They won the Asia Express

As Asia Express Season 5 Ends, Emese Sáfrány and Anett Béres Emerge Victorious!

It’s game over for the contestants of TV2 Asia Expressz’s riveting fifth season! As the curtains drew on this high-octane finale, viewers were treated to a dramatic showdown between two formidable pairs: Gábor Krausz and Anna Mikes, versus Emese Sáfrány and Anett Béres. And let me tell you, it wasn’t just a race—it felt more like a slapstick sketch from a comedy special, with endurance tests that would make an Olympic athlete weep.

The journey to the finale was no cakewalk, folks! From the get-go, these competitors faced challenges that felt like they were snatched straight from a survival horror movie. Pay attention now: Picture this! Beautiful days turned to torrential downpours. The only thing missing was a swarm of mosquitoes swooping in to make their lives even more hellish! It’s almost as if Mother Nature said, “You think you can win fifteen million for just running around? Oh, I’ve got other plans!”

As the final week dawned, the tension was so thick you could slice it with a butter knife. Every competitor was stretched to their limits, both mentally and physically. In fact, it got so intense that Gábor Krausz and Anna Mikes contemplated throwing in the towel—yes, you heard it right! They nearly gave up, but that’s when the real magic happened.

In a moment of dramatic camaraderie—cue the inspirational music—they lifted each other up. It was like watching a bad romance movie where the protagonists can’t decide if they love or hate each other. They spiraled through those dead spots together, gaining momentum like a runaway train on a track to nowhere, but oh-so-exciting to watch!

Emese Sáfrány and Anett Béres: The Unbreakable Champions!

And then, boom! The plot thickens! The unlikely heroes—beauties of fortitude, Emese Sáfrány and Anett Béres—stormed the finish line in an emotional climax worthy of a thousand “whoo-hoos!” These two ladies were not just competitors; they were warriors in fierce contests, proving yet again that when the going gets tough, the tough get… emotional! And did they ever! Chasing Gábor’s duo with all the intensity of a David vs. Goliath showdown, their preparation for the final week was the stuff of legends. Two wins during the Joker games didn’t hurt either.

As they crossed that finish line ahead of Gábor and Anna, the culmination of weeks of grueling competition turned into a joyous explosion of energy! In fact, if ecstasy had a smell, I bet it was the odor of damp clothes mixed with the sweet scent of victory as they showered in tears of elation (hopefully not all those tears were of past exhaustion!).

Yes, dear readers, you guess it—the glory! Emese Sáfrány and Anett Béres snagged the grand prize of HUF 15 million! It’s hard to say what they might do with all that cash; a small island, or perhaps a proper umbrella? After all, they need a break—both from the weather and the endless pace of competition.

So, hats off to our fantastic finalists! They showcased resilience, strength, and a charisma that made it impossible to turn away. Even if it meant navigating a series of grueling challenges with a raincoat and a right foot that just wouldn’t quit. Goodnight, Asia Express. Until next season, may the odds be in your favor and the rain be limited!

It’s over The 2024 season of TV2 Asia Expressz. Today, the viewers witnessed an exciting final, where the pair of Gábor Krausz and Anna Mikes and the duo of Emese Sáfrány and Anett Béres faced each other. However it’s been a long road to this pointwhich was a serious strain on the competitors. Even at the beginning of the final week, the players who stayed inside faced much more difficult tasks, but if that wasn’t enough, the hustle and bustle of the big cities was also a challenge for them.

He was an incredible finisher in the final of the Asia Express (Photo: TV2)

In the last days, everyone was at the limit of their endurance, where they used up the last drop of mental and physical energy. It’s no wonder, since at the end of the race the weather didn’t spare the competitors either, when a downpour fell on them. Both Gábor Krausz and Anna Mikes felt several times that things did not turn out according to their vision, so much so that there was talk of giving up. But each other helping you through dead spotsgaining more and more momentum, they faced Anett Béres in the all-decisive chase.

Emese Sáfrány and Anett Béres could no longer control their emotions at the last finish line (Photo: TV2)

Emese Sáfrány and Anett Béres won the 5th season of Ázsia Expressz

Unlike Gáboré Krausz, who almost always finished among the first, the pair of Anett Béres and Emese Sáfrány really prepared for the last week and won twice during the Joker games. Although many times the girls also collapsed due to the bad weather and several weeks of exhausting competition, but showing incredible will power, after a worthy fight, they finally ran ahead of Gáborék Krausz to Nóri Ördög. That’s how they became the winners of the 5th Asia Express, and they could take home the HUF 15 million grand prize.

Anett Béres and Emese Sáfrány selflessly celebrated their victory (Photo: TV2)



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