After a fierce confrontation with Juntos, PJ successfully approved “RIGI a la Cordoba”

2024-10-17 03:58:00

After clashing with JxC hawks, who pushed for
– Unsuccessful – A minority office failed to delegate “extraordinary powers” to Gov. Martín Lariola and consider an environmental provision, The ruling party managed to explicitly approve the province’s compliance with the national RIGI law, but with a Córdoba twist.

The opposition coalition pushes for Córdoba to join the Incentive System for Large Investors (RIGI) provided for in Chapter 7 of Law 27,742 in a simple and clear way, No Article 3 That includes the text of the approval released by the administration Tuesday afternoon without analysis by the committee.

This article is the axis of the crossroads Tensions are rising between opposition leaders and pro-government parties, who have warned that it is “unconstitutional” for the PPP to seek to “delegate legislative powers” to the executive branch.

JxC’s hawkish and neighbor member Rodrigo Agrelo fired a bombshell by refusing to grant “extraordinary powers” to the executive. They also rated The “blank check” of Article 3 The ruling party approved the bill along with its allies Karina Bruno and Agustín Spachesi. In a counterattack, PJ refuted Cambiomista’s accusations and again criticized “The opposition is against everything.”

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PRO universally supportedbut abstained from voting on the controversial article in “RIGI a la Cordoba” promoted by the administration of Larry Rioresta, which finally became law on Wednesday night. In their rejection, Alfoncinist activists in the Tower of Córdobaleft wing member of parliament Luciana Echevarria and Peronist K Federico Alessandri They reiterated their rejection of this exceptional regime and the actions of Javier Milley’s government.

In joining the Milei RIGI program, the provincial government established fiscal stabilization measures in provincial taxes and extended benefits to other businesses not covered by national standards. In addition, the province retains the power to increase benefits already provided by laws approved by the National Assembly.

For its part, JxC Interblock tried unsuccessfully to approve the creation of a minority office adhering to the national RIGI, without granting “special powers” to Governor Llaryora and considering an environmental provision.

Activists argue that the latter safeguards the enforcement of existing environmental regulations in Córdoba, including those requiring environmental impact studies or prohibiting open-pit or nuclear mining activities. However, the ruling did not go smoothly for the opposition. “What false flag are they flying?”, Peronism fumed.

dissenting voices

When setting the position, Brenda Austin (UC Riverside) stated that “Llaryora RIGI seeks to be a blank check empowered to decide who will be the beneficiaries of these million-dollar incentives.” Along these lines, activists warn that “the Llaryora RIGI is able to provide financial and regulatory stability The rule of 30-year benefits cannot remain in the hands of one person,” and defended the opposition’s ruling, which aims to “establish standards that protect Cordoba’s productivity.” “Institutions that may be subject to distortionary and unfair measures”.

After rejecting the initiative’s clear treatment, the head of the UCR bench, Matthias Gvozjenovichguaranteeing that activist-sponsored projects are “far superior” to PJ texts. Judge Walter Nostrara He also spoke of a “blank check” in his scathing criticism. “We comply with the national RIGI, but we do not agree with the items proposed by the administration in Article 3.”

“In our view, this is a blank check, This is entirely discretionary.. It leaves very important decisions to the duty officer without any clear-cut provisions,” the judge said.

They exclude opposition coalition chief from Labor and there are tensions ahead of debate on Córdoba-style RIGI

agrelo neighborhood He also denied the clear debate, stressing, following his logic: “They give us a huge problem with consequences for the next 20 or 30 years of Córdoba and for the financial health of Córdoba, they It is hoped that the issue will be resolved after two hours. In this sense, he asked that the project “be analyzed in committee” and then a position be determined, “but not the other way around,” he complained.

Echevarria, a leftist, reiterated his rejection of the Millais regime’s massive investments. “This means we completely give up our sovereignty, our natural resources and the destruction of the environment. “It brings all kinds of benefits to the same people as always,” he blasted, referring to the “concentration of foreign companies coming here to do business, bringing all kinds of benefits” benefits. “


Libertarian Spachesi came out to clarify his stance on the debate surrounding projects he authored and those sent by the government. “Following the project proposed simultaneously by the Provincial Administrator and taking into account the willingness of the local government to adapt the initiative, it was decided to add him as a co-author and to include his text in the project promoted by the La Libertad Avanza (LLA) group in Córdoba The reality of the regional economy is that the same aim is to attract large private developments to the local territory,” argued the liberal bench.

“The National RIGI is an excellent opportunity to attract new investments and re-exports. Córdoba is the only province in the interior of Argentina where the project is adapted to the regional economic situation at the provincial level to facilitate the arrival of investors.

When it comes to meeting the hawkish opposition, the head of the official group Miguel Siciliano He categorically denied that section 3 of the Act was “a blank check”. “Of course not,” he emphasized. And, in his retort, he said opposition hawks are “just causing trouble” and “wanting things to turn against this government.”

Defending the executive’s initiative, Siciliano stressed: “RIGI Córdoba not only complies with national laws, but also provides a greater impetus or impetus for capital to settle in Córdoba.”

“In this case, we comply with national RIGI laws, but we will improve any offer. “We will be the most competitive province in the country in encouraging private investment.”the Peronists complete.

on the same line, Facundo Torres “What we seek is to join RIGI and add some nuance to care for and promote our economy, while we seek to engage municipalities as active actors and participants in the federal spirit that is unique to us,” he said.

“We know that empowering provincial governments to strengthen RIGI will be key to promoting development and creating concrete benefits for our province,” concluded the Interim President of the Unicameral Council.


ruling party and its allies Karina Bruno and Agustín Spachesi According to the text of the Executive Committee, the majority of positions were generally approved, The bill became law by a vote of 39-28.. Three people from the PRO, as well as legislators Gregorio Hernández Maqueda and Graciela Bisotto, also expressed general support for the norm, but expressed disapproval of the Article 3 abstained from voting.

The opposition statement’s article on the “decentralization” controversy received several abstentions. Therefore, the specific results of this plan are: 33 positive cases and 29 negative cases. It was a high-pressure meeting because of the intersection between the Cambio faction and the ruling party.

#fierce #confrontation #Juntos #successfully #approved #RIGI #Cordoba



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