The Portuguese Parliament rejects the initiative to recognize González as the winner in Venezuela

The Portuguese Parliament rejects the initiative to recognize González as the winner in Venezuela

The Parliament of Portugal rejected this Friday a draft resolution to recognize the Venezuelan opponent Edmundo González Urrutia as the winner of the presidential elections in his country.

The proposal, presented by the Liberal Initiative group (IL), was only supported by this party and the far-right Chega, while the ruling Social Democratic Party (PSD), the Socialist Party (PS), the Portuguese Communist Party voted against (PCP), the Left Bloc and the environmentalist Livre.

The Christian Democrats CDS-PP, partner of the PSD in the Government, and the animalist PAN abstained.

There were some deputies who broke party discipline and voted differently from the bulk of their formations, such as three who abstained from the PSD and four socialists – two who supported the proposal and one who abstained.

On the other hand, the unicameral Assembly of the Republic (Parliament) approved a recommendation to the Government, proposed by the PSD, against the recognition of the victory of the Venezuelan president, Nicolás Maduro, in the July elections and to defend together with the European Union (EU) and the international community “an end to human rights violations” in that country.

This initiative had the support of all parties except the PCP.

Other resolutions related to Venezuela that received the green light from the chamber were one presented by Chega, which urges the Portuguese Executive to adopt measures to defend democracy in the Latin American country; and another from the Left Bloc, in favor of respect for the will of the Venezuelan people and their rights.

Likewise, a Livre text was approved that appeals “to respect for international law and the territorial integrity of Venezuela.”

Apart from the IL project, another from the PCP that asks to respect “the sovereignty of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela” was rejected.

The Government of Portugal does not recognize Maduro as the re-elected president of Venezuela because the electoral records have not been published, but it has not expressly recognized González Urrutia as the winner of the presidential elections.

Between Wednesday and Thursday, a delegation of Venezuelan opponents, led by the former mayor of Caracas Antonio Ledezma, was in Lisbon to maintain contacts with the Portuguese parliamentary groups to seek support for the IL resolution that proposed recognizing González Urrutia as president-elect. from Venezuela.

Last week Ledezma was with González Urrutia in Portugal, where they met with the country’s prime minister and the foreign minister.

Lisbon / EFE

#Portuguese #Parliament #rejects #initiative #recognize #González #winner #Venezuela



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