Biden and Trump accumulate large victories in five more states

The American president, Democrat Joe Biden, and his predecessor, Republican Donald Trump (2017-2021), accumulated predictable victories in their parties’ primaries in five more states: Florida, Ohio, Illinois, Kansas and Arizona.

According to projections by Fox, NBC and CBS after closing schools in Arizona, both candidates won easily in their respective primaries, Biden with support around 89% and Trump with 76%.

Biden had two campaign events in the states of Nevada and Arizona to launch his strategy to attract the Hispanic vote with “Latinos con Biden.” He also recalled that Trump called Mexicans “rapists” in 2016, at the beginning of his first presidential campaign and that he continues to demonize Latino voters, a quarter of the Arizona electorate. «“Whoever is not paying attention to them is stupid.”added Biden, who assured that he needs the vote of that community “desperately.”

For a week now, Biden and Trump have been virtually the Democratic and Republican nominees for the November presidential elections, since they have already obtained the minimum number of delegates needed: 1,968 in the case of the former and 1,215 in the case of the latter.

To officially declare themselves candidates, both politicians must wait for their party conventions: first it will be the Republican one, from July 15 to 18 in Milwaukee (Wisconsin), and then the Democratic one, from August 19 to 22 in Chicago (Illinois).

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