Clinical hypnosis, new treatment approach: a training event at Santa Maria – Umbria 7

Clinical Hypnosis: A New Approach in Medicine

Ah, Terni! A city that’s becoming the hub of a rather intriguing phenomenon: Clinical Hypnosis. It sounds like a magical realm where doctors pull rabbits out of hats instead of running around with their stethoscopes. But fear not, dear readers, this isn’t some dodgy late-night infomercial promising to solve your woes with a flick of the wrist!

On October 19, from the ungodly hour of 8.30 AM (who said hypnotherapy couldn’t be an early morning affair?), the esteemed Santa Maria di Terni Hospital is hosting a groundbreaking training event. The star-studded lineup includes the brilliant Doctor Carlo Conti, the man who could probably lobotomize you with a smile, and Doctor Pierluigi Granaroli, an expert hypnologist who might be able to lead you into a trance with just his soothing voice.

What on Earth is Clinical Hypnosis?

As Doctor Granaroli charmingly explains, clinical hypnosis is like being on the love boat, but instead of wooing someone at sunset, you’re in a special psychophysical state. Imagine a place where not just your mind but your entire being is primed for change! Sounds intriguing, doesn’t it?

You see, in this hypnotherapy soirée, it’s not just about what’s ailing you—it’s all about *you*! By placing the patient above the pathology, the aim is to cultivate a relationship of deep trust and respect. So, if you’ve ever felt like a mere statistic in the medical world, this might just be your remedy. It’s about making the illness a moment where you feel welcomed, not abandoned. And who wouldn’t want that? A cuddle instead of an x-ray, please!

The Many Flavors of Hypnosis

Now, let’s not get it twisted; clinical hypnosis isn’t just about making your headache disappear by waving a wand. Oh no! It’s a multi-faceted approach with applications that scatter across the entire healthcare spectrum like confetti at a wedding. Whether you’re dealing with anxiety, pain management, or a pesky habit you can’t kick, there’s a bit of magic in there for everyone.

The event promises a buffet of insights covering the reasons behind and benefits of hypnotherapy. Expect experiences that will make your hair stand on end—or perhaps leave you in a state of wonder as doctors share results that, let’s be honest, might sound more like witchcraft than science. But when it comes to patient care, who doesn’t want to sprinkle a little magic on their treatment?

Final Thoughts

As Terni dives headfirst into the mystical waters of clinical hypnosis, it opens up a Pandora’s box of possibilities where patients can find healing not just through medication, but through a tender, trusting relationship with their healthcare providers. So next time you curl up with a headache, maybe it’s time to pop by your local hospital instead of that go-to pharmacy. After all, who wouldn’t want a bit of hypnosis sprinkled into their healthcare routine?

In a world where we often feel like just another file in a cabinet, let us embrace this fresh attitude towards healing—a little hypnosis might just be the light at the end of the tunnel. Or perhaps just a very clever way of getting you to relax long enough to forget how much you hate waiting in line at the hospital?

TERNI – “Clinical hypnosis, new treatment approach” is the theme of the training event organized by the Santa Maria di Terni hospital, with the participation of teachers from the Franco Granone Institute, an Italian clinical-experimental hypnosis center (CIICS), for Saturday 19 October starting at 8.30 am. The scientific managers are Doctor Carlo Conti, director of the complex inter-company neurosurgery structure of the hospitals of Terni and Perugia and director of the neuroscience and sensory organs department of Santa Maria, and Doctor Pierluigi Granaroli, medical director of the complex neurosurgery structure, hypnologist clinical.

«Clinical hypnosis – explains Granaroli – is a particular psychophysical condition during which notable behavioral and somato-visceral changes are possible. This practice, at the service of today’s medicine, allows us to put the patient and not the pathology at the center so as to establish a relationship of profound trust and respect for humanity which is sometimes damaged due to the pathology itself. The applications of clinical hypnosis – adds Granaroli – are numerous and embrace the most disparate healthcare fields. All operators in this sector are called to have this particular vocation that can make illness a moment in which one feels welcomed and not abandoned.” During the event, the topic of clinical hypnosis will be addressed from various aspects, the reasons and benefits of its application and there will be no shortage of experiences and results obtained on patients.



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