Stellantis, John Elkann’s jab: “There are those who seem unwilling to recognize merits” – TorinoToday

Stellantis: agreement with Controlled Thermal Resources on a supply of lithium – 2022-06-02 at 14:11″>John Elkann chose a ‘family’ meeting, the one with the Fiat Executives Group, to respond to the many controversies that have been raised against Stellantis in recent days. In front of a packed audience he gave a long speech during which he recalled Fiat’s roots and the spirit that has fueled the company over the years.

The last 10 years

Not only that, however, because before launching a jab at those who fuel what he defined as ‘instrumental controversies’, he also highlighted the path that Fiat has followed in the last decade: “Let’s look at the last decades: at how Fiat Auto was in bottom of the world ranking of car manufacturers”, he said, “Today the Fiat brand is the best-selling brand of a solid company like Stellantis: the fourth manufacturer in the world”.

The jab

Then the jab: “There are those who in recent months, in these days, seem unwilling to recognize the merits of all those who have always contributed to overcoming challenges and achieving extraordinary results in the 125 years of history of our Group” .

And again: “We know, and you more than anyone else, what the reality is: nothing can be resolved with instrumental controversies, grudges and grandstanding. Nothing is built. Today, as has happened in each of the difficult moments in our history, we intend to address the problems by working seriously, together with our people.”

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Elkann’s Response: A Family Affair with a Twist

In an ironic twist of fate, amidst the clinking of coffee cups and the occasional eye-roll, John Elkann summoned the mighty forces of corporate Fiat to give what can only be described as a showstopper of a speech. I can just imagine the scene – Fiat executives shuffled around nervously, praying it wouldn’t turn into an episode of a family therapy session. “Yes, Grandma, I did tell Uncle Giuseppe that the new SUV looks like a toaster on wheels!”

Looking Back: The Last 10 Years

Now, Elkann decided to take a jaunt down memory lane, bringing up the past decade like he was reminiscing about childhood holidays that *maybe* weren’t as idyllic as he remembers. “Let’s reflect,” he mused before hitting us with a bit of history. “Ten years ago, Fiat Auto was essentially the prom date that got stood up. An absolute train wreck at the bottom of the global car manufacturer rankings!”

Fast-forward to today, and our beloved Fiat has transformed into the shiny apple of Stellantis’s eye – “the best-selling brand of a solid company,” alleged Elkann. “I mean, we still need to work on those toaster models…” But you have to admire the guy for painting Fiat’s resurgence as confidently as a cat walks away from a failed jump onto the kitchen counter. “Look at us now!” he’s practically shouting. Well, would you just look at that? Someone give this man a medal for optimism!

The Jab: A Slice of Reality

And for those keeping score at home, Elkann came prepared with his verbal arsenal. He addressed the naysayers head-on—with a jab that was sharper than a well-placed quip from a seasoned comedian. “Some folks seem painfully blind to our achievements. Where’s the appreciation for those who’ve been sweating buckets in this 125-year journey?”

I mean, you’d think he was calling out an understudy who threw a rotten tomato on stage—only to be met with a standing ovation for the lead! “Listen,” he continued, “grudges and grandstanding only create walls. We’re here to tear them down.” This was the corporate version of a mic drop, folks. It’s as if he was ready to challenge anyone who dared question the illustrious legacy of Fiat to a duel outside the boardroom—rearview mirrors and all!

The Wrap-Up

Elkann’s grand conclusion? “Nothing is solved with controversy or salty emails. Today, we’re tackling problems like grown-ups—well, grown-ups with a penchant for manufacturing nifty little cars!”

All in all, this was less a speech and more a call to arms, or perhaps, a call to the nearest espresso machine. No moustaches or clown shoes in sight, but we’ll take our corporate comedy where we can find it. So buckle up, folks; it seems that Fiat isn’t steering away from hurdles. Instead, they’re cruising right through them. Now that’s what I call a business strategy!

To track all things Fiat and maybe get some insider gossip (I mean, who doesn’t love a bit of corporate intrigue?), sign up to the TorinoToday channel on WhatsApp and don’t forget to follow their Facebook page. Because you definitely don’t want to miss the next chapter of this family saga!



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