5 Hospitals/Puskesmas in Probolinggo Become Treatment Facilities for PLHIV Patients – detikcom


The Probolinggo District Health Service has begun discussing the preparation of 5 health facilities that will become treatment support services (PDP) for people living with HIV/AIDS (PLHIV).

The five health facilities prepared by the Probolinggo District Health Office for PLHIV patients are Wonolangan RSU, Rizani Hospital and three community health centers, namely Pajarakan, Maron and Sumberasih.

As of September 2024, there will be 277 new registered PLHIV people and 150 people who have just started antiretroviral (ARV) treatment and are being handled by the Probolinggo District Health Office.



HIV Program Manager Adik Budi Waluyo said that in general this activity aims to prevent and control HIV/AIDS.

“Specifically, it aims to provide integrated services for PLHIV, establishing cross-sector and community partnerships and formulating HIV/AIDS prevention strategies in Probolinggo Regency,” said Adik, Thursday (17/10/2024).

Providing access to medical support care, continued Adik, which is closer to the domicile of PLHIV is one of the main focuses. Because, in dealing with this disease there are still several obstacles.

“While the problem in dealing with HIV/AIDS in Probolinggo Regency, inadequate management according to standards, lack of optimal treatment in diagnosis, drug combination, monitoring treatment as well as recording and reporting is one of the reasons why the number of cases has not decreased,” said Adik.

Therefore, according to Adik, to overcome this problem, it is important to meet between service personnel to find the best solution for PLHIV who stop treatment.

“We need to carry out On The Job Training or HIV Management Refreshment for health facilities that have taken part in previous training. With the hope that this service can be further developed and reach PLHIV better,” he concluded.


Probolinggo District Takes Charge: A New Era for HIV/AIDS Treatment Facilities!

Well, well, well! The Probolinggo District Health Service is diving headfirst into a rather serious yet commendable endeavor. They’ve decided to prep not one, not two, but five health facilities that will become the lifeguards for people living with HIV/AIDS (PLHIV). That’s right, folks – it’s like a health facility superhero team ready to battle the mighty, but not-so-mighty HIV!

These facilities include the illustrious Wonolangan RSU and Rizani Hospital, plus a few community health centers that sound like they may have been named after what’s on the local dinner menu: Pajarakan, Maron, and Sumberasih. If you’re in Probolinggo and your health gets a little wobbly, why not visit one of these places? “Ah, yes, I’m off to Maron for a check-up. Delicious!”

New Faces in the System

Now, hold onto your hats, because as of September 2024, we’re expecting about 277 new registered PLHIV folks and another 150 people who are about to jump on the antiretroviral (ARV) treatment experience. It’s like joining a club, except instead of a coffee machine, you get life-saving meds! Seriously, though, the Probolinggo District Health Office is gearing up for quite the busy schedule managing this influx.

Program Manager on a Mission

Enter stage left: HIV Program Manager Adik Budi Waluyo! This guy’s got a plan that aims to prevent HIV/AIDS like a hawk swooping down on an unsuspecting mouse. According to Adik, the mission involves providing integrated services for PLHIV, fostering partnerships because, let’s face it, nobody wants to tackle this beast alone, and formulating some solid strategies for HIV/AIDS prevention in Probolinggo. Teamwork makes the dream work, right?

But it isn’t all sunshine and rainbows in Probolinggo! Adik points out several obstacles in the fight against HIV/AIDS. Things like inadequate management, less than stellar treatments, and reporting practices that make you wonder if they’re writing in crayon instead of a proper pen! If the number of cases isn’t dropping faster than a stand-up comedy routine at a funeral, they’ve got to change tactics.

Solutions in the Works!

So what’s the plan? Adik suggests that we bring everyone to the table—service personnel, health practitioners, and maybe even a magician to pull rabbits out of hats for creative brainstorming (just kidding!). The aim? To ensure that no one falls off the treatment bandwagon. Think “On The Job Training” and “HIV Management Refreshment,” which sounds like a free buffet of ideas, all prepared to serve up the freshest solutions for those PLHIV who’ve stopped treatment.

“We need to carry out training that sparkles and shines!” says Adik, who hopes this can lead to better service delivery and ultimately, healthier lives for those out there grappling with a serious foe. After all, when it comes to health care, it’s all about getting in close and personal… and productive!

In Conclusion

So there you have it, Probolinggo – a district that’s actively aiming to improve the lives of those living with HIV/AIDS while also ensuring that complications don’t rain on their parade. It’s all about community support, integrated services, and keeping the lines of communication open. Here’s hoping they serve up more success stories than a Michelin Star restaurant!




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