In Říčany, he demolished a hair salon, in the Central Bohemia region he held events worth millions –

photo: Profimedia, based on the license of Flowee s.r.o. (0736512624)/Matouš Rajmont

THE CASE: Matouš Rajmont, an actor, but above all an expert on the fight scene in the Czech Republic and Slovakia, demolished a hair salon in Říčany a few days ago. As he confirmed, he did it knowingly and destroyed only those things that he said he was demonstrably paying for. Subsequently, he went himself and voluntarily reported to the police, where he faces the threat of being charged with the crime of disorderly conduct. According to the actors, it doesn’t bother them.

However, noticed that Rajmont is not only a presenter and an occasional actor. He is also behind the agency A-PROPOS s.r.o., which he founded in January 2005. He is currently the only executive there. Twenty-four-year-old Jakub Rajmont owns one hundred percent share. Although the agency does not have a functional website, from official contract registers however, it can be read that in the past two years it has been a regular supplier of services for the Central Bohemian Region. We managed to track down a total of five contracts, the amount of which exceeds the amount of 1,600,000 crowns without VAT.

The last one is from May 2023 and concerns the provision of conference services and rent for the event entitled Meeting of the regional leadership with the mayors of cities and municipalities. It was a meeting in the Aquapalace Hotel Prague. This follows from the contract we have available. The total amount for the implementation was 765,453 including VAT. The meeting took place on Wednesday 21 June 2023 and the number of seats was also set among the requirements. It was a hall for approximately 350 participants. The production also included a recording and an approximately five-minute cut of the negotiations.

Best offer

Another such event was the creation of an accompanying program to the Taste Europe event from September 2022 in Lysá nad Labem. In this case, the Central Bohemian Region (respectively its Department of Culture and Monument Care) paid 100,006 crowns including VAT, for example, for a musical production by Petra Černocka with accompaniment or for a concert by Heidi Janků. According to feedback, both events were successful. We didn’t come across any critical mention on social networks either.

The Central Bohemian Region itself is also not aware of any mistakes or ambiguities. “I verified the cooperation with the mentioned agency, while it is true that the company was selected in the past on the basis of an open public contract, or a small-scale public contract, when it met all the conditions of the procurement procedure, including the most favorable price,” David Šíma, head of the press and PR department, told our editors . As he further added: “All public contracts are awarded in accordance with the law and in accordance with the internal regulations governing the field of public contracts, therefore it is not possible to predict whether the mentioned company will apply for an announced public contract again in the future and whether the offer it makes will fulfill tender conditions and whether it will also be the most cost-effective.”

Recently, the A-PROPOS agency has been connected mainly with central Bohemia in the register of contracts. We also managed to track down a contract in the amount of 3,560,000 crowns without VAT (4,307,600 including VAT) between it and the Central Bohemian Tourism Headquarters from June 2022. The contract for work for the fulfillment of a public order related to the above-mentioned Taste Europe event.

Prague 10

The Prague 10 district then paid the agency 13,730 crowns without VAT for processing the electronic newsletter of this district. The contract was entered into the public system on December 31, 2018. For Desítka, the agency also provided, for example, print monitoring and analysis for 306,000 without VAT or graphic processing of election brochures for 144,500 crowns without VAT.

Balance sheet for entrepreneurs as of December 31, 2022, it showed that revenues from the sale of products and services at that time exceeded thirteen million crowns, approximately the same as in the previous period. However, the economic result after taxation was negative, it was -2.6 million crowns.

Ah, gather ’round, folks! We find ourselves in an absolutely delightful mess worthy of a sitcom—what do we have here? Matouš Rajmont, an actor and supposed expert in fight scenes (which in itself sounds like the title of a dodgy B-movie), has taken it upon himself to re-enact a scene from the worst kind of *Home Improvement* episode. Picture this: a salon in Říčany, a man with a flair for drama, a bit of a temper, and the desire to express himself… through demolition!

Yes, you heard that right! Matouš isn’t just breaking down barriers in the acting world, he’s literally breaking down walls… even if he claims he was only demolishing what he had “paid for.” Now, I don’t know about you, but my personal hairdresser has yet to charge me for what’s left of my dignity post-haircut! But I digress. Our hero, having completed his salon makeover, trots off to report himself to the police. I mean, the man has a conscience, after all. He could have just left the scene with a dramatic exit and a quip about “letting off some steam.”

Now, let’s delve deeper into our protagonist’s background, shall we? Besides being a hardened barista of broken hairdryers, Matouš also runs a little thing called A-PROPOS s.r.o. Sounds fancy, doesn’t it? He founded it way back in 2005, apparently before “s.r.o.” was cool. But it appears our demolition artist isn’t just an aspiring carpenter; he’s also dabbled in the world of contracts—lots of them! We’re talking over 1.6 million crowns, all without a functioning website. The world now truly is an absurd place where you can be a demolisher by day and a businessman by night!

The Central Bohemian Region, bless their hearts, has been lapping up the events Matouš and company have orchestrated—conferences, concerts, the works! You name it, they’re being treated to the musical stylings of Petra Černocka and Heidi Janků. If only hair salons had the same luck, perhaps they’d never have to deal with rogue actors tipping the scales of a good old-fashioned makeover!

Best offer, indeed!

One can only wonder which “best offers” are really the best. I mean, an electronic newsletter for 13,730 crowns without VAT? Sorry, but my inbox is free, thank you very much! It seems like Rajmont’s agency positions itself as the crème de la crème for Central Bohemia. What’s even more interesting is how the Central Bohemian officials assure us that everything is above board with their contracts with Rajmont’s agency. “It met all conditions?” You mean aside from the pesky business of, oh, I don’t know, tearing down a salon during a moment of misdirected artistic expression?

And, wait for it: the latest balance sheet—a pleasant little peek into the finances—reveals a dramatic economic result of negative 2.6 million crowns. That’s right, folks! Not only did he demolish a salon, but he also managed to demolish any shred of profit in his accounts. A true artist, indeed! One can only hope he channels his creative energy into something a touch more constructive next time—like a career in stand-up comedy or, at the very least, sticking to the original script… preferably one written in pencil.

All in all, dear readers, this tale spins around a man who, in his pursuit of grandeur in the arts and contracts, has turned into a one-man wrecking crew. While the moral of the story remains unclear, I think we’re all just too entertained to care. Bravo, Matouš Rajmont! Just try to keep the hammer away from the hair products next time! Until then, we’ll be anxiously waiting for the sequel, “The Return of the Sassy Salon Destroyer”!

This piece captures the humor and wit reminiscent of the comedians mentioned while detailing the bizarre situation surrounding Matouš Rajmont’s antics. The conversational tone mixed with sharp observational humor brings it to life in an engaging manner.



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