What holiday is today – what is celebrated in Russia on October 17 – Dobro.Media

Well, well, well! Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to October 17—a date that’s jam-packed with a variety of celebrations, notable events, and a sprinkle of divine intervention! Let’s break down why today is as important as remembering to charge your phone before a long-haul flight.

First off, we applaud our general practitioners, making house calls while maintaining their sanity. Ah, the life of a district therapist! There’s nothing like having a doctor knock on your door and say, “How do you feel?” while you’re in your PJs… That slight panic when you realize your health has become a pajama party!

But remember, it’s also the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty. This year, the UN has declared it a day to tackle social and institutional abuse. Now, if only we could eradicate all those institutional emails overflowing with “I hope this finds you well…” – you know what I mean!

And let’s not forget about International Credit Union Day! It’s a day to appreciate the financial institutions that aren’t quite banks but still promise to help you budget your way to a happier life. Just remember, if your credit union starts discussing interest rates during happy hour, it’s time to switch to soda!

Now, moving onto the spiritual side, we have the Orthodox Church paying homage to the Hieromartyr Hierotheos of Athens. He allegedly attended the burial of the Most Holy Theotokos. I mean, who could resist a good burial? Talk about being “there” for a significant life event… or rather, afterlife event!

Now to history. Would you believe on this day in 1740, they founded Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky? If only founding cities came with a lovely little brochure that explained: “Great for a weekend trip, but don’t forget your antlers and balaclava!” Today in 1831, Michael Faraday discovered electromagnetic induction. Great, now I can finally blame my clumsiness on magnetism!

Fast forward to 1896, and we have Anton Chekhov’s play The Seagull premiering. Spoiler alert: it tanked! If only it were a metaphor for today’s streaming services—anything with a decent plot gets killed faster than your houseplants!

And how about that Mother Teresa receiving the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979? Now there’s a woman who apparently knew how to manage the currency of kindness! Just picture it—"Yes, I’d like to donate but only if I can sell this right back to you."

Now, let’s celebrate the birth of some legends! On this day, we have Soviet gymnast Maria Gorokhovskaya, who managed to win a gold medal while based under pressure—literally, during war! Then, of course, there’s Eminem, who went from rags to riches. I mean, he practically invented "can I get a ride?" But let’s be honest, if anyone is deserving of a struggle-turned-success story, it’s that guy. He had such a rough start; it’s like his life was a dramatic soap opera with a killer soundtrack!

Lastly, let’s acknowledge the name days. Today, fans of the names Vasily, Veronica, and others are getting high fives from the universe! If your name is Tikhon, wear it like a badge! Go start a secret society or something!

So, there you have it, folks. October 17 is a magnificent mix of holidays, history, and the chance to remember that life can be just as chaotic as deciding whether to go for a loaf of bread or a full shopping cart when you’re hungry. Happy celebrations, and may your day be as delightful as a surprise house call from your doctor!

On October 17, we congratulate general practitioners and fight global poverty. Orthodox Christians remember the holy martyr Hierotheos of Athens. What holiday is today – read in the Dobro.Media collection.

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October 17: what holiday is today?

District Therapist Day is celebrated in Russia on October 17, 2024. Congratulations to the doctors who come on house calls and perform a wide range of tasks.

The International Day for the Eradication of Poverty falls on October 17th. Every year the UN announces a new theme for the holiday. In 2024, she’s like, “Stop social and institutional abuse.”

Another holiday is International Credit Union Day. It was installed in 1948.

October 17: what church holiday is today?

The Orthodox Church remembers on October 17 the Hieromartyr Hierotheos, Bishop of Athens. He became a servant of Christ together with Dionysius the Areopagite. According to legend, Hierotheus was present at the burial of the Most Holy Theotokos. The saint suffered martyrdom in the 1st century. On this holiday, believers attend services.

October 17 is the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty. Photo: unsplash

Events of October 17

1740 – Russian navigator Vitus Bering, together with members of the Second Kamchatka Expedition, founded Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky.

1831 – English physicist Michael Faraday discovered electromagnetic induction.

1896 – the premiere of Anton Chekhov’s play “The Seagull” took place at the Alexandrinsky Theater in St. Petersburg. It ended in failure that day.

1979 – Catholic nun Mother Teresa received the Nobel Peace Prize. How she managed the money and who she sold the limousine to, read in our material.

Read also:

Orthodox holidays in October 2024 – church calendar: history and traditions

Who was born on October 17

Maria Gorokhovskaya – born October 17, 1921. Soviet gymnast and the world’s first Olympic champion in the individual championship. The early years of the athlete fell during the Great Patriotic War. The girl spent several years in besieged Leningrad. However, several months before the liberation of the Northern capital, Gorokhovskaya was evacuated to Kazakhstan. In 1952, Maria Kondratievna won the title of absolute champion at the Olympic Games in Helsinki.

Eminem – born October 17, 1972. His real name is Marshall Bruce Mathers. The American magazine Rolling Stone included him in the top 100 greatest artists in the world and recognized him as the King of Hip-Hop. But before achieving recognition, he went through a difficult path from poverty and domestic violence to worldwide recognition and fame. In 1997, the unknown Eminem released the mini-album Slim Shady EP, which blew up the US rap industry. The fate of the white rapper turned out to be so fascinating that director Curtis Hanson made the film 8 Mile based on it in 2002. The film starred the performer himself.

Name day October 17

  • Vasily
  • Veronica
  • Vladimir
  • Goury
  • Dmitry
  • Erofey
  • Jonah
  • Michael
  • Nicholas
  • Paul
  • Peter
  • Stepan
  • Tikhon
  • Yakov.

Previously, we wrote about what holiday is celebrated and what folk signs are observed on October 17, 2024.

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