Schedule of flights of commercial manned ships to the ISS next year – Kosmonautix

After negotiations with Boeing and SpaceX, NASA announced its plans for missions to the International Space Station next year as part of the CCP (Commercial Crew Program). Although these missions will still need a lot of time to prepare, the agency expects to see a lot of activity in orbit next year. It is therefore necessary to plan time windows for the individual teams for the given missions, which they will be able to focus on depending on the technical readiness and operation on the station.

The crew of the Crew-10 mission. From left, Nichole Ayers, Kirill Peskov, Anne McClain, Takuya Onishi.

The start of the Crew-10 mission from SpaceX is planned for February 2025 at the earliest. As part of this mission, the American Anne McClain will fly to the ISS, who will be the mission commander, and her compatriot, Nichole Ayers, will fulfill the role of the pilot. The crew will also include the representative of the Japanese space agency JAXA, Takuya Onishi, and the representative of the Russian Roscosmos, Kirill Peskov. Scientific research and technological demonstrations await this foursome. McClain and Óniši will fly into space for the second time, Ayers and Peskov will experience the premiere. The crew of Crew-10 will meet briefly at the ISS with the crew of the Crew-9 mission, which launched on September 29 as a two-man crew (Nick Hague, Alexandr Gorbunov) and will also return with Sunita Williams and Barry Wilmore.

This mission will be the second rotation of commercial crewed ships to the ISS in 2025 and is expected to launch in July at the earliest. Scientific research and maintenance of the orbital complex also awaits the crew of this mission. However, we do not yet know the composition of the crew. NASA should announce all four names at a later date.

Another Starliner flight
The timing and configuration of the next Starliner spacecraft flight will be determined once Boeing’s path to system certification is better known. This determination will include consideration of the incorporation of Crew Flight Test (CFT) mission experience, approval of final certification products, and operational readiness.

NASA is retaining options on how best to achieve system certification, including opportunities for a potential Starliner flight in 2025. The agency has promised to release new information as it becomes available.

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Nasa’s 2025 Commercial Crew Program: Off to Space We Go!

Well, well, well, what have we here? After a taut negotiation that probably included the words “no, you hang up first,” NASA has officially announced its plans to send people into orbit next year as part of the Commercial Crew Program (CCP). You know, that thing where Earthlings pay a pretty penny to float around in a tin can high above the ground. Hang on tight; it’s going to get exciting!

Crew-10: The Cosmic Quartet

So, what’s cooking in the spacecraft kitchen? Buckle up for Crew-10! A launch penciled in for February 2025, featuring the distinguished Anne McClain at the helm as mission commander, alongside her co-pilot, Nichole Ayers. And just to keep things spicy, they’re joined by Takuya Onishi from Japan (the sushi guy) and Kirill Peskov from Russia (the vodka guy). It’s like a cosmic United Nations meeting—but with way better snacks. These four brave souls will be indulging in scientific research and technologic demonstrations. And just for the record, McClain and Onishi are no rookies; they’ll be doing their second dance in the zero-gravity ballroom.

The Crew-10 posse will have a brief catch-up with the Crew-9 mission members, who, spoiler alert, launched on September 29—probably while we were all figuring out what our next Netflix binge would be. What’s next? Research, maintenance, and perhaps some intergalactic gossip. After all, isn’t that what space travel is all about?

Crew-11: The Mystery Mission

The suspense continues with Crew-11, slated for launch in July 2025. But hold your horses! We have no idea who’s going yet. NASA has kept the crew names tightly under wraps like a magician with a disappearing rabbit. Until then, what can we expect? More scientific experiments and maintenance of our beloved orbital complex. Because if you thought space was all fun and games, just remember: even cosmic vacations come with maintenance checks!

Boeing Starliner: The Waiting Game

And if you thought Boeing was just sitting pretty while SpaceX zips off into the stratosphere, think again! The next Starliner flight is, well, still floating in the space of “we’ll figure it out later.” NASA is keeping its options open, no doubt contemplating what step to take next—like someone sneaking a peek at a game of chess—waiting for the right moment when all the pieces align. 2025 might just be the year of startling revelations in Boeing land. And, let’s not forget the integration of experience from the Crew Flight Test, which sounds more like a trendy workshop than a serious space mission!

So, there you have it! With Crew-10 and Crew-11 hovering on the horizon, things are set to become busier than a pub on a Friday night. The cosmos awaits! Stay tuned, because let’s face it—nothing beats a good space saga filled with human drama, scientific pursuits, and a splash of international turbulence. Cheers to space, the final—but not so final—frontier!

Image Sources:
Space Station Image
Crew-10 Crew Image



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