BNP Paribas Fortis increases price tag for basic banking service and universal banking service – Business AM

by Niels Saelens
published on Friday, October 18, 2024 at 4:30 PM •
2 min read

Customers at the major bank BNP Paribas Fortis will have to pay more for the basic banking service and universal banking service from next year.

In the news: BNP Paribas Fortis will make some banking services more expensive on January 1. That reports

  • The universal banking service has been in existence since 2022 and is offered by twelve financial institutions, including the four major banks. This service is intended for people who are not up to date with digitization and banking via a website or app. For a maximum of 5 euros per month, they receive an account and bank card with which they can, among other things, carry out 60 manual transactions at the counter every year.
    • BNP Paribas Fortis already charges 5 euros per month. The major bank is making the universal banking service even more expensive by saying goodbye to the unlimited number of manual transactions. From January 1, you can make sixty manual transactions per year at the financial institution free of charge, which is the minimum requirement. The bank will charge costs from the 61st transaction. For example, you will pay 2 euros for withdrawing money at the counter.
  • BNP Paribas Fortis is also tinkering with its basic banking service. This service is aimed at people who would otherwise have difficulty obtaining an account. They should have access to a basic package for a reasonable fee that allows them to carry out financial transactions, such as transfers and cash withdrawals. The European Union requires all banks to offer a basic banking service.
    • From next year, the financial institution will charge 1.6 euros per month for the basic banking service, compared to 1.35 euros today.

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BNP Paribas Fortis Turns Up the Heat on Banking Costs: What’s Next?

By: Niels Saelens
Published on: Friday, October 18, 2024 at 4:30 PM

Well, well, well! If it isn’t BNP Paribas Fortis popping up in the news again! I thought they were just there for my awkward small talk while I stood in line to withdraw cash. But no! They’ve decided to play with our wallets, raising the price of basic banking services. Honestly, it’s like finding out your favourite all-you-can-eat buffet is now charging by the plate! Seriously, folks, who knew the banking world could be so… *dramatically* thrilling?

What’s the Scoop?

Starting January 1, 2025, customers of BNP Paribas Fortis can expect inflated fees for both the basic banking service and the universal banking service. You know, because they just weren’t expensive enough! According to, the universal banking service has been around since 2022, but it looks like its charm is wearing off faster than my favourite pair of comfortable shoes.

Numbers Don’t Lie (Except When They Do)

  • The Universal Banking Service: This service is meant for all the folks who can’t figure out how to open their banking app without summoning the spirit of their grandparents. For a nifty sum of 5 euros a month, you get an account, a bank card, and an astounding zero surprises—at least until January when they introduce fees for every manual transaction past 60! Imagine having to pay 2 euros just to withdraw cash at the counter. I mean, my heart starts racing when I have to fork out two euros for a cup of coffee, let alone while I’m just trying to get my own money!
  • The Basic Banking Service: Designed for people who find themselves struggling to obtain the most basic financial services—like a hipster in a money-lending convention. This service now comes with a price tag of 1.6 euros per month, up from 1.35. Not that I’m complaining… Oh, wait, I totally am! Considering I pay more for bread that’s not even gluten-free and vegan, you’d think I’d at least get a side of customer service with that!

What Does This Mean for Us?

So, what’s the moral of the story? Don’t throw away your banks’ loyalty cards just yet! Just prepare to dig a little deeper into those pockets of yours. Let’s hope this isn’t the beginning of a slippery slope leading us all to a life of takeout ramen and saving coins in jars.

Niels Saelens really seems to have a pulse on this financial jargon! If you want to keep up with all the money news that your friends will totally ignore at dinner parties, subscribe to his newsletter. Because who wouldn’t want more confusing tallies in their inbox?

In the words of our favourite comedians, “Remember, money can’t buy happiness… but it sure can make you a little less sad while watching your balance dwindle!”



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