Argentina: children from Villa Angela took part in the 3rd National Meeting of Children of Adorers

Children from the Redemptorist parish in Villa Angela in Argentina, where missionaries from our religious province work, took part for the second time on October 11-13, 2024, in the 3rd National Meeting of Children of the Adorers (Adorers of the Blessed Sacrament). It is worth noting here that since 2022, the parish has had a chapel of perpetual adoration. This fact motivated us to create a group of Children of Adorers last year.

A group of 14 children along with their parents and animators participated in the meeting. Early on Friday morning, we set off by bus from Villa Angela (Chaco) to Tortugas (Santa Fe province), 740 km away. We were accompanied by two postulants from our parish (Jesica and Agostina), along with Sister Miriam, from the Daughters of Divine Love.

The meeting of the Children of the Adorers was attended by over 300 children from several provinces. Due to distance and costs, groups from the most distant provinces and parishes could not participate. The meeting was filled with various activities. The focal point of each day was the Eucharist and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament.

The aim of the meeting, as well as the aim of the groups of Children of Adorers, is to lead the youngest to a personal encounter with the living Jesus, present in the Eucharist.

The children and parents returned happy and full of enthusiasm to continue the meetings in our parish. Jesus did many wonderful things during this trip in the lives of the children and their families. We are grateful that we could participate in this meeting.

Father Marcin Zubik CSsR, Villa Angela, Argentina


The Children of the Adorers: Joyful Encounters and Heavenly Fun!

So, gather ’round, dear readers, because I’ve got a tale to share that’s so sweet, it might give you a toothache! We’re off to Villa Angela, Argentina, where a bunch of spirited children—14 of them, plus their rather heroic parental units—took a splendid jaunt 740 km to the 3rd National Meeting of the Children of the Adorers. Yes, you heard right, it’s not just any meeting, it’s a spiritual jamboree where kids get a front-row seat to the divine!

The Journey to Tortugas: Get Ready, Get Set, Go!

Now picture this: a bus packed tighter than a packed sardine tin! Off they went on a Friday morning, with two postulants, Jesica and Agostina, lending a helping hand. They were accompanied by Sister Miriam from the Daughters of Divine Love, ensuring that the whole motley crew kept things holy—and orderly. Who wouldn’t want to sing their way down the highway with a choir of kids?

A Divine Gathering: Over 300 Children Unite!

Upon arriving in Tortugas, they found themselves surrounded by over 300 children from various provinces. Half of them probably daydreamed about the celebration, and the other half were trying to sneak in as many snacks as possible—because let’s face it, who doesn’t love a good cheese puff on a spiritual retreat? Alas, a few distant provinces couldn’t make it due to the pesky costs. But the show must go on!

The Main Event: Eucharist and Adoration

The centerpiece of this holy shindig? The Eucharist and the Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament—talk about a heavenly experience! Our little Adorers got to not only learn but also to genuinely encounter the living Jesus. And nothing says ‘I had a good time’ like a personal rendezvous with the Almighty. How’s that for star power?

Spiritual Boost for the Little Ones

When the children—and let’s not forget their enthusiastic parents—returned to Villa Angela, they were practically glowing! Talk about a spiritual high, am I right? They left with hearts fuller than a piñata after a birthday party. Their excitement to continue the gatherings was palpable, and it was enough to make even the shyest of them burst into song— or maybe they just wanted to impress someone. Hard to say.

Thank You, Father Marcin Zubik!

In the wise and holy words of Father Marcin Zubik CSsR, it’s clear they are genuinely grateful for this miraculous journey. Anyone who says that kids today aren’t spiritual hasn’t been to a gathering like this! It seems that amidst the hustle and bustle of everyday life, these children found a little slice of heaven—and isn’t that just the cutest thing ever?

Final Thoughts: A Heavenly High Note

So, dear friends, here’s to the children of the Adorers! May they continue their sacred adventures, fostering a personal connection with the divine and perhaps find a few heavenly snacks along the way. If they’re fortunate, they might even have a few miracles, giggles, and uplifting moments to share in the years to come. Cheers to that!



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