“Katokichi Sanuki Udon” popular arrangement recipe ranking 1st place is super easy with only “1 ingredient and 2 seasonings”…

Well, well, well! Let’s dive into this delectable delight of a story about “Katokichi Sanuki Udon” — a name so charming, it sounds like something you’d hear while getting a pat on the back from your grandmother for good behavior. October 18 is apparently "Frozen Food Day" – because nothing says love quite like frozen noodles!

Now, wouldn’t you know it, the Japan Frozen Food Association has quite the date marked on their calendars. I mean, who needs Valentine’s Day when you have frozen food, right? And we’re blessed with a ranking of popular recipes for our beloved udon. Let’s take a look at the top three, shall we?

Third place: "Sudachi Udon." This is the Japanese equivalent of a minimalist painting: just a splash of thinly sliced sudachi and a sprinkle of bonito flakes. It’s so easy to make that it might as well come with a warning—“Cooking this may cause sudden urges to serenade your dinner!”

Second place: “Kimchi and Pork Belly Stew Udon.” Now we’re talking! This dish is like the party at the end of a long week — pork belly, kimchi, and an array of other ingredients that might just remind you of your last relationship—complex and packed with flavor yet somehow still a bit chaotic. But for the love of noodles, it only takes 7-8 minutes! I mean, the hardest part is probably deciding whether to go for the pork belly or just order a pizza!

And now, drumroll please, for the pièce de résistance—first place: “Mentsuyu Sesame Oil Udon.” And how many ingredients do we need? Just one ingredient and two seasonings! A one-egg wonder! It’s like the udon equivalent of a gluten-free pizza menu; sounds trendy, but we’re really just here for the flavor! A dash of sesame oil and a splash of mentsuyu make this dish sing. It’s all very zen — just you, your udon, and a lovely aroma of sesame oil that fills the air, while you wonder if sushi will ever get its own holiday!

One employee cheekily notes that this is their go-to dish “when I’m not feeling well.” Apparently, when life serves you challenges, you don’t need a therapist; you need some udon with a kick of sesame oil and a dash of I’m-okay-yet-trying-to-be-healthy. What could be better than slurping down some noodles while contemplating your existence?

And let’s be honest, the cooking time is enough to convince anyone that their microwave is a gourmet restaurant. Five minutes? You’ll be spritzing on that chili oil like you’re Gordon Ramsay flipping his famous chef hat off to scream at a piece of chicken!

So, whether you’re a culinary wizard or simply someone who thinks "microwave" is a cooking method, the Katokichi Sanuki Udon recipes are there for you—agreeable, accessible, and totally capable of transforming your dinner from "blah" to "ahh" in no time at all.

Just remember, on this splendid "Frozen Food Day," let’s celebrate good ol’ Katsuki and the magic of quick cooking. Now, if only they could figure out how to turn frozen peas into a Michelin-star meal. Until next time, keep those noodles twirling!

“Katokichi Sanuki Udon” popular arrangement recipe ranking No. 1 is a super easy recipe with only “1 ingredient and 2 seasonings” | Otonancer

Otonancer | Adult entertainment variety

October 18th is “Frozen Food Day”. Introducing the top 3 popular recipes using Table Mark’s standard product “Katokichi Sanuki Udon”.

“Katokichi Sanuki Udon”

October 18th is “Frozen Food Day” established by the Japan Frozen Food Association. The word “10” comes from the word “freeze”, which refers to the storage and distribution temperature for frozen foods of -18℃ or lower. Table Mark (Chuo-ku, Tokyo), which sells frozen noodles, is introducing a ranking of popular recipes for its standard product “Katokichi Sanuki Udon” on its official website. The ranking is based on the number of accesses from users.

3rd place is “Sudachi Udon”. The ingredients are thinly sliced ​​“sudachi” (2 to 3 pieces) and an appropriate amount of “bonito flakes.” The cooking time is 5 minutes, excluding the time to cool the soup stock.

2nd place goes to “Kimchi and pork belly stew udon.” In addition to thinly sliced ​​pork belly (75-100 grams) and Chinese cabbage kimchi (50 grams), the ingredients include onions, shiitake mushrooms, bean sprouts, chives, eggs, and chili peppers. The cooking time is 7 to 8 minutes.

1st place is “Mentsuyu Sesame Oil Udon”. Complete with “egg yolk (1 egg, whole egg is OK)”, “mentsuyu (double concentrate, 2 tablespoons)”, and “sesame oil (1/2 tablespoon)”. The flavor can be improved by adding an appropriate amount of green onions, roasted white sesame seeds, chopped seaweed, and chili oil. Cooking time is 5 minutes.

A company employee said of the No. 1 Mentsuyu Sesame Oil Udon, “When I’m not feeling well or too tired to cook, I make this.The flavor is the mellow flavor of sesame oil and egg yolk with the tangy flavor of chili oil. It goes well with the flavor and is delicious.I like that you can taste the deliciousness of the udon relatively directly because it is not a strong seasoning.”The aroma of the sesame oil goes really well with the mentsuyu!The key to cooking is “It’s easy!” “It’s a development of Kamatama udon, but the scent of sesame oil and the slight spiciness of chili oil make it delicious.It’s easy to prepare and uses ingredients you already have on hand.”

(Otonancer Editorial Department)