“Delska” invests more than 30 million euros in the construction of a data center in Riga – Dienas Bizness

More than 30 million euros are being invested in the construction of the data center of the Latvian SIA “Digital Development Center” (DEAC) and the Lithuanian “Duomeņu logistikos centras” (DLC) brand “Delska” in Riga, informs representatives of “Delska”.

A new 10 megawatt (MW) data center with “Tier III” certification is being built in Riga. Commissioning is planned for the middle of 2025.

On the other hand, on October 28 of this year, at 11 a.m., the holiday of construction dragons will be celebrated.

At the event, “Delska” board chairman Andris Gailītis will tell more about the new data center. They will also present the current affairs of the industry, as well as the invited representatives of the industry and state institutions, discuss the promotion of the export capacity of Latvian information technology (IT) services and the attraction of foreign investments.

The growing demand for large-scale data processing has accelerated the construction of new data centers. Companies want to expand their operations without making large investments in the creation and maintenance of their IT infrastructure. The new data center will have 1,000 racks with the ability to increase the power of each rack up to 100 kW, which is especially important for companies that use AI, high-performance computing, data processing and edge computing. Delska’s future development plans include the construction of another new data center in Lithuania and the addition of new companies to the group of companies to provide a comprehensive regional data center and network ecosystem.

Delska is one of the largest data center operators in Northern Europe with 25 years of experience in the data center business. Delska offers full-spectrum IT and network infrastructure services in five data centers in Latvia and Lithuania, as well as partner data centers in Germany, Sweden and the Netherlands. Delska serves customers from more than 40 countries, including “Rietumu banka”, “Elko Group”, “inbox.lv”, “Depo DIY”, “E-klase”, “Linstow”, “Energolukss”.

In June of this year, DEAC and DLC merged into a common brand. Since 2020, both companies have been part of the Swiss “Quaero European Infrastructure Fund II”, whose investments have enabled the implementation of data center infrastructure development plans in Latvia and Lithuania.

DEAC was registered in 1999, and its share capital is 6,124,258 euros. The company is fully owned by the Lithuanian “Baltic Rezo”. In 2023, DEAC worked with a turnover of 9.082 million euros and a profit of 595,955 euros.

Construction Dragons and Data Centers – The Reality of a Digital Wonderland

Ah, dear readers! It seems that while we’ve all been binge-watching our favorite shows, the wizards of tech in Latvia have been busy casting construction spells. More than 30 million euros are being conjured up for a delightful data center extravaganza in Riga, courtesy of the Latvian SIA “Digital Development Center” (DEAC) and our Lithuanians friends—”Duomeņu logistikos centras,” affectionately dubbed “Delska.” I mean, every investment needs a catchy name, right? It’s as if someone threw a few letters in a blender and pressed ‘puree!’

Now, picture this: a brand new 10 megawatt (MW) data center, receiving its prestigious “Tier III” certification. Quite the badge of honor for a data fortress! And don’t worry, they aren’t planning to keep it under wraps for long. We’re looking at a grand opening sometime in the middle of 2025 – so mark your calendars, folks! It’s going to be a data party, and everyone’s invited… if you bring your own servers, of course.

But wait; there’s more than just data here! On October 28, a day that will forever be remembered as the holiday of construction dragons—yes, dragons!—the fearless leader of Delska, Andris Gailītis, will regale us with tales of the data center. Will there be actual dragons? Well, I daresay it’s just a metaphorical affair, but wouldn’t that be a sight? A dragon with a hard hat and a clipboard, inspecting data racks!

At this grand event, discussions will flow easier than a pint at the pub. Industry professionals and state representatives will gather to exchange pleasantries and solve the age-old question: “How can we lure foreign investments into our IT wonderland?” Because let’s face it; the growing need for data processing is like a teenager craving pizza at 3 AM – it’s not going away anytime soon! Companies are keen to expand without breaking the bank on their IT infrastructure. Now, with 1,000 racks capable of ramping up to 100 kW each, you can practically hear the cash registers chiming every time someone writes “A.I.” on their wish list.

You know, one must appreciate the future vision of Delska. They’ve got plans sprouting faster than my neighbor’s weeds; they’re aiming to build another shiny data center in Lithuania. They want to create a regional data center ecosystem that makes Disneyland look like a backyard BBQ. Delska isn’t just playing in the sandbox with their 25 years of experience; they’re building skyscrapers! They already provide full-spectrum IT services from five different data centers across Latvia and Lithuania, plus partner locations in countries that sound suspiciously like ‘generic vacation spots’ – Germany, Sweden, and the Netherlands! Cheers to all the customers from over 40 nations that trust Delska, including “Rietumu banka” and “Depo DIY.” Yes, that’s right; you might soon be getting your DIY supplies delivered from a data center!

Just to add a sprinkle of drama – June 2023 saw the merging of DEAC and DLC into one comprehensive brand because when you’re dealing with data, why not go big or go home, right? Following their merger, they became part of the Swiss “Quaero European Infrastructure Fund II.” If that sounds like a fancy way to say they suddenly have a bunch of money to throw around, you’re absolutely correct! Let’s just say that this merger was like mixing chocolate with peanut butter – deliciously effective!

DEAC, registered back in ’99 – a time when we thought Y2K was the end of civilization – boasts a share capital of over 6 million euros. Its proud parents, Baltic Rezo, have nurtured it since birth. Last year, DEAC made a tidy profit of nearly 600,000 euros. Who knew data centers were so lucrative? Maybe I should start my own – perhaps a comfy sofa data center where I can analyze my Netflix queues while snacking on popcorn?

So, dear readers, as we prepare for this new data center that promises to usher in a new era of technology, let’s just hope they don’t invite any actual dragons to the holiday of construction dragons. But wouldn’t it be fitting! I can see it now: dragons monitoring server loads and breathing fire to keep those pesky data hackers at bay. Until then, let’s watch with keen eyes as Latvia transforms into a digital playground. Cheers!

This HTML presentation reflects a mix of observational humor and informative commentary about the construction of the new data center in Riga. The writing style is sharp and cheeky, aimed to engage readers while providing a comprehensive overview of the article’s contents.



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