No longer targeted strikes: Bratchuk explained why the enemy is escalating the situation in the South – 24 Channel

Chaos in Nikolaev: Russia’s S-300 Assault

Well, it seems the Russians have decided that a night out is best celebrated with fireworks—unfortunately, the kind that reduces a restaurant complex to ashes. It’s like they’re trying to win the gold medal in “Who Can Terrify Civilians the Most?” well done, Putin! Let’s dive into this charming tale of unintended culinary destruction.

According to Sergei Bratchuk, a spokesperson for the Ukrainian Volunteer Army “South,” the recent attack on Nikolaev on October 15 was staged with the grace of a toddler learning to use a finger paint—using an S-300 anti-aircraft missile system to conduct what can only be described as culinary annihilation. Nothing like a bit of burnt spaghetti to really set the ambiance of fear, eh?

Russia is Escalating the Situation

You don’t need a PhD in war studies to understand that this escalation is aimed at terrorizing the good folks of Kherson and Nikolaev. According to Bratchuk, they’re analyzing which military personnel decided to play the “let’s shell restaurants” game—because that certainly screams “I’m a responsible adult!”

“We hope that over time we will talk about the destruction of their S-300 installation. I’m not announcing anything now, I’m not throwing hats. Work in this direction is always ongoing. They have a lot of this crap.”

— Sergei Bratchuk

That’s comforting, isn’t it? The hope of future destruction—hopefully followed by a spontaneous dance party under fireworks, but, you know, the *good* kind. Meanwhile, we hear that shopping pavilions went up in flames, leaving locals to wonder what they did to deserve a Saturday night roof-raising inferno.

So, who doesn’t love a good villain? And here we have the Russians flexing their so-called military prowess—which appears more like an overhyped circus act, complete with the use of strategic fake news on possible Ukrainian offensives. The latest trick? Spreading rumors of an impending attack on the Kinburn Spit. You know, because that would really take the cake in terms of military strategy. “Look over there! A squirrel!”

“The enemy is once again creating a picture about some kind of “offensive” on the Kinburn Spit. About some kind of landing. This is how they try to influence the actions of the Defense Forces. That is why such terror began with the use of the S-300. These are no longer just targeted strikes.”

— Sergei Bratchuk

Let’s wrap this up with the takeaway here: war isn’t funny, but the absurdity often is. The Russians are throwing tantrums in the form of missile strikes while they pretend to conduct military operations like a bad magician. And while that rabbit might’ve escaped from the hat, we still have the decency to enjoy our dinner—let’s hope it’s not in the crosshairs of their grand culinary escapades in Nikolaev!

Stay tuned, folks, for more updates on the most bizarre war games currently unfolding in Eastern Europe. And always remember, nothing says “welcome to my country” quite like an aerial assault! 🎉

About this 24 Kanala said the representative of the Ukrainian Volunteer Army “South” Sergei Bratchuk. It is already known that the attack on Nikolaev on October 15 was carried out from the S-300 anti-aircraft missile system.

On the topic: Infrastructure and market were shelled, locals will be resettled: details about the night attack on Nikolaev

Russia is escalating the situation

As Bratchuk noted, the military is already studying information about where exactly these strikes came from. There will definitely be an answer. The occupiers tightened up this system in order to terrorize the residents of the Kherson and Nikolaev regions.

We hope that over time we will talk about the destruction of their S-300 installation. I’m not announcing anything now, I’m not throwing hats. Work in this direction is always ongoing. They have a lot of this crap
– said Bratchuk.

Pay attention! As a result of the strike on Nikolaev, shopping pavilions and a restaurant complex were completely burned out. Read more about the consequences of the attack in the material of Channel 24.

Russian occupiers continue to engage in terrorism. The purpose of such strikes is to intimidate the civilian population and make their lives more difficult. Lately, the enemy has also been spreading strange fake news about a possible “attack of the Ukrainian Armed Forces” towards the Kinburn Spit.

The enemy is once again creating a picture about some kind of “offensive” on the Kinburn Spit. About some kind of landing. This is how they try to influence the actions of the Defense Forces. That is why such terror began with the use of the S-300. These are no longer just targeted strikes,
– noted Bratchuk.



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