They asked Biden to designate the ‘Aragua Train’ as a Transnational Criminal Organization

Senator Marco Rubio and House Representative María Elvira Salazar, along with 21 other congressmen from the Republican Party, sent a letter to the President of the United States, Joe Biden, requesting that he designate the ‘Aragua Train’ as a Transnational Criminal Organization. which has already spread its tentacles not only in Colombia, Chile, Ecuador, Peru and already has a presence in the United States, as well as in Europe.

The letter addressed to President Biden begins like this: “We ask that you immediately designate the Tren de Aragua, the largest criminal gang in Venezuela, as a Transnational Criminal Organization (TCO). This designation is crucial to effectively mobilize national consciousness as a result of this threat, as well as to deploy the necessary resources and sanctions that will help stop the escalation of crime and violence that threatens communities in the United States.”

This criminal group began its expansion, since 2018, throughout the region, settling in several cities in Colombia, particularly in Bogotá, where they control a good part of drug trafficking and are responsible for numerous homicides.

The Republican congressmen maintain that if the Aragua Train is not designated as a Transnational Criminal Organization, they will “unfold an unprecedented reign of terror” in the United States, like the one that already exists in Central and South America, in particular Colombia, Chile, Ecuador and Peru”.

“In Ecuador and Colombia, the Aragua Train has plunged communities into chaos. The same in Chile and Peru, where they have sown fear and instability, undermining the credibility of government institutions, as well as the safety of innocent civilians,” warn the Republican congressmen.

The letter concludes that designating the Tren de Aragua as a Transnational Criminal Organization “will send a clear message that its reign of terror will not be tolerated” in the United States.

#asked #Biden #designate #Aragua #Train #Transnational #Criminal #Organization



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