Bato: Go gave cops cash as ‘allowance,’ not bounty –

The Comedy of Errors: Duterte’s Drug War Drama

Well, gather ’round, folks! If you thought reality couldn’t get any more absurd than a two-headed chicken at a circus sideshow, then let me introduce you to the ongoing pantomime we call Duterte’s drug war! It’s safer than a clown car ride—at least you know which way the laughter is coming from!

Let’s kick things off with the intriguing notion that President Marcos’ administration has suddenly decided to “trace the money trail” within Duterte’s drug war. It’s like trying to track down a hedgehog in a balloon factory—good luck with that! The only money trail they’ll likely find leads directly to a very padded wallet… because there’s always cash involved, isn’t there? threw us a delightful tidbit when they reported that former police chief, General Bato, claims the funds paid to police officers were not bounties on heads, but rather “allowances.” Oh, please! If they tried this in my neighborhood, the local kids would be collecting “allowances” to iron their parents’ clothes! If this isn’t the world’s worst cover story, I don’t know what is! If they slogged through law school just to come up with "cash allowances," one wonders what kind of extracurriculars they took up—how to pull off a heist at a pepper mill?

Meanwhile, The Guardian has unleashed their own revelatory bombshell. Apparently, the dear ex-kingpin of this chaotic little operetta is once again under the spotlight—imbibing in all the attention from parliamentarians like it’s a fine wine. Yes, you heard it right! According to new claims, his office allegedly dished out a cool $17,000 to police to eliminate suspects. I’m not saying this arrangement sounds sketchy, but I’m pretty sure it’s got more plot twists than a daytime soap opera!

And can we talk about that 5 AM call to Garma that supposedly set this whole escapade into motion? Rappler has the details! The sun isn’t even up yet, and already whistleblowers are chowing down on scandalous pastries! I’m not saying these operatives are nocturnal, but they could give owls a run for their money. At what point do you demand breakfast? A croissant, perhaps? Too much caffeine?

Ah, but the fun doesn’t stop there! has confirmed the “Quadcom” (which sounds like a cheap knockoff of a Japanese robot) is going after this money trail. You know the saying: follow the money. But in a country with such a peculiar track record, it might as well lead to a street vendor selling overpriced fish balls! Every penny counts, right?

Lastly, Manila Times is learning that the Palace supports reopening the investigation into all these alleged killings. Imagine that—Duterte’s inner circle suddenly playing Sherlock Holmes as if the world hasn’t been piecing together who did what all along. Honestly, I’d pay good money to watch that! Cue the magnifying glass and dramatic music: "To be continued…"

So, ladies and gentlemen, what we have here is a farcical tale, a Shakespearean tragedy wrapped in comedy, with more plot holes than an episode of Scooby-Doo. We’re witnessing a window into a world that consistently tests the limits of our sanity. Will there be accountability? Will someone actually find the money trail without slipping into a rabbit hole? Remains to be seen, but I’ll have a front-row seat, popcorn in hand.

And remember, in the grand theater of politics, you’ve got to laugh. It’s either that or cry—and I don’t do mascara repairs!



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