Government moving at snail’s pace in forming data protection body – Politics

Is Our Government Ignoring Cybersecurity? A Snail’s Pace to Privacy Protection!

Well, folks, gather around because we’ve got ourselves a real blockbuster of a tale—one where the villain is none other than government bureaucracy taking their sweet time while data breaches happen left, right, and center! That’s right! Cybersecurity watchdogs are flapping their wings like a bunch of flamingos in a power outage, and they are NOT happy about the government’s snail-paced response to the Personal Data Protection (PDP) Law. Spoiler alert: the deadline has long since passed, and we’re still waiting for something—anything—to happen!

Two Years of Procrastination

So, here’s the lowdown: this fancy law was ratified back on October 17, 2022, aimed at boosting cybersecurity faster than a teenager with a new gaming console. It gave the government a two-year grace period to set up a data protection agency that would answer to the president. I can almost hear the sound of crickets—because as of today? Not one presidential regulation has left the desk! Talk about procrastination on a national level!

Feeling Half-Hearted?

Pratama Persadha of the Communication and Information System Security Research Center (or CISSReC—sounds like a new line of energy drinks, doesn’t it?) weighed in with a scathing assessment of the government’s nonchalance, saying, “The government could be considered half-hearted…” Well, Pratama, at this point, they’re practically in a coma! While we’re busy painting the town red and selling our personal data on the dark web, the big cheeses in the government seem to have wandered off to the buffet instead of protecting our rights.

Open Source Country, or Open Season?

It’s hearsay, but many regard Indonesia as an open-source country—probably not in the way programmers intend but more like a casual invitation for hackers to come and help themselves to all the juicy personal information. Unggul Sagena from SAFEnet pitched in, questioning the government’s seriousness about protecting citizens’ privacy, but honestly, we could also ask if they’re serious about anything other than their coffee breaks. And let’s be real, isn’t user data supposed to be more secure than grandma’s secret cookie recipe?

The Real Cost of Inaction

As we’ve seen, countless cyberattacks have plunged the nation into chaos, and the government’s silence is deafening—like a bad stand-up routine that gets no laughs, stuck in a loop. You’d think they’d be jumping through hoops to assure us that our data is safe, but instead, they’re likely relaxing on the couch, watching ‘The Office’ reruns while we panic about which of our passwords has been leaked next.

The Punchline?

So, what’s it going to be, folks? Are we going to stand idly by as our data gets auctioned off faster than Black Friday deals? Or will we finally see some action from the government? Because at this rate, my thermostat has a better chance of becoming sentient and protecting my data than any government agency we’ve heard of.

In conclusion, the government’s lethargy is a punchline no one asked for, but here we are, living it! Let’s hope they wise up before we’re all on a first-name basis with yet another hacker on the dark web.

Stay tuned for more updates—or just keep checking your email. Who knows, maybe the government will surprise us with a regulation that has a faster rollout than a bad sequel in Hollywood!



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