the proposal after the De Raho and Scarpinato cases –

On one side Federico Cafiero De Raho, on the other Roberto Scarpinato. The storm over the Five Star Movement in the Anti-Mafia has provoked a reaction. An amendment to the law establishing the Parliamentary Anti-Mafia Commission which regulates cases of incompatibility of commissioners in relation to the lines of investigation on which the parliamentary body is working. According to Adnkronos, this is the proposal presented by the president of the Anti-Mafia Parliamentary Commission Chiara Colosimo during today’s bureau meeting.

Finally the Anti-Mafia wants to interrogate De Raho: the rules change

A proposed amendment which provides for the abstention of the commissioners both from the work and from consulting the documents in the case of investigations that concern them, which is aimed at protecting the objectivity of the investigation of the Commission itself and which comes after the controversies raised by exponents of the majority in recent months for the participation in the work of the M5S deputy Federico Cafiero De Raho and the M5s senator Roberto Scarpinato, respectively in the line of inquiry into the Perugia investigation for alleged abusive access to databases and in the in-depth analysis of the Via D massacre ‘Amelio. The draft will be open to possible additions to arrive at the definitive text to be brought to the attention of parliament for approval.

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In recent weeks, the majority had railed against the participation in the work of De Raho, who at the time of the events that ended up at the center of the Perugia investigation was the national anti-mafia prosecutor, and of Scarpinato, a former magistrate, also in light of the recent controversy over the conversations between the latter and his colleague Gioacchino Natoli at the center of an article in ‘The truth’. Accusations always firmly rejected by the five-star group.

#proposal #Raho #Scarpinato #cases #Tempo



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