Covid rules: masks are mandatory again in some places. Here are the ones – La Gazzetta dello Sport

The latest Covid circular from the Ministry of Health has established the possibility of reintroducing masks in particularly sensitive places, and in Brescia they have already moved forward

Francesco Palma

October 17th – 1.15pm – MILAN

The last one Covid circular from the Ministry of Health established the possibility of reintroducing masks in some places. The directors of the health facilities will decide whether make masks mandatory again. This is actually due not only to the new variants of the coronavirus, but also to the increase in the many respiratory viruses that are spreading in this period, from influenza to the respiratory syncytial virus.

Where masks are mandatory again

The mask, therefore, could become mandatory again decision of the directors of health facilities at hospital entrances and in some particularly sensitive departments. THE’Brescia hospital was among the first to react to the ministry’s circular, reintroducing the obligation to wear the FFP2 mask for visitors, companions and caregivers in all departments. Many hospitals are continuing along the same path: for example in Campania Specific indications have been issued for hospitals on the use of masks, especially in risk departments. This circular follows the expiry, on 1 July, of the last obligation of the old anti-Covid measures, which provided for the use of masks in departments with fragile patients. Precisely on that occasion the Ministry of Health had opened up the possibility of evaluating on a case-by-case basis “the use of respiratory protection devices in the different contexts of its structure, taking into account the spread of airborne viruses, the characteristics of the environments as well as the type of patients, workers or visitors who frequent themdepending on the level of risk of infection and/or transmission”.

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The importance of vaccination against Covid

With the increasingly widespread spread of all respiratory viruses, not just Covid, the president of Federsanità Anci, Fabrizio D’Albalaunched an appeal for vaccination, the only shield against these pathologies: “We need to get vaccinated and join the campaigns that all regions are implementing to stay safe. This is especially true for the elderly, vulnerable categories and people with compromised immune systems. The choice of vaccine is an act of unique awareness“. Furthermore, the circular from the Ministry of Health recommended that staff, patients and all those present in hospital facilities respect the important hygiene and prevention measures: wash your hands frequently, constantly clean and disinfect rooms and surfaces, adequately ventilate rooms and manage waste correctly.

Reintroducing Masks: Back to the Future with Covid

Ah, masks! The accessory that went from ‘What the heck is that?’ to ‘Oh great, another day of face-sweating misery!’ It seems the periodic table of pandemics has struck again, as the Ministry of Health decides to open the Pandora’s box of mandatory mask-wearing, especially in sensitive places. I don’t know about you, but I feel like I’ve just walked into a sci-fi movie where everyone is wearing their best attempt at a ninja disguise.

Now, the latest circular has granted powers to health facility directors to don their superhero capes and make masks mandatory once more. Here’s the twist: it’s not just about keeping Covid at bay; we’ve got a whole buffet of respiratory viruses lining up to take the stage! Influenza? Check. Respiratory syncytial virus? You betcha! Who knew that viral infections could be more popular than a TikTok dance challenge?

Masks Mandatory: Not Just for Halloween

So where should you expect to mask up like the world’s most underwhelming superhero? You guessed it! Hospital entrances and select departments have become mask-required zones. Brescia Hospital has taken the lead, clearly having a ‘better safe than sorry’ approach. FFP2 masks are back in style—because nothing says “I care about your health” quite like a snug piece of fabric over your face.

Meanwhile, other regions are following suit. Campania, for example, has issued specific mask directives in risk departments, so pack your FFP2 masks, folks! It’s shaping up to be a healthcare-themed fashion week in Italy. Honestly, if this keeps up, we might just need a new runway dedicated to the best in medical chic. Maybe a reality show: “Vogue meets Virus”!

Vaccination: Lasting Protection or Just Good PR?

Vaccination against Covid is back in the limelight, too, as Fabrizio D’Alba from Federsanità Anci champions the vaccine like it’s the latest pop sensation. “Get vaccinated!” he cries. And who can blame him? It feels like a call to arms—or at least a call to your local pharmacy. He emphasizes that vaccination is particularly vital for the elderly and those with compromised immune systems. So, if you have a grandma with weakened immunity, now’s the time to remind her that just like in the 80s, sometimes you have to just say “no” to viruses.

Of course, the call for vaccination isn’t just about keeping our grandparents safe; it’s about ensuring we can still enjoy a night out without the impending doom of potential illness hanging over us. But let’s not forget the good hygiene practices! Wash your hands, disinfect surfaces, and ventilate like a madman—because let’s be honest, warm, dingy rooms are where viruses go to thrive like they’re at an all-you-can-eat buffet.

In summary, the Ministry of Health is trying to prevent a second wave of chaos that would make last winter look like a picnic. So mask up, wash your hands, and remember: Covid might not be the only thing to worry about, but at least it gives us a good excuse for wearing pajamas and sweatpants that look like they’ve been through a war zone.



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