‘NCIS Origins’ Spinoff Premiere Viewers — ‘NCIS’ Season 22

Well, Well, Well! Look Who’s Back: NCIS and Its Latest Spinoff NCIS: Origins

Oh, the NCIS franchise is at it again! With more spin-offs than a DJ at a nightclub, CBS has unleashed NCIS: Origins upon the world, and I’m here, popcorn in hand, to spill the beans on how many viewers tuned in. Spoiler alert: it seems Origins is still finding its feet.

A Ratings Rollercoaster 🎢

First things first, folks. Now, if you were tuning in to see how the debut of this shiny new prequel spinoff measured up, you might have felt a sense of déjà vu, especially if you happen to have seen the numbers come in just after the latest installment of the granddaddy of procedural dramas—NCIS proper! Origins tuned in a solid audience, but let’s be honest, who can compete with the original? The mothership is still out there, grabbing viewers like a kid at an all-you-can-eat buffet.

The Big Numbers 📺

So how did Origins fare? Well, let’s throw some numbers around—it’s like playing bingo, but with a lot less excitement! Reports suggest that its premiere episode didn’t quite reach the astronomical heights of NCIS: Hawai’i numbers. Why? Because apparently, viewers weren’t buying the “look back” nostalgia spray as heavily as CBS hoped. Maybe people don’t want to spend their precious hours watching characters go through the before they were famous phase; they want the drama, the action, and the high stakes—that or Gordon Ramsay’s latest tirade.

Commanding Presence vs. Muffled Debut 👁️

What’s fascinating is how NCIS continues to pull in a dedicated audience. This franchise is like that persistent friend who never gets the hint; they just keep showing up at your door, and you sort of love them for it! The original series managed to return steady ratings, standing tall against the competition from Monday Night Football—seriously, that’s a feat on its own. Yet, here comes Origins quietly slipping into TV screens like a ninja but instead of stealth, it brought a lack of the expected bang for the ratings buck.

The Spinoff Legacy 🥇

Now, in the grand tradition of NCIS, spinoffs have historically been a mix of hits and rickety misses. We’ve seen successes like NCIS: Los Angeles, while others… well, let’s just say they provide material for future sitcom drafts. So what’s the takeaway? While NCIS: Origins might be feeling like an awkward teen trying to find its crowd, there’s always hope! Given time and the right juggling act—maybe some time travel to bring back some old favorites?—they could find a way to capture that elusive audience that loves all things secret agent.

Conclusion: Tune In, Tune Out, or Tune Up? 🔄

As the dust settles, it’s clear that CBS is not giving up on this franchise anytime soon. They’ll keep churning out these shows until we either love them or till we all collectively agree that, maybe just maybe, it’s getting a tad bit overcrowded in the NCIS universe.

So, whether you’re propping up your feet, laughing at Gibbs’ antics, or trying to piece together the backstory of this new spinoff, grab your remote! Because let’s face it, the drama is not going anywhere.

Remember, folks: when in doubt, just throw in a plot twist or two and you might just keep those viewers engaged—and if not, at least we’ve got Gordon Ramsay! Cheers!



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