Calls for referendum to cap number of TDs after Dáil hears Parliament could grow to 240 by 2050 –

Let’s Talk TDs: The Upside Down World of Irish Politics

Ah, the Dáil! You know, that lovely little hall where politicians meet to chew over policies, bicker like siblings over the last piece of pizza, and—oh yes—decide how many of them there should be. Recently, there have been calls for a referendum to cap the number of TDs (Teachtaí Dála, for those of you who skipped Irish class) before our lovely government resembles a crowded pub on a Saturday night!

The Rising Tide of TDs

According to various reports (from the likes of, RTÉ News, and a few others that tried to make the news sound a bit more exciting than watching paint dry), the number of TDs could balloon up to 240 by the year 2050. Yes, you heard correctly—240! That’s more TDs than the average family has relatives over for Christmas dinner, and let me tell you, *that’s* a lot of arguing over who gets the last mince pie!

Too Many Chefs in the Kitchen?

Now, let’s not sugarcoat this: do we really need more politicians? It’s like asking if we need more reality TV shows—sure, there’s a demand, but at what cost? Deputy Grealish has sounded the alarm, suggesting a referendum is necessary to cap the increasing number of TDs. It’s a bit like trying to cap the amount of time you spend scrolling through social media—good luck with that!

Population Growth: The Real Culprit

The Irish population is expected to keep growing, which means more representatives needed to listen to the citizens whinge about potholes and rubbish collections. Some might say we’re on the fast-track to a Dáil chamber so overcrowded it will soon have a bouncer at the door checking IDs—“Sorry, sir, you’re not on the VIP list of voters, you can’t come in.”

Redundant Dáil? More Like “Dáil and Pail”

Experts are even suggesting that the Dáil will soon become “redundant.” I guess we could say it’s headed toward a future where it’s less about governance and more about finding space to sit down. Who knew the political landscape could be as crowded as a sold-out concert with no room to sway?

Final Thoughts

So, what’s the takeaway here? More politicians might just mean more… political theater. It’ll be a circus under the big tent known as the Dáil. And while the calls for a referendum to cap the number of TDs could lead to a precious little quirk in our democracy, let’s just hope we don’t end up with more “well-meaning” politicians than we can count on one hand. Because frankly, I don’t want to be stuck in a room with 240 of them during a discussion about the proper temperature for tea!

In the end, whether they cap the TDs or not, let’s just keep our sense of humor intact. After all, we’re Irish—laughing in the face of literal chaos is practically a national pastime!



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