Disclosure “ET”: The distribution of 19,181 recruits

The plan has as its first pillar the securing of the required resources secured by the draft state budget for 2025.

Specifically, from the budget data, it appears that the fund for recruitment in the State in 2025 will reach 654 million euros, an amount 3.6 times greater than the corresponding fund in 2024, which did not exceed 176 million euros. In particular, the expenses under allocation include a fund of 792 million euros for recruitment and salary increases in the State. The remaining 149 million euros from the fund of unallocated appropriations will be allocated for State wage increases that will be made in order not to cover the difference that will result from the new increase in the minimum wage from April 1, 2025 and from the fund for performance bonus (40 million euros) as well as from the other individual increases given to the State, such as e.g. the maturations.


The second part is that the recruitments are not just announced, but done. The draft law, which was submitted during the week to the Parliament, provides for the acceleration of recruitment for the successful candidates of the ASEP.

The bill brings changes to five points that delayed the recruitment of successful candidates by up to five years, since the goals of the bill include the filling of positions for the years 2022 to 2025 through the pan-Hellenic written competition of the 2C/2022 announcement and other future competitions. The changes that will be voted on in the coming weeks concern:

1 The introduction of the so-called open lottery through software that will determine the order of ranking of the candidates per announcement: This tool ensures transparency and fairness in the recruitment process, while helping to speed up the evaluation of applications.

2 The creation of a central electronic platform for submitting applications and supporting documents: The platform, which will be managed by the Ministry of Interior, will ensure that recruitment is done through a uniform and easy-to-use process. This will eliminate delays and provide transparency and flexibility in the recruitment process.

3 Amendments to the Staff Status Code: Among the amendments introduced by the bill, the revision of the Status Code of Public Political Administrative Servants (n. 3528/2007) and the Status Code of Municipal and Community Servants (n. 3584/2007) stands out. These amendments are intended to reduce deadlines and speed up appointment procedures. These changes will lead to the shortening of the time required to complete the recruitment, making the system more flexible and immediate.

4 Locality scoring: One of the most critical changes concerns the addition of scoring due to locality. In particular, candidates for positions in island, mountainous and mainland municipalities will receive increased points. This measure aims to motivate local populations to participate in recruitment and contribute to the development of their areas. At the same time, the measure aims to solve the problems of understaffing in remote and inaccessible areas.

5 Import incentive and reward system which will be linked to targeting and evaluation: This system provides that employees who achieve the goals of the Unified Government Policy Plan (GPP) will be rewarded accordingly. This measure aims to increase the productivity and efficiency of services. The incentive system will be in effect from 2025 onwards and will offer specific benefits to employees who achieve predetermined targets. At the same time, the creation is foreseen Incentive and Reward Information Systemwhich will interoperate with the other systems related to the evaluation and management of human resources in the public administration.

How will the distribution be done by ministry?

The recruitment map is compatible with the rule of one recruitment for each departure, takes into account the large number of departures and also covers the pending recruitments from 2021. The allocation of posts attempts to bring together the requests of the ministries, the government priorities, the adherence to budgetary constraints.

It is noted that the recruitment planning for the following year is continuation of the 91,819 recruitments approved for the years 2020 to 2024, with the result that the approved recruitments for the five-year period 2000-2025 have risen to 111,000.

The distribution of regular staff positions by ministry and organization is as follows:

of National Economy and Finance:116 positions in the central service and in supervised bodies.

Foreign:121 positions were approved, of which 101 in consular authorities and 20 in the Diplomatic Academy.

National Defense:All requests from military schools to admit 1,684 students (with a transfer of 450 due to a minimum admission base) and an additional 2,000 professional soldiers were approved. Also, 50 places in the NIMTS military hospital (Nursing Institution of the Army Equity Fund).

Interior: Total 107 Central Service Recruitments.

Education, Religion and Sports:883 recruitment of faculty members, of which 753 in HEIs, 47 in the university hospitals of Aeginiteio (24) and Aretaiio (23) and 78 in other services. Also 326 recruitments of clerics and church employees. Teachers for the 2025-2026 school year will be approved in May 2025.

Health:A total of 4,016 positions, to support the National Health System, of which over 2,000 are for nursing staff.

Infrastructure and Transport:A total of 494 positions, of which 370 in the transport agencies OSY (Road Transport) and STASY (Fixed Transport), 34 in the CAA (Political Services), 41 in the central service of the ministry, etc.

Environment and Energy:114 positions in the central service.

Development:139 positions were approved, of which 73 were in the central service.

Labor and Social Security: A total of 361 positions, of which 220 in e-EFKA and the rest in the central service and other supervised bodies.

Citizen Protection:1,750 positions were approved, namely 1,050 in the production schools (probationary constables and sub-constables) and 600 as special guards. In addition to these, 100 security and external security positions for the local detention centers and the Eleonas Rehab Center.

Justice:A total of 372, of which 100 in the National School of Judicial Officers and the remaining 272 for secretaries and other staff positions.

Culture:126 positions were approved in the central service and in Ephorates of Culture.

Immigration and Asylum:80 positions in the central service.

Social Cohesion and Family:A total of 372 positions to strengthen the structures of the newly established ministry, of which 330 positions in social welfare centers.

of Rural Development and Food:A total of 186 positions in the central service (105), ELGA (45), OPEKEPE (24) and other supervised bodies.

Maritime and Island Policy:240 positions were approved, of which 124 in Cadet Schools, 58 in the central service and the rest in supervised bodies.

Tourism:34 positions in the central service and 3 in the EOT.

Digital Governance:A total of 200 positions, with most of them (129) in the National Land Registry and the rest in the central agency (50) and other supervised bodies.

Climate Crisis and Civil Protection: He gave the green light for a total of 831 positions, of which the lion’s share is given to the Fire Service: 330 in production schools, 450 as firefighters of forest operations-special duties and 51 as other specialized personnel in the Service and the Ministry (helicopter operators, engineers, navigators).

The puzzle of regular staff recruitment for 2025 is completed with 60 positions in the Presidency of the Government, 2,717 positions in the municipalities, 805 in the regions, 92 positions in the Decentralized Administrations, 782 in the Independent Authorities (550 in the AADE, 60 in the Independent Labor Inspection Authority, 61 to RAAEF etc.) and 50 to ERT.

#Disclosure #distribution #recruits



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