The “Newsweek” journalist notified the prosecutor’s office. He gets threats

<a href="” title=”Grzegorz Rzeczkowski notified the prosecutor's office. It's about threats and attempts at intimidation. "They would like to shut my mouth up"”>Grzegorz Rzeczkowski informed the prosecutor’s office about the threats he received in connection with the publication of materials describing the activities of people with ties to Russia and Russian services.

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Grzegorz Rzeczkowski receives threats. The “Newsweek” journalist turned to the prosecutor’s office

“Recently, attempts have been made to force me to resign from describing the activities of people with ties to Russia. They were openly expressed threats to launch a dirty campaign of slander and even destroy me. For obvious reasons, I could not bow to such pressure,” explained Grzegorz Rzeczkowski on the X platform.

Grzegorz Rzeczkowski, in cooperation with WAB Publishing House, recently published a book titled “Putin’s Spies. How the Kremlin’s people are taking over Poland.” The publication concerns the influence of Russian services, among others, on the political and economic spheres in Poland. The journalist’s statement shows that just before the book’s premiere, someone tried to intimidate him and the WAB Publishing House. He emphasized that he takes the mentioned threats very seriously: “I cannot rule out that my health and life are at risk. Therefore, after consultations with lawyers, in order to ensure my safety, and my loved ones, I decided to notify the prosecutor’s office and ask the relevant state authorities for appropriate action, I hope that it will be effective,” added Grzegorz Rzeczkowski.

Grzegorz Rzeczkowski has been cooperating with “Newsweek” for over 2 years. Previously, he was the editor-in-chief of the portal for 5 years. He also dealt with security and special services issues. In 2009, he was nominated for the Grand Press award in the investigative journalism category for a series of articles on KRUS.

Grzegorz Rzeczkowski’s Brave Stand Against Russian Influence: A Journalist’s Dilemma

So, there we have it! Grzegorz Rzeczkowski, a name that seems quite complicated but I assure you, it’s not just the name that’s complex—it’s the dangerous game of journalism he’s playing. This brave soul has gone and informed the prosecutor’s office about a lovely little package of threats he received all wrapped up in a bow of intimidation. Why, you ask? Because he had the audacity to publish materials detailing the dubious activities of certain chaps with, how shall I put it, a “professional interest” in Russia. You know, the kind of interest that makes you raise an eyebrow and question your choice of evening reading!

What’s a Journalist to Do?

Now, imagine you’re Grzegorz. You’ve just published a book titled “Putin’s Spies: How the Kremlin’s People Are Taking Over Poland.” Sounds intense, right? And just before your book launch, some not-so-friendly folks decide to knock on your door and say, “Hey mate, it’d be great if you stopped talking about our friends in high places.” That’s when you know you’ve really hit a nerve! And Grzegorz, in his impeccable style, decided that caving to threats wasn’t on the menu. Instead, he served up a dish of “Not today, thank you!” with a side of going straight to the prosecutor’s office. Bravo, sir!

Can you believe it? He was told there would be a dirty campaign against him, and by “dirty,” we’re not talking about your run-of-the-mill tabloid gossip; we’re talking about an orchestrated smear that could give an overzealous soap opera a run for its money. But, perhaps the real drama here is not in a script but in the very real risks that journalists like Rzeczkowski face when shining a light on shady dealings. It’s like being in a thriller movie, except it’s your life, and there are no rewrites!

Taking It to the Authorities

And in a world where many would cringe and hide under their duvet (let’s be honest, who wouldn’t?), Grzegorz has taken proactive measures. Consulting with his lawyers and preparing for the worst, he decided that notifying the authorities was the responsible adult thing to do. Because if your life feels like it’s under threat, getting the law involved seems like a solid strategy. “I take these threats seriously,” he says. And good on him! If a little thrill-seeking through investigative journalism comes with a side of intimidation, we might as well ensure one’s safety, right?

Who Is Grzegorz Rzeczkowski?

For those not in the know, Grzegorz isn’t just a random journalist; he’s been around the block. With over two years of service to “Newsweek”, and a previous five-year stint at, he’s a seasoned veteran of the media battlefield. In fact, there’s a certain charm in knowing that this isn’t his first tango with danger — he’s got awards to boot! Nominated for a Grand Press award back in 2009, he’s tackled topics that make even seasoned journalists squirm—investigative journalism at its finest, folks!

What Does This All Mean?

What’s clear is that in today’s world, speaking truth to power can come at a high price, and Grzegorz is unflinchingly standing firm amidst the onslaught. His case is a sobering reminder of the precarious position of journalists who dare to delve into the murky waters of politics and foreign influence. It’s the kind of tenacity one admires – like watching someone juggle swords while riding a unicycle across a tightrope made of spaghetti! (Don’t try that at home, kids.)

So, let’s give a round of applause for Grzegorz Rzeczkowski! Not just for his bravery in the face of such threats, but for reminding us all that the pursuit of truth can be a slippery slope, often requiring both a sturdy pair of shoes and a hefty dose of courage. If we must have a political thriller in our lives, let it be one where the protagonists don’t get lost in the plot but instead shine a light on the dark corners of influence and power. Here’s hoping that the authorities he’s turned to serve their purpose and that writers continue to write undeterred, wielding their pens like the mighty swords they are!



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