less microbial diversity, more inflammatory diseases

2024-09-18 11:07:00

Home > To read… or not > City life: less microbial diversity, more inflammatory diseases written on September 18, 2024 at 1:07 p.m. Marie Monique Robin microbial diversity health Article published in newspaper nº 127

In Marie Monique Robin’s new book, discover how the absence of biodiversity – plant, animal and microbial – in cities, where more than half of the world’s population now lives, creates the basis for chronic diseases of inflammatory origin.

We interviewed the journalist and director Marie-Monique Robin in issue 105 of the magazine for her book The factory of pandemics. Today she is publishing the continuation of her investigation with a second part entitled Live the microbes! While the first work analyzed the link between the destruction of biodiversity in tropical areas and the emergence of infectious diseases, this second part aims to show that the absence of biodiversity – plant, animal and microbial – in citieswhere more than half of the world’s population now lives, causes chronic diseases of inflammatory originwhich also make city dwellers more vulnerable to viral infections. “Thanks to these two complementary surveys, which constitute two sides of the same coin, I understood that biodiversity is not a soul supplement for bobos-ecologists-on-bikes, but the pillar of planetary health “, warns the journalist.

An invisible world beyond the visible

It reminds us that beyond the visible world, there is an invisible world, which is that of micro-organisms, without which life would be impossible. Humans depend on this micro-biodiversity – that of bacteria, viruses and parasites – which inhabits and even constitutes them. However, due to the sanitization of food, hyperhygienism and concreteization, our microbiota is becoming poorer.

Which has led, since the 1960s, to a doubling every ten years of the frequency of so-called “atopic” diseases, such as pollen allergies, asthma, eczema or food allergies. These diseases of civilization ultimately find their origin in a “deficit of nature”, around us, but also inside us and on us… Essential reading.

Live the microbes! by Marie-Monique Robin, ed. La Découverte/Arte, 272 p., €20.50.

Broadcast of the eponymous documentary on Arte on October 8 at 8:55 p.m.

Read also Lack of fiber: don’t let your microbiota waste away!

Read also From biodiversity to mental health

Under no circumstances can the information and advice offered on the Alternative Santé site replace a consultation or diagnosis made by a doctor or health professional, the only ones able to adequately assess your state of health.

#microbial #diversity #inflammatory #diseases



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