Does a frog sticker on bananas really mean they contain vaccines?

Bananas don’t rot?

In Lithuania, such information was already published a few weeks ago.

Fruits, vegetables, cookies, chocolate, puddings, drinks, and other food products labeled with a frog sticker have been interpreted as containing vaccines because they are made using the messenger RNA (iRNA) technology used in some of the COVID-19 vaccines.

Users of social networks not only warned to beware of these products, but also explained that “the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is hiding under the green badge”.

Also read: The frog and apple on food products have nothing to do with Bill Gates or vaccinations

Even earlier, similar posts – short videos or just comments – spread in other European countries.

Recently, these posts have not only returned to social networks, but their dissemination has increased significantly.

If some time ago actively shared with one German video questioning the safety of products marked with the frog and the funding of the project, some netizens are now even explaining what the badge is, but are still horrified by what it might mean.

Screenshot from Facebook/Internet explains that products with the frog sticker contain vaccines

Screenshot from Facebook/Internet explains that products with the frog sticker contain vaccines

“I finally saw a toad,” the unnamed man says in Russian reels’e (in a short video on social networks Facebook or Instagram). Him announced a woman from Latvia, and later shared one Lithuanian.

Also read: Fear of edible vaccines: what are they and why you don’t need to panic yet?

The man says that he is in Ireland and “seeing, hearing massively video“, which refer to products marked with the frog. He admits 100 percent. not sure if that’s true, but still adds that “these are poisoned products, Basically for the buyer who won’t pay much”.

The videographer, as can be understood from the accent, is possibly Ukrainian, points out that the sticker is placed on “budget” products – chocolate, cookies, canned goods, bananas.

While talking, the man films bananas, coffee, tea, sweets – most of these products are marked with a badge with a green frog.

This post was made in mid-September by a Russian speaker made public TikTok. The video has already been viewed more than 73 thousand times. times.

Screenshot from Facebook/This drawing is a trademark of the non-governmental organization <a data-mil=Rainforest Alliance” rel=”content-image” src=”” style=”width: auto; height: auto;”/>

Screenshot from Facebook/This drawing is a trademark of the non-governmental organization Rainforest Alliance

The same Facebook user shared another a few days later by videowhich casts doubt on the aforementioned Rainforest Alliance.

In one more reels’ewhich also distributed in Lithuaniayoung man in Russian tells after buying a bunch of bananas with a green frog sticker, the Rainforest Alliance logo. But immediately warns that “you don’t need to buy them, because they are from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.”

Bananas are said to have lain in the refrigerator for two weeks without rotting, although he does not provide any evidence that the banana he kept has spent so much time in the cold and that it is not rotten (although the fruit’s rind is already browned).

Finally, the man also says that a vaccine can be placed in bananas: “Fruits and vegetables are very suitable for vaccines. Soon we will be eating, drinking and vaccinating at the same time.”

Screenshot from Facebook/This banana, labeled with a frog sticker, did not rot in the refrigerator for 2 weeks, so it was concluded that it is dangerous

Screenshot from Facebook/This banana, labeled with a frog sticker, did not rot in the refrigerator for 2 weeks, so it was concluded that it is dangerous

The same idea is expressed in this videoin which a representative of the so-called sovereigns talks in someone else’s voice in English and at the same time in Russian about vaccinations in bananas. This text is also heard in the video about the unrotten banana.

Attempts are also being made to cause hesitation about products marked with a frog sticker this one, this one at this one videos.

The frog represents sustainability

Claims that foods labeled in this way are dangerous or contain vaccines are false – the frog on the stickers has nothing to do with vaccines.

In the videos, the name “Rainforest Alliance” can be seen around the frog. It is also mentioned in some posts or their comments. It is an international non-governmental organizationnow operating in more than 70 countries.

An alliance of farmers, forest communities, companies and consumers was founded in 1986 to conserve rainforests. Over time, it expanded and set new goals – to improve the living standards of farmers and communities located in forests, to fight climate change.

The frog badge is for these organizations. This label means that products are made from the Rainforest Alliance certified farm-grown products that meet international standards and sustainable production criteria. Her recommends organizations such as the environmental foundation WWF.

True, the German newspaper “taz” drew attentionthat the Rainforest Alliance label, while quite green, has nothing to do with the environment.”

German organization BUND according tosurveys in Ecuador and Costa Rica revealed that working conditions on plantations certified by the alliance were catastrophic.

Oxfam has also criticized the frog label because certified tea plantations have many rights violations. But these violations are related to working conditions, not the quality of production or additional substances in the products.

Not owned by Bill Gates

Rainforest Alliance, contrary to what the video is trying to give the impression, is not owned by Gates.

The organization was founded by an American environmental activist Daniel Katz. Its executive director has been there for more than two years Santiago Gowlandas.

The foundation founded by B. Gates with his now ex-wife Melinda was the only supporter of this alliance. in 2007 Rainforest Alliance from the foundation in November received 5,343,025 US dollars in support for the implementation of a five-and-a-half-year agricultural development project in Africa. This amount was relatively small: the total fund at that time distributed more than 2 billion dollar support.

Also read: Bill Gates is accused of poisoning fetuses, but the technology is harmless and he did not create it

Rainforest Alliance’s funding is diversified. Last year at most – 63 percent. – income obtained from companies selling Alliance certified products. 23 percent income was guaranteed by grants and contracts signed with governments. Corporate grants accounted for 8 percent. and barely half of the latter amount – funds received from sponsors.

Scanpix photo/Bill Gates

Scanpix photo/Bill Gates

In the latest in the annual report all donors who have allocated more than 1 thousand each are listed. US dollars. Last year, the organization received more than 8 thousand individual victims. So the billionaire, whose foundation donated a considerable amount a dozen years ago, did not become its owner and does not stand behind all its activities. It’s a shame that the alliance has other big donors.

15min verdict: lie. It is not true that foods labeled with frog stickers contain vaccines or that they are made using RNA technology. It shows that the product meets international standards and sustainable production criteria. The Rainforest Alliance that uses it is an international non-governmental organization and is not affiliated with the Gates Foundation.

The publication was prepared in 15 minutes in partnership with Metawhich aims to stop the spread of misleading news on the social network. More about the program and its rules – here.

#frog #sticker #bananas #vaccines



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