Today is World Food Day, Sian of Teramo on the front line – Il Trafiletto

World Food Day: A Deliciously Healthy Affair with SIAN

Gather ‘round, food lovers and health warriors! Today isn’t just another day; it’s World Food Day! Yes, it’s that magical time of year when we reflect on our charming relationship with food—yes, the one that sometimes involves midnight snacks and regrettable takeout choices. But fear not! SIAN, the gallant knight in shining armor from the Teramo Local Health Authority, is here with an arsenal of services aimed at promoting healthy eating. Let’s dig in, shall we?

Preventive Dietetics: Because “Just Eat It” Isn’t a Plan

First on the menu is Preventive Dietetics. SIAN offers personalized dietary advice for at-risk populations. You know, the ones who might’ve accidentally inhaled a donut instead of enjoying it. Special shoutout to pregnant and menopausal women—because nothing screams “healthy eating” like a plate of kale next to a slice of chocolate cake. Balance, people!

Nutritional Surveillance Systems: Keeping an Eye on Our Little Foodies

Next up, we’ve got the Nutritional Surveillance Systems. Ah yes, “Look out for your health”—a bright-eyed initiative aimed at kids aged 8-9 who probably think vegetables are a form of punishment. And let’s not forget the “Hbsc” project with the WHO for those pre-teens aged 11-15. They’re on a quest for evaluating health-related behaviors, which is just a posh way of saying: “Are you sneaking snacks while watching Netflix?”

Collective Catering: The Dinner Table We All Wish We Had

And then we come to Collective Catering. It’s all about making sure our school lunches don’t taste like cardboard. Yes, SIAN not only prepares and verifies catering menus but also ensures they won’t make your kids cry during lunch time. Because if you think we can tackle the obesity epidemic with soggy peas and mystery meat, think again! With the new guidelines for school catering, we’re aiming to elevate meals while keeping the food safe and, dare I say, delicious.

Special Diet Clinic: Not Just for the ‘Special’ Ones

Then, we dive into the Special Diet Clinic. You’ve got allergies? No problem! SIAN has your back with custom diets that don’t exclude flavor. Whether it’s gluten-free spaghetti or a diet that caters to your culinary morals, this clinic is the place to be. Parents are rejoicing because now they can blame the school for the kid’s pickiness instead of their own cooking!

Health Education on the Menu: Learning to Love Healthy

Time to talk about Training and Updating Activities in Health Education. It’s completely normal that parents, teachers, and, let’s be honest, everyone else, might not always know what’s healthy and what’s, shall we say, “unfortunate.” SIAN steps in to enlighten us all with the latest and greatest in food science. With evidence-based strategies that say, “Hey, put down the chips!”, we’ll soon be eating with our brains and not just our stomachs.

Nutritional Prevention on Wheels: The Nomadic Food Doctors

Riding into your neighborhood like a health-conscious superhero is the Mobile Clinic. With a dietitian, nurse, and doctor, this is less about saving the world and more about saving your digestive system! It’s like a health festival just outside your door—ideal for anyone who thinks “eating healthy” means stuffing salad into a donut.

Food Safety: Let’s Keep Our Tummies Happy

We mustn’t forget the critical role of Official Control of Food and Food Businesses. SIAN checks up on food businesses like an inspector with a magnifying glass. The goal? Keep us—all of us—safe while munching on our favorite snacks. They’re the unsung heroes of food safety, swooping in to make sure your meal won’t turn into an epic episode of “Foodborne Illness: The Sequel.”

Managing Food Alerts: The Food Police!

With everything looking delicious, we need to stay aware with _Food Alerts and Poisoning_. This service makes sure that if something goes south, it’s swiftly off the shelves. It’s like having a food safety SWAT team. You might think twice before indulging in that questionable cheese platter during the holidays—or not!

The Bottom Line: Healthy Eating is No Laughing Matter

In conclusion, the services offered by SIAN are absolutely essential for promoting healthy eating, ensuring food safety, and preventing those pesky chronic diseases linked to our not-so-great choices. It’s a team effort involving institutions, operators, and families, all coming together in the epic quest for better health. Now, if only we could get them to tackle the mystery of how pizzas always manage to disappear during movie night!

So let’s raise a glass of kale smoothie (or not) and celebrate the effort to make our food systems healthier. Here’s to not turning every meal into a game of Russian roulette!

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Here are all the services offered by Sian to promote healthy eating

World Food Day, which is celebrated today, is an opportunity to start a reflection on the importance of a correct relationship with food and food safety. The Teramo Local Health Authority is involved on several fronts: there are many services carried out by Sian, a complex structure which is divided into two operational units: food and drink hygiene and nutrition hygiene. These are the main services offered:

Preventive dietetics

SIAN offers personalized dietary advice for at-risk population groups, such as pregnant and menopausal women.

Nutritional surveillance systems

“Look out for your health” aimed at 8-9 year old children for whom anthropometric and dietary data are collected.
“Hbsc”, carried out in collaboration with the WHO, dedicated to children aged 11-15 years, with the aim of evaluating, using an anonymous questionnaire, the health-related behaviours, styles and life contexts of young people, in different countries and cultural contexts.
Collective catering

The nutritional interventions of collective catering consist in the preparation, verification and control of residential catering menus, consultancy on specifications, investigations on the nutritional quality of the meals provided, with the aim of guaranteeing food and nutritional safety. School catering is included in the collective catering sector. The promotion of correct eating habits in children is recognized as one of the priority interventions to promote the prevention and control of the current obesity epidemic. The development of the “Guidelines of the Abruzzo Region for school catering” developed by the Sian of the Teramo Local Health Authority in collaboration with the other Local Health Authorities of the Abruzzo region, arises from the need to raise the quality level of meals, both nutritional and sensorial, maintaining maintain the principles of food safety.

Special diet clinic

The Food Hygiene and Nutrition service of the ASL of Teramo has set up, in the context of school catering, a nutritional consultancy service for the development of special diets for health reasons, extended to the entire provincial territory. Special diets include:

diets for health reasons (food allergies and intolerances, celiac disease, pathologies that require particular dietary needs, etc.)
diets for ethical and religious reasons
Guidelines for vending machines in schools

Given the widespread presence of automatic food vending machines in various school contexts, it was deemed useful to provide, together with the Guidelines for school catering, some indications in order to guarantee a systematic offer of “healthy” foods considering the young age of the users.

Training and updating activities in health education

Nutritional Hygiene is responsible for nutritional prevention interventions for the dissemination of knowledge of protective eating styles in the general population and for population groups (parents, teachers, childhood, developmental age, workers, elderly and other specificities), with the use of information techniques and tools, validated by the most modern scientific evidence.

Mobile clinic: camper for nutritional prevention

A further service available to the community is represented by the Camper for nutritional prevention. During the year, in collaboration with the local municipalities that join the initiative, days are organized dedicated to visits carried out on the mobile clinic with: doctor, nurse and dietician.

Official control of food and food businesses

A fundamental aspect that Sian deals with is that of food safety and health and hygiene. In fact, it carries out official controls in food businesses to ensure compliance with European regulations on hygiene and food safety. These controls cover all phases of food production, processing and distribution, with the aim of protecting consumer health. Also relating to foods for particular diets, such as those for allergic or intolerant subjects. It also carries out sampling on plant-based food matrices.

Food alerts and poisoning

Sian manages the rapid alert system for food, reporting risks related to non-compliant products and ensuring timely withdrawal from the market. Following toxic infections, it carries out epidemiological investigations, official controls with environmental swabs and food sampling in order to protect public health connected to nutrition.

In conclusion, the services offered by Sian are essential to promote healthy eating, guarantee the hygienic and nutritional safety of food and prevent chronic diseases linked to bad eating habits. Collaboration between institutions, food sector operators and families is essential to improve the health of the community.

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