Hatestorm against Asmongold after order on Palestine | E-sports

Asmongold‘s Controversial Comments: A Twitch Tale

So, here we have Zack Hoyt, better known to the online world as Asmongold. This lad has raked in around 3 million followers across YouTube and Twitch. That’s basically like having a stadium full of people watching you play video games while simultaneously judging your life choices—and trust me, they’re judging! But our boy decided to trade his sword for social commentary on the recent Gaza conflict. Spoiler: it didn’t go as smoothly as a well-timed headshot!

What Did He Say?

On Monday, Asmongold dropped the kind of bombshell that typically only happens in a first-round draft pick at a footy match. He nonchalantly declared that he feels “no sympathy for dead Palestinians,” attributing their plight to what he described as an ingrained “genocide written into their laws.” If that doesn’t make you raise an eyebrow, I don’t know what will. It’s like going into a gaming debate armed with nothing but a butter knife!

As if that wasn’t enough, he launched into an even deeper rant, saying, “These people are not your allies, they are not like us, they come from an inferior culture that is horrible and murders people.” Hold the phone! It’s one thing to lose your temper over a loot drop; it’s quite another to toss out sweeping generalizations that would make even the most contentious Reddit thread look like a knitting circle.

Backtracking Like a Pro!

Now, Asmongold, who co-owns the content creator network OTK (that’s ‘One True King’ for you bingo players at home), initially doubled down on his words. But as social media erupted—think fire ants at a picnic—he hit the brakes faster than you can say “unfollow.” In a follow-up post, he admitted that he was “way too much of an ass” regarding his comments on Palestine. And trust me, readers, that’s a classy way of admitting you’ve stepped in it!

His apology reads like his attempts at in-game quests: “Looking back, I was way too much of an ass in this Palestine thing. My mistake. Of course, no one deserves to have their life ruined even if they do things or hold views that I see as regressive. You deserve more than me saying such stupid shit. I will do better.” A heartfelt sentiment, no doubt—but like an overpriced in-game item, it comes with a hefty price tag of sincerity that not everyone is willing to spend.

What Now?

Neither OTK nor Twitch have thrown in their two cents on the matter, probably busy doing damage control—or maybe they’re just baffled that someone would take to a gaming platform to delve into geopolitics. I mean, who needs world leaders when you’ve got streamers, right?

As a viewer, one wonders whether Asmongold inadvertently stepped on a minefield or simply tripped over his own bootlaces. Regardless, it’s a reminder that sharing opinions online is a bit like trying to navigate a lava-filled dungeon. One misstep, and you’re the main character in an angry Twitter saga.

So, whether you support him, disagree with him, or just think he was aiming for a high score in emotional intelligence and missed by a mile, you’ve got to admit this Twitch star has certainly sparked conversations. And who knows? Maybe he’ll level up next time. Until then, keep your comments as deft as your gaming skills, folks!



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