SDVR: Over 260 km/h is the highest speed in Sofia since the beginning of the year – – News from Bulgaria and the world

What’s the Rush, Sofia? A Comedic Commentary on Speeding Drivers!

Ah, Sofia! The city where you can find more speeding tickets than parking spaces. It turns out, according to the head of the Traffic Police Department, Nikolay Krusharski, Sofia’s roads have welcomed a staggering 302,949 instances of speeding just this year! Now, I don’t want to say that Sofia drivers are heavy on the gas pedal, but let’s just say that even a rocket scientist would look at these numbers and say, “You lot need to slow down!”

Let’s Break it Down

This 32,000-increase in speeding cases is astonishing! And, if you think that’s wild, someone was found zooming down the ring road at a blistering 260 km/h. At that speed, I’d say they’re not just late to dinner – they’re busy auditioning for the next Fast and Furious flick! Vin Diesel, step aside; Sofia’s got some new contenders!

Sofia’s roads have also turned into a bit of a circus this year, with 588 serious accidents reported and a slight improvement in fatalities – which the Traffic Police are treating like a massive win, with 25 lives lost compared to last year’s tally. A bit grim if you ask me, but in the world of traffic statistics, one less death is like finding a unicorn in Sofia’s chaotic streets.

Seatbelts: The Overlooked Heroes

Now, shifting gears onto safety—this year, 6,273 individuals were caught sans seatbelt. That’s like a small village wandering around without a clue! Think of it as a fashion statement; they must believe ‘free-spirited’ means driving without harnessing their humanity. And speaking of spirits, 1,098 people have been nabbed for driving under the influence of alcohol—and for an encore, another 635 under drugs. It seems the roads aren’t just for cars; they’re a buffet for indulgence!

Technology Strikes Back!

But fear not, citizens! The heroes of the hour – or rather the cameras – are here to save the day. Thanks to modern technology, there are cameras watching for red light runners and bus lane invaders. And you thought your smart fridge was a bit nosy? Imagine a camera capturing you just when you thought you could evade the traffic rules—caught red-handed like a kid with their hand in the cookie jar!

In Conclusion: A Road to Improvement

Overall, while the speeding figures are enough to make a traffic cop cry, the decrease in deaths does suggest a flicker of hope—perhaps drivers in Sofia are starting to realize that roads are not drag strips. With more awareness and a bit of humor, maybe we can all find a way to share the road without becoming a part of the statistics! Drive safely, Sofia, or I might just have to come down and do a stand-up routine on road signs!

Stay updated and keep your seatbelt on – we wouldn’t want you getting pulled over… or worse, having to face my next gig as a traffic cop!

Source: Konstantin Kostov/BTA

Source: iStock Photos/Getty Images

Well one of the main offenses committed by drivers in Sofia is speeding. Since the beginning of the year, 302,949 cases have been established, or over 32,000 more than last year, announced Nikolay Krusharski, head of the Traffic Police Department in the Metropolitan Directorate of Internal Affairs (SDVR).

He added that a driver was found driving at over 260 km/h on the ring road.

According to the presented data, since the beginning of the year, 588 serious accidents have occurred in Sofia, or 11 less compared to the same period last year, and 693 people have been injured, or two more. 25 people have died in accidents in Sofia since the beginning of the year, which is 14 less than in the same period in 2023.

Krusharski commented that these results were due to both the increased control and several legal changes made.

The head of the Traffic Police Department Commissioner Nikolay Krusharski Source: BTA

In Sofia this year, 6,273 people, drivers and passengers, were punished for not using a seat belt, which is 1,000 more than last year. 1,098 people were found to be driving under the influence of alcohol, and 635 under the influence of drugs, and an increase was also observed in these indicators.

Nikolay Krusharski also commented that the cameras, owned by the Municipality of Sofia and the SDVR, detect the passing of a red traffic light and movement in the bus lane, and the offenders are punished according to administrative order.

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Source: Konstantin Kostov/BTA



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