The word about Svennis is now causing great rage – Expressen

Sven-Göran Eriksson

Photo: Jonas Lindstedt/TT / TT NEWS AGENCY

On Wednesday, Thomas Tuchel was presented as England captain.

The German is thus added to the small group of foreign national team captains for the English men’s national team. Previously, Sven-Göran Eriksson and the Italian Fabio Capello have led the national team.

The Daily Mail criticizes the choice of a third foreign national team captain.

In particular the choice of Thomas Tuchel.

The newspaper has published a comment where they believe that he has a “questionable coaching background” and that Wednesday’s announcement resulted in “a dark day for English football”.

Furthermore, they point to how things have gone when foreign coaches have led the national team in the past.

Has no one learned anything from the “take the money and stick” attitude of Sven-Göran Eriksson and Fabio Capello?

Sven-Göran Eriksson coached England between the years 2001-2006.


Photo: Daily Mail.

The anger at the words: “Insulting him is dirty”

The words about Svennis have caused many people to rage on social media.

Eriksson had a deep and abiding love of English football, and the degree to which it was reciprocated by those within English football became clear in the tributes paid after his death. Insulting him as a “take the money and stick” coach is dirty, xenophobic and demonstrably wrong”, writes British writer Nick Pettigrew X.

Journalist Billy Crawford is on the same track. He believes that the words are poorly chosen due to Eriksson’s passing.

To describe Sven-Göran Eriksson as someone with a “take the money and stick” attitude a month after his death is really an understatement. Sven did everything he could for England”, writes Crawford.

Idiots,” thunders Crystal Palace podcast HLTCO on X.

Sven-Göran Eriksson died on August 26 earlier this year. He lived to be 76 years old.

Thomas Tuchel: England’s New Captain – A Comedic Perspective

Ladies and gentlemen, gather around! We’re diving into the latest episode of “What on Earth is England Football Doing?” Spoiler alert: It involves a German managing the English national team! Yes, you heard it right! Thomas “The Wizard of Oz” Tuchel has been announced as England’s new captain – a position that, until recently, was strictly British. I mean, what’s next? A Scotsman directing traffic at the London Eye?

The Bold Move or Just Bold?

Now, let’s talk about the elephant in the room—that being the Daily Mail’s less-than-charming take on Tuchel’s appointment. They have labeled this day as a “dark day for English football.” I mean, “dark day”? I thought we saved that for when it snows in July! The Mail believes Tuchel has a “questionable coaching background.” Now, it’s like judging a fish by its ability to climb a tree, isn’t it? “Hmm, he doesn’t have a British accent, therefore he must be a fraud!”

But let’s be fair; we’ve had Sven-Göran Eriksson and Fabio Capello managing before. And let me tell you, nothing screams “we know our football” like inviting a few foreign managers to the party! Perhaps if they had turned up wearing tweed jackets, the critics would have been more lenient?

Social Media Meltdown

The backlash from this announcement hasn’t been subtle, my friends! On social media, it’s like someone tossed a kitten into a room full of piranhas. Writers and fans alike have taken to glorifying Sven-Göran Eriksson, the previous foreign captain, who sadly passed away this year. I mean, the man’s funeral should have been sponsored by the English football team—the tributes were practically raining like confetti at a wedding! “He had a deep and abiding love for English football,” they said, while some were quick to add, “He was just as British as a cup of tea!”

Nick Pettigrew, bless him, has called out the Daily Mail for their harsh words about Eriksson, demanding they go wash their mouths out with soapy water. Meanwhile, Billy Crawford chimed in, suggesting that criticizing a man a month after his death is about as tasteful as serving vindaloo at a wine-and-cheese soirée!

The Final Whistle?

Now, let’s address the larger question: Can a German really lead England to the promised land? Did we not learn anything from the last guys? Perhaps it’s about time we stopped searching for managers in the ‘greatest gift to football’ aisle and start focusing on actually coaching talent! But who am I to say? I’m just a humble observer sipping my tea while the football world loses its marbles!

In conclusion, let’s all strap in for this bumpy ride called English football. With Tuchel at the helm, we might just find ourselves in a new era—or at least enjoy a few good laughs along the way. After all, football isn’t just about the goals; it’s about the comedy that unfolds on and off the pitch! So, raise your mugs, everyone! It’s going to be a *’kick-off’* to remember!

(P.S. Just a friendly reminder: Next time we have the chance to pick a manager, let’s put a call out for a good, old-fashioned Brit! Just make sure they can pronounce “gullible” without sounding like they’re asking for a giraffe instead.)



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