Lina’s body found in a stream: pieces of clothing helped identify the victim

The Mysterious Case of Lina: An Observational Twist

Ah, the world of crime and mystery, where the only thing more perplexing than the plot twists is the hair-raising tension. Today, we’re diving into a story that’s more tangled than a cat in a yarn factory. Grabbing your attention is the tragic disappearance of a teenager by the name of Lina, which has taken a turn into some rather dark and disturbing territories. Grab your detective hats or at least a comfortable chair—here we go!

Setting the Scene

It was a seemingly normal day on September 23, 2023, in Plaine—the kind of day where absolutely nothing should have gone wrong. Lina ventured out of her home on her way to catch a train. You know, just your average teenage endeavor… except she never made it to the Saint-Blaise-la-Roche station. One minute she’s off, and the next, poof—she’s vanished like your hopes of a good hair day after a torrential downpour!

The Search Parties and the Mystifying Silence

The following days brought searches that resembled a scene out of a thriller movie, minus the popcorn. No trace of Lina was discovered, leading to a judicial investigation concerning kidnapping and criminal confinement. Imagine the intensity of the investigations—detectives putting on their serious faces while trying to piece together a jigsaw puzzle with missing pieces spread all over the place.

Introducing Samuel Gonin: The Man of the Hour

Now, enter Samuel Gonin, the fellow who appears in this drama like a ghost in a horror film. Reports established that Gonin drove a Ford Puma on the fateful day, and get this: at 9:23 a.m., he allegedly committed a gasoline theft at a gas station near Freiburg in Germany. Funny how stealing petrol isn’t the easiest way to win a date. That’s one way to ruin a relationship before it even starts, folks!

According to the prosecutor, there’s “absolutely no doubt” that Gonin was alone in that car around the same time Lina disappeared. It’s as if he drove into a fog and emerged in a different storyline entirely. “What was he even doing there?”* one might wonder, and here’s where the plot thickens—because soon it was discovered that Lina’s DNA surfaced in a stolen car in Narbonne, and shockingly enough, there were ropes involved. Now we’re entering real-life horror territory where true crime meets a bad horror film—it’s a nightmare unfolding before our very eyes.

The DNA Twist: A Sinister Development

Investigators found Lina’s DNA not just taking a vacation in the trunk—remember folks, there’s always a trunk in these investigations—it turned up on seats, seat belts, and yes, even on that pesky buckle. If I didn’t know better, I’d say this DNA loved the trunk as much as we love dessert on a Friday night!

And in a real-life plot twist, Lina’s purse—complete with items only a teenager could deem essential—was discovered. Why a mirror and false eyelashes hold such prominence in a glove compartment is beyond me, but who doesn’t love a little glam even in dire situations?

The Unraveling of Samuel Gonin

Now, brace yourselves, because just when you think it can’t get more bizarre, Samuel Gonin adds another layer to the story. Shortly after being identified as a suspect, he checks out early from this life, leaving behind a note that sounds like something out of an existential crisis. “I have lost my honor, my dignity, my humanity… it’s going too fast,” he lamented. Spoiler alert: in the true crime world, early exits rarely end the mystery.

A Lot of Unanswered Questions

So here we sit, mulling over a case filled with unanswered questions. Investigators are probing to see if Gonin was possibly a serial dreadful act performer. It’s a convoluted web, folks—like the tangled mess of cords we all have in our drawers!

As they say in the game of investigative whodunnit, “Stay tuned,” because even though the case may lead to a dead end featuring Samuel very literally dropping dead—the mystery surrounding Lina raises far more questions than answers.

Final Thoughts

Crime and mystery have a way of latching onto us, drawing us into the tragedy, the absurdity, the humor that can sometimes intermingle in the darkest of tales. And so we wrap up this captivating, albeit sobering, entanglement of events around our unfortunate Lina—reminded again that in life, sometimes disappearance becomes as profound as existence itself. Keep your eyes peeled, my friends—because in the world of true crime, nothing is ever truly over.

Forensic expertise”will be ordered by the investigating magistrates for the purpose of investigating the cause of death“, he continued.

Reminder of the facts

Lina disappeared on September 23, 2023 late in the morning. She had left her home in Plaine, at the foot of the Vosges massif, to go to the Saint-Blaise-la-Roche station, about three kilometers away. She had to take the train to meet her boyfriend in Strasbourg.

Despite several searches carried out over the following days, no trace of the teenager was found.

On October 1, 2023, a judicial investigation was opened into charges of kidnapping and criminal confinement. “Investigations established that Samuel Gonin was the driver of the Ford Puma on the day of the events, i.e. September 23, 2023.“, assured Mr. Chevrier.

The suspect in fact committed a gasoline theft at precisely 9:23 a.m. at a gas station near Freiburg in Germany. “He is alone on board at this precise moment“, said the prosecutor. “There is absolutely no doubt about the identity of Samuel Gonin and the fact that he was alone at that precise moment, therefore approximately two hours before Lina’s disappearance“, he said.

The long-term investigation reached a turning point on July 26, with the announcement by the prosecution of a “major breakthrough“: the discovery near Narbonne of Lina’s DNA in a stolen car.

Despite several searches carried out over the following days in the Vosges, Haute-Saône and Morvan, no trace of the teenager had been found.

Lina’s DNA and that of Samuel Gonin were found on ropes in the trunk of the car, “which tends to demonstrate that at one time or another, Lina was tied up“, according to the prosecutor.

Also read Disappearance of Lina in France: why was the hunt for Samuel Gonin, main suspect, so complicated?

Lina’s DNA was found in different places in the vehicle: on the rear seats, at the seat belt of the central rear seat, and also on the red part of the retaining system of the rear passenger belt buckle right, according to Mr. Chevrier.

Lina’s purse was also found in the glove compartment, “containing various items, a mirror, false eyelashes, false eyelash glue, the case of his cell phone and his headphones“.

Substantial resources remain mobilized“to find Lina, assured Mr. Chevrier, noting that a “a certain number of questions are likely to remain unanswered due to the death of Samuel Gonin“, who committed suicide on July 10.

He’s staying “a big black spot” in this case, notes prosecutor Alexandre Chevrier. “What did he come to do there?” he asked during the press conference. The location of Lina’s disappearance is not a busy road, so no one knows what Samuel Gonin was doing there. And there is nothing to say that it was already there before. “There is nothing in common between Lina and Samuel Gonin. Except for this meeting point…”says Alexandre Chevrier.

Investigators are looking to see if he could have committed other acts, according to the prosecutor.

I have lost my honor, my dignity, my humanity, I must leave. I don’t know how to control myself, it’s going too fast“, left in his final writings this man who should have appeared on July 22 for two violent thefts committed on August 25, 2023 in Besançon



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