Attempted robbery in a bar, Eros Di Ronza killed with scissors by the owner –

Murder in Milan: A Cautionary Tale

Ah, Milan! The city that serves up fashion and culture faster than you can say, “I’d like a side of gelato, please!” But it seems the city is also mixing in a rather unpleasant cocktail of crime as of late. Just when you thought you could walk the streets without wondering if you’ll bump into a mobster, we have ourselves the tragic story of a man named Eros Di Ronza, who learned the hard way that crime doesn’t pay – especially when you’re playing with scissors.

Crime Scene Curiosities: The Early Morning Saga

It was a fine Thursday dawn when the world of Eros met its unfortunate end at around 5:30 AM. In the charming area of Vigentino, Eros found himself on the sharper end of a bargain gone horribly wrong. Yes, you heard it right. While attempting a little moonlighting as a thief, he met his fate at the end of a pair of scissors. And to think I only use scissors to craft elaborate paper mache projects – never knew they could be murder weapons!

According to the valiant officers of the Areu operations center, despite their speedy arrival in two medical vehicles and an ambulance, Eros was as lifeless as an old cardboard cutout of a Parisian mime by the time they arrive. Now, let’s talk about why a 37-year-old man, with a criminal record, decided to rob a bar. Decisions, decisions, my friends!

A Tale of Misadventure

The whole sordid affair stems from a robbery attempt at a corner establishment in viale Giovanni Da Cermenate. Eros and an unnamed accomplice thought they could waltz in and make off with some scratch card coupons – because nothing says ‘high stakes criminal’ like lottery tickets! However, the owners of the restaurant, two Chinese gentlemen aged 31 and 49, apparently weren’t feeling particularly generous that morning. In what can only be described as a classic case of turning the tables, they fought back. One of them promptly turned Eros into a human kebab with the aforementioned scissors.

Now that’s a plot twist! Eros was probably thinking he would walk into a joyous crime spree, only to find himself getting snipped out of existence! Meanwhile, his accomplice, who clearly had a better grasp on survival, legged it faster than a cat being chased by a dog. And on the ground at the crime scene? A scatter of scratch card coupons – a fitting metaphor for Eros’s luck. It seems fortune didn’t favour this brave man-of-the-night.

Stolen Scooters and Criminal Tactics

As investigators combed through the scene, they found all sorts of clues, including the scooter the duo allegedly rode in on. Now, there’s a top-notch getaway vehicle – I mean, who says crime doesn’t pay when it offers a sweet ride? Unfortunately for Eros, his most luxurious scooter ride turned into a swift departure from this world.

Eros Di Ronza: A Man of Many Tattoos

Now, let’s take a moment to pay tribute to the man himself, Eros Di Ronza. A self-styled rebel championed by his tattoos – and not just any tattoos, mind you. He bore the word “hate” emblazoned above his brow, which I assume is less of a motivational slogan and more of a conversational piece at parties. At 37, and a father of three, one wonders what family dinners must’ve looked like. “Hey kids, don’t follow in Dad’s footsteps. Unless you want a bit of a stabby experience!”

A Lesson from Rozzano & Conclusion

Interestingly enough, this incident isn’t an isolated drama. Just a week prior, another young man was fatally stabbed during a robbery in nearby Rozzano. So, should we be concerned about a trend here? Perhaps the news should come with a warning: “Milan – Go for the gelato, stay away from the late-night robbery attempts!”

In the end, it appears Milan is serving a double helping of crime along with its beloved pizza and pasta. And to all those aspiring robbers out there, let this be a lesson: if you’re thinking of robbing a bar in the early hours of the morning, make sure your weapon of choice isn’t sharp and might just stab you in the back (or chest, as the case may be). Eros Di Ronza’s unfortunate ending should serve as a gruesome reminder that crime indeed does not pay, but it may just win you a one-way ticket to the great beyond. Cheers!

One person was killed at dawn on Thursday in Milan. It is, according to information learned from MilanoTodayby a 37 year old Italian man, Eros Di Ronza. The murder took place around 5.30 am in viale Giovanni Da Cermenate, in the Vigentino area, Stadera district. The thirty-seven-year-old, with a criminal record, was allegedly killed by the owner of a bar during a robbery.

The attack was confirmed by the Areu operations center (Regional Emergency Emergency Agency), which intervened on the spot with two crews in a medical vehicle and an ambulance but there was nothing left to do for the man. Di Ronza would have been stabbed in the chest, it is not clear whether once or several times, with scissors.

Stabbed and killed during a robbery in Milan

State police officers arrived at the scene of the murder with patrol cars to carry out investigations. With them also the judicial authorities. The stretch of road was closed to traffic by white and blue forensic tape. According to an initial reconstruction by investigators, the thirty-seven year old was with an accomplice.

The two would have tried to attack the place at number 35A, on the corner with via private Vivarini. The owners of the restaurant – also two of them, both of Chinese origins, aged 31 and 49 – however reacted. The youngest, in particular, fatally wounded one of the two alleged thieves, while the other managed to escape. On the ground, a few meters from the entrance to the business, there is a bunch of scratch card coupons, which the thirty-seven year old was probably trying to take away with him.

During the investigations, the forensic police also focused on the bar shutter. She was forced and bent forward with the help of a tool, perhaps a jack. Eyes also focused on a scooter, a Kymco, parked next to the entrance of the club, it is suspected that the pair of thieves arrived on board the scooter, which had been stolen the night between Tuesday and Wednesday in via Brioschi. To then abandon him in the rush to escape. The officers are looking for fingerprints useful for understanding the identity of the accomplice of the convicted criminal who remained on the ground.

Who was Eros Di Ronza

Eros Di Ronza was a 37 year old from Milan. He lived not far from the place where he was killed during the robbery, also in Municipality 5 of Milan. Known to the police for thefts and robberies, his figure was very recognizable due to the numerous tattoos that covered his neck, head and part of his face. Where the word “hate” stands out in italics above the left eyebrow.

The thirty-seven-year-old father of three children was known for his “frequentings” in Via Gola, according to what emerges from investigative circles. When the rescuers arrived on the sidewalk of Viale Da Cermenate where he was stabbed, there was nothing left for him to do. His body remained inside the ambulance for a long time during the police investigations. Then, around 10am, he was transferred to the mortuary van.

The murder in Rozzano less than a week earlier

The murder comes six days after that of Rozzano. Less than a week earlier, on Friday 11 October, during the night, the murder of Manuel Mastrapasqua, 31 years old, had taken place, killed with a stab wound to the heart as he returned home to his home after a day of work in a supermarket in Milan. A nineteen-year-old, Daniele Rezza, killed him during a robbery.



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