Van Hooijdonk: ”I have the feeling that he shouldn’t rely on his speed” – – Where Feyenoord is, we are!

The new season is already a quarter of the way through. Pierre van Hooijdonk is through Football International asked to look back on the first months of the Rotterdam club under the leadership of trainer Brian Priske. Van Hooijdonk sees that Feyenoord has started anything but well, but finds it incomprehensible that this comes as a complete surprise to many critics.

“It is a reality check for a new team, after an era in which the club was spoiled thanks to a top coach,” the former UEFA Cup winner begins his story in the weekly magazine. “This is not according to the standard of recent years. Slot has squeezed out more than the maximum. But I think the club management has not done that this summer.”

Feyenoord has not only lost Mats Wieffer, Lutsharel Geertruida and Yankuba Minteh. It is also struggling with various injuries, such as Quilindschy Hartman, Santiago Gimenez and Calvin Stengs. Take away six starting players from any team in Europe, and there is a good chance that they will perform less. The criticism of Priske is therefore not always justified.

“Priske has a lot more confidence in me than he gets from the supporters. I understand them too, because there is a bit of emotion involved. But I also see that the selection is a lot less strong than last year. And that is thin That is very clear. Then you can blame the trainer for a lot, but he does have to deal with extenuating circumstances.”

Van Hooijdonk believes that discussions about the system or the huddle are total nonsense. Feyenoord should mainly look at the transfer policy, as the Dane should have been helped there. “If Slot’s Feyenoord had been strengthened, Priske would have simply taken his points. Then you could have demanded something, but this is a weakened selection. Then you have to accept that it is less.”

Argentinian Carranza

Not everything is negative at Feyenoord. Hwang In-beom and Quinten Timber are the positive standouts in the eyes of the former striker. The biggest setback? “I mainly look at strikers. Carranza, that’s not him yet, is he? I have the feeling that he shouldn’t rely on his speed… Only, he has just arrived at the club and you cannot make a judgment yet “I think Gimenez’s loss is much greater than people say. Then they say he didn’t play well.

Feyenoord’s New Era: A Reality Check with a Side of Humor

Well, well, well! A quarter of the way into the new season and what do we have? An absolute circus! Pierre van Hooijdonk, that legend himself, has taken a good long look at Feyenoord’s rollercoaster start and—surprise, surprise—he’s not too pleased! Seems like most critics were taken aback, shocked even! It’s like walking into an Italian restaurant and expecting a three-course meal only to be handed a slice of soggy pizza. Bon appétit, right?

Our man Van Hooijdonk isn’t mincing words. He kicks off his critique by saying this is a “reality check.” What a politically correct way of saying, “You lot were living in fantasyland!” It’s as if Feyenoord fans were given a treasure map to success, only to find out it led them to a big pile of disappointment instead. Not exactly the golden era they had imagined under the previous top coach Slot, who, let’s face it, probably squeezed every last drop of talent from that squad like an overzealous orange juicer! But what did the club management do this summer? Apparently, they sat on their hands and assumed fortunes would simply continue.

Ah, the players! Losing six starting players—Wieffer, Geertruida, Minteh, and now riddled with injuries like some sort of tragic football bingo. I mean, take away six key players from any squad and you’re about as likely to win as a cat in a dog show. It’s just not going to happen. So when the critics come for Priske’s head, remember the poor guy’s dealing with a team that’s more patchwork than your grandma’s quilt.

Van Hooijdonk makes an excellent point about fans’ emotions playing a role in these judgments. They’re about as rational as a toddler who just dropped their ice cream cone. But bless Priske, he’s clearly buoyed by Van Hooijdonk’s support. It’s like having someone cheer you on while you try to ride a unicycle for the first time – you’re going to wobble, and possibly even fall flat on your face, but hey, at least someone’s rooting for you!

Let’s Talk Transfer Policy

Oh, and here’s the thing: Van Hooijdonk believes all the debates about formations and huddles? Total nonsense! If only they could hash it out like civilized adults over a pint instead of throwing accusations like confetti. Apparently, Feyenoord needed a solid transfer policy but got a “please rent a team” sign instead. If only Slot’s Feyenoord had some reinforcements, then Priske could’ve strutted his stuff with pride! Would’ve demanded some real results instead of the current pity party.

Bright Spots and Struggles

Now, don’t be too gloomy, folks! Van Hooijdonk does point out some shining stars in the form of Hwang In-beom and Quinten Timber. If we squint hard enough, we might even catch a glimpse of some silver lining! But let’s not forget the elephant in the room: Carranza. Our new striker is about as effective as a chocolate teapot right now. “He shouldn’t rely on his speed,” says Van Hooijdonk, and honestly, that raises a few eyebrows. You’d think being fast would be a strong suit!

So, my dear Feyenoord fans, buckle up! The ride might be bumpy, but remember: every cloud has a silver lining, even if sometimes it’s hidden beneath a layer of rainclouds named “injuries” and “poor management.” Let’s hope they find their feet before we start forming support groups for depressed fans or, heaven forbid, become reality show stars documenting our descent into madness.

In the end, it’s a classic case of “let’s wait and see.” In the world of football, all you can do is laugh, cry, and occasionally allow your heart rate to rise dangerously high. In the immortal words of the comedic greats, if you can’t laugh at the current state of Feyenoord, what’s the point of being a fan at all?



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