Cofepris delays Covid and influenza vaccines in Mexico – El Financiero

The authorization of records from the Federal Commission for the Protection of Health Risks (Cofepris) for the entry of updated vaccines against Covid-19, seasonal influenza and dengue has a delay of almost four months, which puts at risk the supply of doses necessary to face the winter season, in addition to boosting the market for apocryphal products sold and applied illegally.

“The current government has many challenges in terms of health, that is a fact, but the situation that worries us most in the short term is that Cofepris, unfortunately, has not provided registrations for vaccines against Covid-19, seasonal influenza. and dengue,” he warned Larry Rubinpresident of the Mexican Association of Pharmaceutical Innovation Industries (AMIIF).

He explained that the authorization of the vaccines by Cofepris should have been given since last june so that the government began purchasing the injections in the month of julio and thus guarantee the supply of the latest generation inoculations focused on combating the Covid-19 JN1 strain, which is the one currently affecting the population in Mexico.

“This lack of providing records to companies worries us greatly because Mexico only has vaccines Sputnik and Abdala (Russian and Cuban injections), but those vaccines are from first generation and they are no longer useful, they are obsolete against the new Covid-19 virus,” added the president of the AMIIF.

The current variant, known as omicronhas about 80 mutations, which has forced pharmaceutical companies to update the vaccine, but so far, only Pfizer and Modern They are the two companies that designed formulas to combat this variant and have also already presented to Cofepris the quality, safety and efficacy studies required by the international standard.

They fear a resurgence of Covid due to shortages

For the president of the AMIIF, there is the possibility that in Mexico there will be a massive resurgence of the Covid-19 virus as a consequence of not having granted registrations in a timely manner to the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines, which would cause a crisis in the health sector.

“The reality is that what we see as the great risk is that there is nothing, because obviously these vaccines would not arrive in Mexico before the winter season begins because they were not granted (registration), this causes a active high alert status because it would cause a resurgence of Covid-19 in the country,” warned Larry Rubin.

Between April and August of this year, the 36 percent of the Covid tests carried out in Mexico returned positive results and although the levels are not comparable with those of 2020 and 2021, infections are concentrated in two main groups: people over 60 years old and children under five years old. Thus, between January and August of this year, there have been 4,200 deaths from Covid.

“There is a significant rebound in cases and the health approval of the vaccines is the first step, but if we are almost in mid-October and that first step has not been taken by Cofepris, I think we will have the vaccines by February, that is, we are more “How delayed,” commented the president of the AMIIF.

They fear black market in vaccines

Juan Villafrancapresident of the Mexican Association of Pharmaceutical Laboratories (AMELAF) expressed his concern about the black market surge of vaccines against Covid-19.

“Vaccines are among the drugs with the highest incidence of cloning, influence and Covid vaccines are being cloned or expired vaccines are being distributed. This is very dangerous because these vaccines have to have a cold chain and once they lose that cold chain, they tend to be highly toxic,” Villafranca warned.

According to data from the National Union of Pharmacy Entrepreneurs (Unefarm)by the end of 2024, the cloned drugs market is expected to reach profits of 32 thousand 500 million pesosapproximately 11 percent of the profits of the formal pharmaceutical industry, which for this year are estimated at 280 billion pesos.

The alert that the population has access to these vaccines grows even more due to cuts to the health sector. Just in August, the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit (SHCP) recorded a cut to the health sector for almost 20 billion pesos, so

Although several programs were affected by this cut, the Vaccination Program was one of the most affected, since despite the rebound in Covid-19 cases, the SHCP cut around 9 billion pesosso it happened 14 thousand 31.5 million to 5 thousand 99.5 million pesos that you can exercise for this year.

“If the updated Pfizer vaccine becomes registered, those who have the possibility of purchasing the updated vaccine that will be in pharmacies, do so, but always in established places and pay attention to Cofepris alerts to avoid falling into these cloned medications,” commented the president of AMELAF.

Health Risks and Delayed Vaccines: A Comedy of Errors

So, it turns out that some officials in Mexico seem to be playing a rather hazardous game of hide-and-seek with vaccine approvals.
We’re talking about a delay of nearly four months for updated vaccines against Covid-19, seasonal influenza, and dengue.
Yes, you heard that right! The only thing longer than this delay is the list of excuses we could come up with, and trust me, it could rival a Netflix series.

What’s the Hold-Up?

According to Larry Rubin, president of the
Mexican Association of Pharmaceutical Innovation Industries (AMIIF), the current government’s health challenges are like a bad sequel that’s lost its plot.
Ain’t that just the icing on the cake? Despite needing vaccinations since June, it feels like they’ve decided to push their luck and leave us hanging like a bad cliffhanger.

Old Shiny Things, Not New Superheroes

Right now, Mexico’s got the Sputnik and Abdala vaccines. Great, if we were living in 2020!
But with the new Covid-19 JN1 strain wreaking havoc—80 mutations and counting!—those first-generation doses are about as useful as a chocolate teapot.
And just like that, the immunization landscape has turned into a sad vintage shop.

Worried About a Resurgence? You Should Be!

Now, if you’re not already sweating, here’s the kicker: Rubin warns of a potential Covid-19 resurgence.
With 36% of recent Covid tests returning positive, it’s like the virus is playing whack-a-mole, and nobody’s got a mallet.
The last thing anyone wants is for hospitals to be filled with the very folks who thought it was okay to skip their vaccine because ‘it’ll be fine!’
Spoiler alert: It won’t.

The Scary World of Black Market Vaccines

Just when you thought things couldn’t get worse, there’s talk of a black market surge of vaccines.
Yes, you heard me, folks: cloning vaccines. Who wouldn’t want to buy something that might be cool and trendy but probably has the efficacy of a toddler’s drawing?
Juan Villafranca from the Mexican Association of Pharmaceutical Laboratories (AMELAF) is spooked—rightly so—about vaccines being cloned or, even worse, expiring and being passed off like they’re fresh from the pharmacy.

Where’s the Money Going?

To add fuel to this flaming dumpster fire, the Ministry of Finance has cut nearly 20 billion pesos from the health sector.
It’s like the health budget had a New Year’s resolution—the kind we all break by February.
This means that even if the updated Pfizer vaccine gets registered, it’s about as accessible as a diamond ring in a pawn shop.

Conclusion: Let’s Get Vaccinated!

The real joke here isn’t on us; it’s about the authorities who failed to act in time.
If you want to snag one of those updated vaccines when they finally become available, do so in reputable pharmacies.
Keep an eye out for Cofepris alerts; don’t be the person who buys a ‘vaccine’ that potentially came from someone’s dodgy trunk!
After all, we’re not just grappling with a virus; we’re dancing with chaos.

Stay safe, stay smart, and for goodness’ sake, get vaccinated properly!



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