The most prominent headlines in Moroccan newspapers published on Saturday, October 12, 2024

Agadir 24 | Agadir24

The following is a display of the most prominent national newspaper headlines issued today, Saturday, October 12, 2024:

His Majesty the King delivers a lofty speech on the occasion of the opening of the first session of the fourth legislative year of the eleventh legislative term (Le Matin)

His Majesty King Mohammed VI, accompanied by His Royal Highness Crown Prince Moulay El Hassan and His Royal Highness Prince Moulay Rachid, addressed a lofty speech to members of Parliament, on the occasion of the opening of the first session of the fourth legislative year of the eleventh legislative term. His Majesty the King said, “Despite everything that has been achieved, the next stage requires everyone to have more mobilization and vigilance, to continue strengthening our country’s position, publicizing the justice of our cause, and confronting the maneuvers of opponents.” In this context, His Majesty the King adds, “The foundations of the Moroccan position must be explained to the few countries that are still going against the logic of truth and history, and we must work to convince them with legal, political, historical and spiritual arguments and evidence that confirm the legitimacy of the Moroccan Sahara.”

The Istiqlal Party maintains its position in the second chamber of Parliament (Morocco Sahara)

The Presidium of the Government Majority approved the nomination of Sidi Mohamed Ould Errachid, a member of the Independence Team for Unity and Equality in the House of Advisors, to head the second chamber of Parliament, succeeding his colleague in the same party, Ennaam Mayara. With this nomination, the Istiqlal Party maintains the chair of the Presidency of the Council of Councilors, during the second half of the Council’s legislative term, based on Chapter 63 of the Constitution, which stipulates “the election of the President of the Council of Councilors, the members of the office, and the heads of the standing committees and their offices, at the beginning of the parliamentary period, and then at the end of the parliamentary period.” The middle of the Council’s legislative term.

Reducing the prices of 169 medications for serious chronic diseases (Moroccan Sahara)

An authorized source reported that the General Secretariat of the Government is preparing to publish an official decision of the Minister of Health and Social Protection in the Official Gazette, related to reducing the prices of about 169 medicines marketed in Morocco. The same source revealed that these medications mainly include treatments for serious chronic diseases such as cancer, high blood pressure, heart and arterial diseases, hepatitis B, psoriasis, Crohn’s disease, multiple sclerosis, epilepsy, schizophrenia, and other diseases that require long treatments. Long term.

Medical students boycott university admission and reject the government offer (News)

The file of students in the faculties of medicine and pharmacy is moving towards greater complexity and escalation, after students from the Department of Medicine announced their rejection of the government offer that was presented to their representatives. As many as 81.4 percent of students rejected it. The students considered that the offer “is insufficient and does not answer their aspirations regarding the outstanding points, in addition to the fact that it witnessed many declines regarding points that were previously agreed upon,” according to what sources from the National Committee for Medical Students confirmed.

Morocco was crowned the best Arab country in the Postal Development Index (News)

The Kingdom of Morocco, in Bern, Switzerland, won the award for the best progress in the Postal Development Index at the Arab level, for the second year in a row. A statement from the Moroccan Post Group explained that the Kingdom shines for the second year in a row as a “pioneer in postal development” in the Arab region, according to the Postal Development Index, issued by the Universal Postal Union for the year 2024. The same source indicated that this award was officially presented in Bern, Switzerland, To Lahcen Azoulay, His Majesty’s Ambassador to the Swiss Confederation and the Principality of Liechtenstein.

“Information” platform received 7,083 complaints (evening)

The General Directorate of National Security announced that the interactive digital platform “Inform,” designated for immediate reporting of illegal digital content on the Internet, has processed, during the first three months since its launch at the beginning of June of this year, a total of 7,083 notifications regarding various criminal cases. A report to the Directorate explained that the cases dealt with concern various crimes related to modern technologies, incitement and praise for terrorist acts, violation of the rights and freedoms of minor children, threatening to harm the physical safety of people, fraud, and extortion.

Essaouira: The National Office of Electricity and Potable Water begins operating the “Jebel Lahadid” wind station (Liberation)

The National Office of Electricity and Drinking Water has begun operating the Jabal Hadid wind station (270 MW) in the Essaouira province. A report from the office stated that with the start of operation of this station, the total installed capacity of renewable energies in the Kingdom amounts to 5,440 megawatts, of which 2,400 megawatts are from wind energy, which represents 45 percent of the national electricity production capacity. The same source added that, in implementation of the royal directives aimed at accelerating the development of renewable energies and enhancing the energy sovereignty of the Kingdom, the National Office of Electricity and Drinking Water continues to strengthen the national fleet to produce electrical energy based on renewable sources.

Akhannouch chairs a meeting with those involved in agricultural production chains to revive the agricultural sector and ensure the supply of markets (Moroccan Sahara)

Aziz Akhannouch, Prime Minister, chaired a meeting with those involved in agricultural production chains, during which sector professionals presented priority measures to revive the agricultural sector and ensure the supply of markets, in preparation for the start of the 2024-2025 agricultural season, which comes after five consecutive years of severe drought, affecting all… Components of the agricultural sector. A statement from the Presidency of the Government stated that these measures aim to contribute to reducing the prices of agricultural products, as well as protecting and restructuring the livestock stock, in addition to strengthening the resilience of the agricultural sector in the face of an unfavorable global context characterized by climate change and water scarcity.

University attractiveness on the rise (Sabah)

Abdellatif Meraoui, Minister of Higher Education, Scientific Research and Innovation, revealed during a presentation on university admission developments (2024-2025), which he presented before the Government Council, that the demand for university training is still increasing. The Minister explained that the total number of students in higher education has witnessed a stable rate of increase between 5 and 6 percent in recent years, and that higher education institutions have received 344,679 new students for the new university entrance fee, highlighting that the total number will reach 1.3 million students.

11 psychiatric hospitals provided treatment for more than 250,000 patients in one year (Sabah)

The Ministry of Health and Social Protection revealed that the mental health offer in Morocco mainly includes 11 psychiatric hospitals and 34 psychiatric departments integrated at the level of public hospitals, thus providing 2,260 beds. According to a statement from the Ministry, the health offer includes four institutions for psychological and social rehabilitation, and specialized teams that include 362 psychiatrists and 1,301 mental health nurses, noting that this offer has enabled, during the year 2023, to care for 250,624 patients and provide mental health services through a psychiatric medical approach. And social.

Morocco/European Investment Bank: 500 million euros for post-earthquake reconstruction and rehabilitation (Socialist Union)

The Ministry of Economy and Finance and the European Investment Bank, in Rabat, signed an agreement to finance the post-earthquake reconstruction and rehabilitation program in Al Haouz, with a total amount of 500 million euros. This agreement, which was initialed by the Minister Delegate to the Minister of Economy and Finance in charge of the budget, Faouzi Lakjaa, and the Vice-President of the European Investment Bank, Ioannis Tsakiris, in the presence of the Minister of Health and Social Protection, Khaled Ait Taleb, and the Minister of National Education, Primary Education and Sports, Chakib Benmoussa, constitutes the batch. The first of a total funding of one billion euros allocated to support efforts to rebuild and rehabilitate areas affected by the Al Haouz earthquake.

Bourita and his Burundian counterpart commit to developing, intensifying and diversifying cooperation between Morocco and Burundi (Socialist Union)

The Minister of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccans Abroad, Nasser Bourita, received in Rabat, Ambassador Albert Shinjiro, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Development Cooperation of the Republic of Burundi. During their discussions, the two ministers praised the exemplary nature of relations between Morocco and Burundi, and affirmed their commitment to exerting their utmost efforts to develop, intensify and diversify cooperation between the two countries in many fields, in accordance with the political will expressed by His Majesty King Mohammed VI, may God assist him, and His Excellency President Evariste Ndayishimiye.

A British company announces the discovery of a new copper reserve in Morocco (Message of the Nation)

The British company “Atrian PLC” announced that it had achieved results that it described as “encouraging” within the framework of its “Jebelet East” copper project, which is located about 35 kilometers northeast of the city of Marrakesh, and 15 kilometers from the railway line. Leading to the coastal city of Casablanca. In a statement, the company explained that as a result of the discovery of a number of new areas rich in minerals, including a sample containing 9.25 percent copper, metals were obtained from a previously unexplored area, which confirms the high quality of the samples.

#prominent #headlines #Moroccan #newspapers #published #Saturday #October



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