Institute for the Protection of Natural Health Natural medicines: the witch hunt continues…

2024-10-11 07:47:00

By Simon Flückiger/October 11, 2024/ 64 Views

Dear friend, dear friend,

This week I received some worrying news. Once again freedom of expression has been savagely limited in France.

Joe Dispenza, a famous American chiropractor, canceled his event in France because of the pressure he received from the local administration. (1)

He had rented the Grand Rex in Paris.

The event was scheduled to take place October 5-7, 2024 and was titled The Progressive workshop; the Progressive Retreat.

It was a meditation seminar and lectures.

Other similar events have already taken place in Europe, notably in Basel in Switzerland, in May 2024. Another event will take place in Basel next February. (2.3)

The Swiss authorities do not seem to be moved by this.

But for Paris, the organizers threw in the towel.

The City of Light prefers to avoid new ideas.

In any case, this is what Andrew Wright, president of an NGO and organizer of the event, assured Joe Dispenza. (1)

What is Joe Dispenza’s message?

In his filmed speech, Andrew Wright explains that they failed to reach an agreement with the local authorities. (1)

He says they had to hire lawyers to defend themselves from the attacks they were facing.

Ultimately, they feared taking too many risks for Joe Dispenza. The game obviously wasn’t worth the effort.

He says Joe Dispenza’s main message is that change is possible for those who want things to change.

This conference highlights the link between body and mind. Joe Dispenza emphasizes the exceptional programming capabilities of the brain.

What he is accused of

At no point does he say that someone should not take medication.

However, this is what he was accused of by the administration, but also by the French press which, as soon as the event was announced in Paris, had already started a smear campaign. (4)

An article in Le Figaro of May 21, 2024 claimed that the chiropractor claimed to treat cancer through meditation and associated his action with a sectarian drift. (4)

But that’s absurd.

It is true that chiropractic is still poorly known in France.

This is a treatment technique intended to soothe pain in the muscles and skeleton.

It is a practice authorized in France but which we are still wary of. (5)

A curious and open mind

Joe Dispenza is a sensation in the United States.

He is well established on the street. He is a renowned chiropractor.

His audience is huge.

It is especially in the field of meditation that he became known.

As shown in a nearly 2-hour interview on the English-speaking YouTube channel the diary of a CEO, Dispenza’s approach is both simple and fascinating. (6)

The starting point of his work is this: various studies have shown that negative thoughts can make people sick.

The question he asked himself was whether the reverse was true.

Voltaire already said it more than two centuries ago: “I decided to be happy because it is good for my health.” (7)

This is a known phenomenon that is also called psychosomatics.

It turns out that today with tools like brain imaging, we are more capable of objectifying the links that exist between certain thoughts, the secretion of hormones in the brain, such as cortisol, and the triggering of certain diseases. (8)

Clearly, even if doctors have long been reluctant to this idea, it is possible to make yourself sick by thinking and the opposite is probably true too.

Many therapists have already said this in the past.

This was the case, for example, of Dr. Michel Moirot, (9) of Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer in Germany (10), or of Dr. Julien Douin in Belgium, to name just a few. (11)

That we can heal or improve our health thanks to emotions no longer surprises many people except the closed and nostalgic minds of “all medicine”.

The real debate today relates more to the fair share that must be given to care of the psyche and body in supporting the illness.

The confusing powers of the brain

Obviously, in what Joe Dispenza says, there are surprising or disturbing things.

Dispenza explains that it all starts with neurology. (6)

When your brain receives information through reading or a podcast, your neurons activate. (6)

If this information is repeated, new neural circuits are set up.

And these new connections eventually produce chemical messages that impact your willpower.

And this, according to Dispenza, is how you can take control of your life.

However, his speech remains quite cautious.

And when he was confronted with exceptional situations such as unexpected cures, he simply said what was described by science without claiming to provide a 100% sure explanation.

So when a journalist asked him what was the most extreme case he was aware of, Dispenza replied that there was a documented case where a patient managed to recreate her own thyroid. (6)

But he adds that he doesn’t know what to think about it.

On the other hand, he remains convinced that most of the things that happen to you are the result of your own decisions. (6)

He believes that free will exists and that everyone has responsibility for their life.

He believes that by changing your habits you can change your biology which leads to new, more positive habits for your body and mind.

This free speech would have done the greatest good to the French public after several years of constraints linked to the health crisis.

In France, the stress level is at its highest.

People are afraid. Young people no longer make babies. The birth rate has fallen in a few years.

We went from 800,000 babies per year in 2015 to 670,000 10 years later. (12.13)

But we continue to silence those who are capable of giving keys to the public, those who through their words full of hope and freedom offer new perspectives.

At the same time, innovative doctors continue to be prosecuted, such as Dr. Vincent Reliquet, who was criticized for his unconventional approach. He spoke in a video that you will find in the sources of this message. (14)

I will tell you about it in a future letter, because the subject deserves to be a little detailed.

Similarly, Professor Raoult, one of the most eminent French scientists, was banned from practicing medicine for two years.

You can support it by signing the petition here (15)

He is criticized for not having campaigned in favor of ineffective and toxic vaccines promoted by the government and the European Union.

He has been retired since 2021. This sanction will not change his life.

But it is intended for other doctors as if to remind them that if they take a step aside the sanction will fall.

And that any doctor who gives his opinion would be immediately sanctioned.

This is not good news.

Freedom of expression is declining everywhere, particularly among therapists and doctors.

More than ever, alternative sources of information are necessary!

That’s why I advise you to watch this video now.

>> I watch the video

Naturally yours,

Augustine of Livois

#Institute #Protection #Natural #Health #Natural #medicines #witch #hunt #continues



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