Soybean campaign could close with a record of more than 10 million tons, Capeco estimates

Asunción, IP Agency.- If the numbers that have been recorded are confirmed, soybean production for the 2023/24 harvest could reach a record of around 10.6 million tons, estimated the Paraguayan Chamber of Exporters and Marketers of Cereals and Oilseeds (Capeco). Until September, 7.3 million tons were shipped.

Although shipments still need to be finalized until the end of the year, based on the volume exported and if the numbers as of December are confirmed, the 2023/2024 campaign could reach a record of 10.6 million tons, explains the Foreign Trade Report of the Capeco.

As of the ninth month of the year, 7.3 million tons of soybeans have been exported, a record figure that continues to exceed the previous mark, which was 6.5 million tons in the 2019/2020 campaign, according to our statistics.

The Foreign Trade Advisor, Sonia Tomassone, mentioned that despite the decrease in the international price of soybeans, exports in September allowed an income of foreign currency worth USD 2,926 million (USD 122 million more than in September 2023), due to the higher volume shipped.

On the side of industrial derivatives, Tomassone noted that there is little leftover for export in this last quarter, considering that companies with milling in Paraguay have increased shipments of grain, which is why the stock for processing decreased.

Destinations. He specified that the high concentration continues in three markets that account for 96% of the total shipped (Argentina, Brazil and Russia), among which Argentina continues to be the main buyer with 82% of the total exported. The remaining 4% are made up of Peru, Spain, the USA, Japan, Chile, Uruguay, South Korea, Guatemala and Indonesia.

Ranking. The ranking of exporters continues to be led by Cargill with 15% participation, followed by Viterra (11%), Agrofértil (9%), Bunge, ADM and Copagra (8%), Cofco and LDC (7%), among others.

Regarding exports by land, LAR continues to position itself as the leader in the ranking with 20%, followed by Agrofértil (16%), Agrotec (8%), among others.

In total, 49 companies were responsible for grain exports in the ninth month of the year.

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