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The US Pressures Israel to Let Humanitarian Aid Reach Gaza

Well, well, well! It looks like Uncle Sam is finally flexing those bureaucratic muscles. In what could be considered a not-so-subtle warning (I mean, let’s not kid ourselves, it’s more of a ‘we’re watching you’ kind of glare), the United States has sent a letter to Israel. It’s like handing out an ultimatum with a side of humanitarian aid – because no one wants to share their toys, but everyone wants to play nice!

Now, let’s break this down for a second. The US is saying, “Hey Israel, allow humanitarian aid into Gaza, or don’t expect us to keep supplying you with all those shiny weapons.” Who knew that the way to a nation’s heart is through truckloads of food and supplies? “We promise not to look away if you stop making everyone’s tummy grumble!”

The situation sounds serious enough to warrant a sitcom plot twist. Imagine Blinken and Austin – practically double agents in the world of diplomacy – swooping in with a letter that reads, “You’ve got 30 days! That’s like one Netflix season, mate!”

According to the US, they’re demanding 350 trucks of aid flowing like a well-oiled machine, if they want to keep those checks coming. And you know what that means? Forget doubling down in an ultimatum poker match; this is the kind of negotiation where you might just pull out a cookie jar of consequences if things don’t pan out!

“Failure to demonstrate a sustained commitment may have implications for US policy,” reads Blinken’s letter.

Shivers ran down the spine of Israeli officials, I imagine, as they read about the “implications.” It’s like a parent taking the WiFi away – effective, chilling, and downright terrifying! And all this while the UN is waving red flags, stating things have gone from bad to worse. Who knew humanitarian crises could brighten up a Monday?

The humanitarian organizations involved have made the chilling observations that hunger is being weaponized. Now there’s a plot twist for the ages! “Let’s not give them food. That’ll show ’em!” The level of malnutrition among the displaced populations is reaching levels that would make even a trendy Instagram nutritionist cringe. Could you imagine scrolling down and seeing, “Today’s special: Displacement Salad”? Delicious, right?

Despite the chaos, Israel is still throwing some aid into the northern regions. Just 30 trucks! It’s like when your mate offers you a piece of chewing gum when you’re starving. “Here! Enjoy, it’s minty and fresh!” That’s not the buffet they need, is it?

As the situation rumbles on, it’s clear that the political chess game isn’t just on a board – it’s a bloody battlefield. There’s more drama here than a soap opera marathon, yet it’s so grim that laughing is probably a better way to cope. So, if Uncle Sam is playing hardball, maybe it’s time Israel takes the ball and runs with it – preferably towards aid trucks as opposed to military ones!

The US pressures Israel to let humanitarian aid reach Gaza if it wants to continue receiving weapons

In the most serious warning to its ally in the entire war, the United States sent a letter last Sunday to the Government of Israel in which it gave it a month to allow the entry of humanitarian aid into Gaza if it wants to continue receiving support. weapons for a war that has already caused the death of more than 42,000 people in the Strip. Washington is increasing the pressure at a time when, in addition to Lebanon, Israel has launched a major offensive in northern Gaza while maintaining intense bombing in the southern half of the Palestinian enclave.

The United States demands a minimum of 350 trucks per day (around 500 were accessed each day before the war) as well as the opening of new crossings through which aid can access. He also expresses concern about the campaign by the Jewish state authorities to end the UN agency for Palestinian refugees, UNRWA, the main aid institution for Gazans on the ground.

Israel must have “concrete measures” in 30 days, reads the letter from the United States Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, and the Secretary of Defense, Lloyd Austin. “Failure to demonstrate a sustained commitment to the implementation and maintenance of these measures may have implications for US policy,” he adds, warning of possible consequences that include the supply of weapons.

The situation in Gaza is “increasingly serious,” according to the text, and the Government led by Joe Biden is “particularly concerned about the recent actions of the Israeli government, including the halting of commercial imports, the denial or prevention of almost 90% of humanitarian movements between north and south Gaza in September.” Blinken and Austin also recall that after the Israeli promise last March to meet its obligations, the flow has decreased by around 50%.

Different humanitarian organizations have been denouncing for months what they consider the use of hunger as a weapon of war, which has increased the level of malnutrition of a population that, for the most part, lives displaced amid the constant displacement orders issued by the troops of occupation and that are illegal, according to international humanitarian law.

In the last few hours, Israel has announced the entry of 30 trucks to the northern area of ​​the Strip where, according to the UN, some 400,000 people still live despite Israel’s attempts to expel them because they consider that they are in a combat zone. In fact, in the last two weeks of the offensive, scores of dead and wounded have accumulated, warn the UN and humanitarian organizations, as well as the local Hamas government.



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