“L’amour ouf”, a love story that lasts told by Gilles Lellouche

Certainly! Let’s channel our inner comedy legends as we tackle this cinematic piece. Here we go:

### Cinema Awash in Glamour: A Closer Look at “L’amour ouf”

Published on 10/16/2024 6:22 p.m.

Are you ready for a romantic rollercoaster ride? Buckle up! “L’amour ouf,” the latest flick directed by Gilles Lellouche, is not just a love story; it’s a passion-fueled saga that promises to leave you breathless—much like trying to read French names without tripping over your own tongue.

Starring the reigning couple of French cinema, Adèle Exarchopoulos and François Civil, this film is set to make your heart flutter faster than a Parisian waiter dodging a tourist asking for “the best wine, please.” You know the drill—it’s the classic star-crossed lovers scenario. Jackie, the girl from a well-to-do family, crosses paths with Clotaire—no, not a character from a children’s book, but the son of a worker and petty criminal. It’s enough to make you reconsider those Tinder dates, isn’t it?

Set in the vibrant ’80s backdrop of Lille, the film wades through dark waters mixed with romance, much like how I wade through my love life—blindfolded and occasionally bumping into things! But fears not, this cinematic coupling isn’t just about heartache; it’s full of 2 hours and 40 minutes of joy… if you can sit still that long. That’s longer than the average span of my patience!

Now, spectators are raving about the chemistry between our dazzling duo. One such spectator remarked, “They exude emotion, sensuality.” Either that or someone’s been sipping a little too much French wine before the screening! Call me skeptical, but I’m here for it—nothing like some prima facie chemistry to keep the box office buzzing!

This film isn’t all about our leading stars, though. Supporting players like Mallory Wanecque, the young Jackie, praise Adèle as her mentor. It’s a cinematic family reunion, minus the awkward questions about when you’re getting married. “François, I can only admire him!” says Malik Frikah, another cast member, shining a light on the camaraderie behind the scenes—even if he looks slightly like he just finished a marathon at a craft cocktail bar.

There’s also an undeniable connection with the audience, as if everyone collectively agreed to give it a thumbs-up across the board, or at least a gracious nod while trying not to spill popcorn. The magic of cinema strikes again; for around 160 minutes, you’re allowed to feel a smorgasbord of emotions, and is there a better kind of escapism than watching people fall in love… from the comfort of your seat?

So, will “L’amour ouf” melt your heart or will it feel like eating a soggy croissant? Grab your friends, try to remember what you wore in the ’80s, and click play. Who knows, you might just discover that true love can be as complicated as untangling Christmas lights—one blink, and you’re wrapped in romance!

Watch the full report in the video above.

And there you have it! A cheeky, observational breakdown that would make even the most stoic cinema-goer crack a smile. Enjoy your viewing!

Published on 10/16/2024 6:22 p.m.

Reading time: 1min – video: 2min Cinema: “L’amour ouf”, a love story that lasts told by Gilles Lellouche Adèle Exarchopoulos and François Civil, who form the most glamorous couple in French cinema, are at the poster for “L’amour ouf”, the latest film by Gilles Lellouche. (France 2)

Adèle Exarchopoulos and François Civil, who form the most glamorous couple in French cinema, are starring in “L’amour ouf”, the latest film by Gilles Lellouche.

In phew loveJackie, the girl from a good family, meets Clotaire, the son of a worker and petty criminal. Set in the 1980s, in Lille (North), the film traces the dark and romantic story of a love that will defy time. The adult characters are played by François Civil and Adèle Exarchopoulos. The actors took a walk in the crowd on the evening of the preview near Lille.

“They exude emotion, sensuality”, assures a spectator. The two actors form the most glamorous couple in French cinema. Fusion with the film crew, the actors are in particular with the actors who play them at the beginning of the film. “She’s my mentor Adèle”says Mallory Wanecque, actress. “François, I can only admire him”, considers the actor Malik Frikah. Finally, the alchemy also operates with the spectator. For almost 2 hours 40 minutes, phew love does a lot of good.

Watch the full report in the video above.



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