Plus, if you’ve previously made a backup, you can restore messages and files whenever you need.

          Regularly cleaning WhatsApp multimedia files and databases is essential to prevent your device’s performance from being affected. Additionally, we recommend:

            * Disable automatic file downloading in WhatsApp, to prevent media from being automatically saved to your mobile.
            * Make backup copies in the cloud, so you can delete files from the device without losing them.
            * Periodically review WhatsApp folders to delete files that are no longer necessary.

            By following these tips, you will keep your cell phone optimized and WhatsApp running smoothly, allowing your device to remain fast and efficient in daily use.

            Keep reading:

            * Easy trick on WhatsApp to avoid scams: activate this function
            * WhatsApp reinforces the security of your chats
            * WhatsApp update: How to keep the app working on my cell phone



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