Sofía Pacchi testified before the Court and assured that “she never saw blows or witnessed physical violence”

Alberto Fernández will be charged with serious injuries after his ex-partner's complaint”>Sofía Pacchi‘s Testimony: A Comedy of Errors in Politics

The Longest Hour and A Half

Well folks, it seems even courtroom dramas could use a good punchline! Sofía Pacchi’s two and a half hour testimony can only be described as a soap opera where the scripts were accidentally swapped with a stand-up routine by Jimmy Carr. Seriously, who knew that politics could be as riveting as a Netflix binge?

In her testimony before prosecutor Ramiro González at the Comodoro Py courts, Pacchi openly discussed her relationships, or lack thereof, revealing that while she was indeed friends with Fabiola, she never had the pleasure of witnessing any “beatings.” Now that’s a plot twist worthy of a sitcom!

Complicated Relationships: Sounds Familiar, Doesn’t It?

Pacchi described Alberto Fernández and Fabiola’s relationship as “complicated” or, if you will, a toxic mix of drama more suited for a reality TV show. I mean, what does it take to get blacklisted from social media and have a bag of popcorn handy? Fights, disagreements, blocking each other on phones—it’s like watching a telenovela without the subtitles.

“I never witnessed physical attacks,” Pacchi stated, adding that their volatile dynamic was just part of their love story—or unlocked emotional trauma, depending on how you view it!

Love or No Romance? Let’s Untangle This

Pacchi went on to clarify that she was “never Alberto’s lover,” which raises the question: are we hearing more “will-they-won’t-they” than a British romantic comedy over here? Instead, she insisted that her tickets to Olivos were strictly for professional purposes. If only their marital status was as clear as her statement!

Of course, the best part of her testimony came when she alluded to bruises on Fabiola’s body—though not from Alberto. Was it a case of extreme clumsiness or perhaps overzealous tango practices? Not great for a political narrative, but definitely a good laugh if viewed through the lens of a Lee Evans routine.

Alberto: The Complimenting Casanova

And let’s not forget the tales of Alberto, the Casanova of Calle Olivos. Pacchi revealed that Fabiola “always knew” he was a womanizer who showered compliments on every lady in his path, including Fabiola herself. It’s like he thought he was in an episode of “The Bachelor,” and everyone was just one awkward kiss away from a rose! Oh, but isn’t that just typical? A politician with wandering eyes—who could have seen that coming?

In the end, this testimony is less about the seriousness of accusations and more about political farce that rivals the best comedy shows. So grab your popcorn, folks. It seems we’re in for a few more episodes of this dramatic and entertaining reality series!

Final Thoughts

As we digest this unfolding drama, let’s remember: in politics, it’s not just about the facts, but also about timing, delivery, and just how many plot holes a narrative can have before it falls apart—like a joke that just didn’t land. Stay tuned, because this show is far from over!

Sofía Pacchi testified as a witness in the gender violence case against former president Alberto Fernández. His testimony lasted two and a half hours before prosecutor Ramiro González in the Comodoro Py courts.

“While we were friends, which was more or less since her relationship with Alberto began, she never spoke to me about beatings. They did have a complicated/toxic relationship. “I never witnessed physical attacks,” Pacchi stated.

In this regard, he specified: “When I say ‘toxic’ I mean the way they handled each other. Many fights, disagreements, blocking each other on the phone. Breaking up, leaving the house. It was a fairly normal dynamic in their entire relationship.”

On the other hand, she expanded on the rumors of romance with the former president “she never had a romantic relationship with Alberto Fernández” and added: “He was the partner of my former best friend. My tickets to Olivos since Alberto was in the Presidency were always due to my work with Fabiola”.

The witness recalled that while they were friends she saw “bruises” on Fabiola’s body “but for other reasons” that she did not link to abuse. “I did not observe physical violence, I never witnessed it nor did Fabiola tell me about it,” he declared.

Finally, regarding the compliments she received from Fernández, she stated: “She always knew that he was a womanizer. She always knew that he complimented all women, including his friends. He did it even in front of her. He also said it in the presence of Fabiola. “.



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