A fryer caught fire: a woman transferred to hospital after a fire in Etterbeek

Kitchen Fire in Etterbeek: Why Cooking Can Be Dangerous!

Oh, dear! Just when you think you’ve mastered the art of frying, life throws you a curveball—or should I say, a fireball? This past Friday, a woman in her sixties learned the hard way that cooking can sometimes boil over, quite literally! After a kitchen mishap in her apartment on the seventh floor of a building in Etterbeek, Brussels, she found herself being whisked away to the Military Hospital, and let me tell you, it’s not for the fabulous gourmet meals there!

Fryer Flambé

According to the fire brigade’s spokesperson, Walter Derieuw, it all started around 5 p.m. when that fryer—the one appliance you thought you could trust—decided to catch fire. I mean, who knew that oil could behave like an overly dramatic diva? “The fire came from a fryer that caught fire,” Walter stated, as though he was discussing the latest plot twist on that popular medical drama where people actually get better!

Injuries, Evacuations, and Oops!

Fortunately, our protagonist was not in grave danger; her days are safe—thank goodness! But she did suffer burns to her face, abdomen, and arms. This was not exactly the ‘glow’ we hope for after a good cook—but more of a roasted marshmallow situation. Her apartment? Uninhabitable, folks—a shocking revelation for anyone hoping to find a cozy new place. And the other tenants? They were quick on the draw, evacuating like seasoned fire drills, and miraculously escaped unharmed! Bravo!

Preventing Future Fireworks

Now, let’s talk a bit about safety. Walter, in his splendidly unexciting way, reminds us of the crucial need for appliances equipped with a thermostat to prevent such fiery debacles in the future. Seriously, if you can’t control the heat, you’re only one step away from a culinary disaster that requires more than just a dishcloth and a sense of regret!

And here’s a nugget of wisdom: water and oil fires are like cats and dogs—never meant to mix! So, when the flames start dancing, the last thing you want to do is add more fuel to the fire. Cut off the energy source like you would a bad date, smother the flames with a fire blanket (because nothing says ‘I care’ like blanket smothering), and exit stage left while closing the door behind you. Make sure you attract attention—not by screaming, but by calling 112. Think of it as a public service announcement that doesn’t involve any kind of embarrassing dance-off.

Conclusion: Cooking with Caution

So, our dear readers, let this be a gentle reminder: cooking can be a fantastic thing—until it’s not. Keep your frying adventures under control, invest in those fancy thermostats, and remember to treat your kitchen like a dragon—you must respect it to ensure it doesn’t burn your house down! Until next time, stay safe and maybe just stick with sandwiches? Cheers!

Also, a side note: In a bizarre twist of fate, right around the same time an armed man took refuge in Etterbeek. If that doesn’t give you anxiety about your weekend plans, I don’t know what will!

A woman aged around sixty was transferred to the Military Hospital on Friday afternoon, after being burned during a fire in the kitchen of her apartment, located in Etterbeek, Brussels firefighters said. . His days are not in danger.

Around 5 p.m., a fire broke out on the seventh floor of this building, located rue Mont du Chêne. The fire came from a fryer that caught fire“said fire brigade spokesperson Walter Derieuw.

The resident, burned to the face, abdomen and arms, was taken directly by the SMUR to the military hospital. His apartment is uninhabitable. The other residents of the building had evacuated the place spontaneously, and were not injured.

From a preventive point of view, the fire brigade spokesperson advises having electrical appliances equipped with a thermostat in order to avoid any overheating. “In the event of a fire, water should absolutely be avoided to extinguish a cooking oil fire.“, Walter Derieuw insisted.

When such a situation arises, it is recommended to cut off the energy source, smother the flames with a fire blanket or lid, leave the room by closing the door behind you and call 112. “Above all, be careful not to move the fryer,” the spokesperson concluded.

Also read An armed man took refuge in his home in Etterbeek: he finally surrendered Etterbeek Brussels fire



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