Palakkad BJP Suspense; Success is the only criteria, eager leaders and workers – Manorama Online

The Political Circus in Palakkad: Who’s Taking the BJP Spotlight?

Hold onto your hats, folks! The political drama unfolding in Palakkad is juicier than a family barbecue gone wrong, with the BJP’s candidate scrambling to find their way like a cat at a dog show!

The Players Involved

In one corner, we have the UDF (United Democratic Front) confidently waving the flag for Rahul Mangkoothil, while the LDF (Left Democratic Front) prepares P. Sarin to enter the ring. Meanwhile, back in the BJP corner, there’s a fervor akin to a toddler in a candy store—everyone’s eager, but nobody knows what they’re going to pick!

The Contenders’ Conundrum

There’s chatter in both the UDF and LDF camps regarding who might be the NDA (National Democratic Alliance) candidate in this constituency. The stakes are high, especially since the BJP believes it should have a strong presence in Palakkad, a place affectionately dubbed Tamaraketa by our friends at BJP. I suppose names do matter; after all, “Tamaraketa” doesn’t sound nearly as intimidating as “I’m just here for the free stuff.”

Star Power or Star Chaser?

Rumors are swirling faster than a spinning top regarding the likes of famous movie star Khushbu possibly considering a run in Wayanad. Could Bollywood’s charm sweep in where political strategy fears to tread? Or will we simply see a chase that ends up as empty as the last seat on an oversold flight?

Tick Tick Goes the Clock

With every passing hour, BJP leadership is feeling the ticking sounds of urgency. Workers are practically on the edge of their chairs as they wait for a candidate’s name to be dropped—like a bad mixtape nobody wants to hear. Union Minister Suresh Gepi has chimed in, gingerly suggesting that Shebha Surendran seems to be the front-runner; now that sounds like the academic equivalent of a horoscope saying, “Don’t worry if you haven’t eaten lunch yet!”

The Waiting Game

Despite the speculations being thicker than a plot twist in an evening soap opera, activists are feeling a squeeze on their patience. They demand clarity and immediate action, asserting that the chosen candidate must have the charm to convert existing political situations into opportunities—kind of like trying to get free Wi-Fi at a coffee shop while pretending to read Dostoevsky. The only thing heavier than this political burden is a full Indian thali!

Camps Are Set

As Rahul Mankoothil of Youth Congress mirrors a shooting star with his sudden campaign activations, the LDF is just around the corner with their candidate announcement today. It’s almost as if they’re all in a race to the finish line that nobody really knows exists! The CPM has decided on conducting a road show in Palakkad town tomorrow — unless it rains, in which case it’ll be more of a ‘road soggy.’

The Final Countdown

With the final decision resting on the esteemed central committee of the BJP, we observe State General Secretary C. Krishnakumar, Vice President Sebhasurendran, and Treasurer E. Krishnadas jit in anxious anticipation.
Despite requests for K. Surendran to step into the arena, he remains outside the ropes, claiming he’s not ready to engage. It’s as if he’s saying, “I’ll stick around for the popcorn but not the action!”

The Ripple Effect

Now, here’s the spicy bit: the BJP camp believes that recent tussles within Congress and CPM could sway disgruntled voters from these factions towards the NDA. They think they’re catching waves, but I’d be checking for lifeguards if I were them. And the RSS? They’re sharpening their pencils, ready to roll up their sleeves and get their hands dirty in the electoral mud. Let’s see if they bring the muscles to match the brain!

What’s Next?

All eyes in Palakkad are glued to the developments, and speculation is thicker than bhaji batter. As candidates finalize their bingo cards for support, only time will tell who will emerge from this chaotic carnival. Stay tuned, folks, because in politics, the only constant is change, and here’s to hoping we get at least a few laughs along the way!

Palakkad ∙ Who will be the party’s candidate for Palakkad, which BJP describes as Tamaraketa? As UDF has declared Rahul Mangkoothil as its candidate and it is almost clear that LDF’s will be P. Sarin, the BJP leadership and workers are anxious as to who will be their candidate.

There is also a discussion in the UDF LDF camps as to who will be the NDA candidate in the constituency where the BJP influence is strong. The discussion about the BJP candidate has heated up after the news that famous movie star Khushbu is being considered in Wayanad, but there is no clear indication about the possibility yet.

The party leadership is giving indications that it may be announced tomorrow. The speculations that have been heard since the beginning remain strong. Union Minister Suresh Gepi’s statement that Shebha Surendran is the most likely candidate is the only non-technical response from the academic side. Since the announcement of the by-election, the state general secretary C. Krishnakumar is also active in the constituency.

The possibility of people coming outside the list of possibilities given by the state leadership is also discussed. Activists are upset over the delay in the announcement. They believe that BJP’s chances in the constituency have increased this time.

Therefore, they demand that the candidate should be fielded as soon as possible and the only criterion for the decision should be the probability of success. The leaders claim that the candidate who is able to take advantage of the current political situation is sure to win.

Contrary to the usual, on the same day as the election was announced, Youth Congress became active in campaigning by fielding Rahul Mankoothil, the state president of the Youth Congress. A huge road show was also held. LDF candidate will be announced today.

CPM has decided to hold a radshea in Palakkad town tomorrow. Both the fronts are preparing for a massive campaign. At the same time, it is indicated that the final process for the announcement of the BJP candidate has started. The list of candidates given by the party’s State Election Committee to the Center is under the consideration of the Prime Minister.

State General Secretary C. Krishnakumar, State Vice President Sebhasurendran and State Treasurer E. Krishnadas are among the candidates. There was a strong demand for the state president K. Surendran to contest, but he did not agree. However, the possibility of that is under discussion. The final decision on the candidate is with the party central committee.

The BJP camp reckons that the new developments in the Congress and the CPM are in favor of the NDA. The NDA will have the support of a section of the Congress, including minorities, who are dissatisfied with the issues raised by P. Sarin, who joined the CPM. They estimate that those who are not ready for that are likely to help the CPM. RSS has decided to go into action after improving the chances of the candidate.



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