Don’t take it for granted, here are 5 benefits of sunbathing activities in the morning – – Radar Bengkulu

Laugh as qristina|

Muhammadin Sharia |

Thursday 10-17-2024,10:53 WIB

5 Benefits of Sunbathing in the Morning to Increase Vitamin D and Immunity-Photo illustration- – Sunbathing in the morning sun has many health benefits, especially in increasing the production of vitamin D in the body.

Vitamin D, known as the “sun vitamin,” is essential for bone health, immunity, and metabolic function.

In addition, exposure to morning sunlight also helps improve mood and overall mental well-being.

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Reporting from the National Institutes of Health (NIH), Journal of Investigative Medicine, here are 5 benefits of sunbathing in the morning to increase vitamin D and body immunity.

1. Natural Source of Vitamin D

Vitamin D is needed by the body to absorb calcium, which is an important component in the formation and maintenance of bones.

Without enough vitamin D, the risk of diseases such as osteoporosis and osteomalacia increases.

Morning sun is the best natural source for increasing levels of vitamin D, which is absorbed by the skin when exposed to ultraviolet B (UVB) rays.

According to several studies, sunbathing for 10-30 minutes in the morning is enough to meet daily vitamin D needs.

Vitamin D also plays an important role in supporting immune system function. With adequate levels of vitamin D, the body is better able to fight infections and maintain immunity to disease.

A study published by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) shows that people with adequate levels of vitamin D have a lower risk of respiratory infections.

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The Benefits of Sunbathing: A Bright Idea or a Blazing Mistake?

Hello, dear readers! Alright, gather around as we unravel the shenanigans behind the concept of sunbathing in the morning—because apparently, it’s not just for sun-worshipping lizards anymore!

Vitamin D: The Sun’s Gift (or Dare I Say, a Solar Charity?)

Sunbathing, particularly in the morning, is lauded as the ultimate source of Vitamin D. You know, that magical ‘sun vitamin’—the one that’s more coveted than a free meal deal at a fast-food joint. The body needs this vitamin like a squirrel needs acorns to survive the winter! It helps with calcium absorption, crucial for those aiming to keep their bones as strong as Rambo in a fistfight.

Without our lovely Vitamin D, one might as well roll around in a pile of bones, because osteoporosis and osteomalacia can crash your party faster than a fire extinguisher at a barbecue. And who knew that a mere 10-30 minutes of morning sun could cover your daily vitamin needs? Think of it as sunbathing with purpose—like a spa day but without the cucumber slices on your eyes. Sorry not sorry!

Boosting Immunity: No Umbrella Required!

Ah yes, sunlight isn’t just for tanning! It’s a natural immune booster. Like a superhero in a cape, Vitamin D levels help fend off infections. Apparently, those sparkling rays from the sun are like tiny soldiers, rallying the troops to fight respiratory infections. ‘Fire the UVB cannon!’ they cry!

Studies suggest those basking in the morning sun are (hold the phone) less likely to contract respiratory infections. So, if you’re looking to fend off colds or the latest bug making rounds, your safest and sunniest bet might just be a morning romp outside. Who knew nature could be so… effective? It’s like Mother Nature’s very own version of the ‘Sunny Side Up’ campaign!

Mood Enhancement: Get Happy or Else!

Moving on, let’s touch on that little perk we all love: mood enhancement! Yes, my friends, soaking in that golden glow can boost your serotonin levels. It’s like the sun is whispering sweet nothings, “Hey buddy, be happier!” So next time you’re under those rays, try not to squint with existential dread and instead embrace the euphoria of… well, being alive!

Now, who doesn’t want to dodge the heavy blanket of seasonal affective disorder? Who knew the answer was simply a side of vitamin D in our morning sunshine smoothie? Yes, darlings, sunbathing is now your mental health therapist—talk about a cost-effective solution!

Wrapping It Up: Sunshine… with a Side of Caution

Of course, not all that glitters is gold; too much sun can lead you down a path of crispy skin and nasty sunburns, which is not the radiant glow we’re after. So, dear sun-seekers, get out there, soak up the sun like you’re a piece of toast in the morning, but don’t forget the sunscreen—because nobody likes that lobster look!

In summary, morning sunbathing can indeed be beneficial, like a beautiful friendship or finding a dollar in your old jeans. Just remember to balance it out and embrace that glorious golden glow without burning brighter than a firework on the Fourth of July!

Until next time, enjoy your sun-soaked adventures, stay healthy, and keep that vitamin D flowing! Who needs pills when you have the sun?



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