Text of the royal speech on the occasion of the opening of the first session of the fourth legislative year of the eleventh legislative term

Agadir 24 | Agadir24/UAE

Today, Friday, His Majesty King Mohammed VI, may God assist him, accompanied by His Royal Highness Crown Prince Moulay El Hassan and His Royal Highness Prince Moulay Rachid, addressed members of Parliament on the occasion of the opening of the first session of the fourth legislative year of the eleventh legislative term.

The following is the text of the royal speech:

“Praise be to God, and may blessings and peace be upon our Lord, the Messenger of God, his family and companions.

Distinguished parliamentarians, ladies and gentlemen,

I am pleased to address you today, at the opening of this legislative year, and through you various bodies, institutions and citizens, regarding the recent developments in the Moroccan Sahara file, as it is the primary issue for all Moroccans.

I have said, since I ascended the throne, that we will pass through the issue of our territorial unity, from the stage of management, to the stage of change, internally and externally, and in all dimensions of this file.

I also called for moving from a reactive approach to taking the initiative, and being decisive and proactive.

On this basis, we worked for years, with all determination and patience, and with a clear vision, and we used all available means and capabilities, to publicize the justice of our country’s position, and our historical and legitimate rights in our desert, despite a difficult and complex international context.

Today the truth has emerged, thank God. Truth is supreme and unsurpassed, and just causes always triumph.

God Almighty said: “And say, ‘The truth has come and falsehood has vanished. Indeed, falsehood has vanished.’” God Almighty is true.

Here the French Republic recognizes the Kingdom’s sovereignty over the entire Sahara, and supports the autonomy initiative, within the framework of Moroccan territorial integrity, as the sole basis for resolving this artificial regional dispute.

On this occasion, in my name personally, and in the name of the Moroccan people, I extend the most sincere expressions of thanks and gratitude to France and to His Excellency President Emmanuel Macron for this explicit support for the Moroccan Sahara.

This positive development supports truth and legitimacy, and recognizes the historical rights of Morocco, especially since it was issued by a major country, a permanent member of the Security Council, and an influential actor in the international arena.

This is in addition to the fact that France knows very well the truth and background of this regional dispute.

It also comes to support the efforts made, within the framework of the United Nations, to lay the foundations for a political path that leads to a final solution to this issue, within the framework of Moroccan sovereignty.

Ladies and Gentlemen of Parliament,

This French position falls within the framework of the positive dynamic defined by the Moroccan Sahara issue, which is based on consolidating Morocco’s sovereignty over its territory and expanding support for the autonomy initiative.

Thus, we were able, thank God, to gain the recognition of prominent countries that are permanent members of the Security Council, such as the United States of America and France.

We are also proud of the positions of the sisterly Arab and African countries, which support, with clarity and commitment, the territorial integrity of the Kingdom, especially those that have opened consulates in Laayoune and Dakhla.

In parallel, the autonomy initiative, as the only basis for reaching a final solution to this conflict, within the framework of Moroccan sovereignty, enjoys broad support from an increasing number of countries from different parts of the world.

Among them, we mention friendly Spain, which knows the secrets of this file, with its position carrying profound political and historical implications, in addition to the majority of European Union countries.

We would like to express to all these friends and partners our deep appreciation for their positions in support of Morocco’s primary cause.

We also thank all the countries that deal economically and investment-wise with the southern regions of the Kingdom, as an integral part of the national territory.

In doing so, it keeps pace with the economic, social and cultural development path taking place in the Moroccan Sahara, and strengthens its position as a hub of communication and exchange between Morocco and its African depths.

It also places it at the heart of the strategic continental initiatives that we launched, such as the Morocco-Nigeria gas pipeline project, the African Atlantic Countries Initiative, in addition to the initiative to enable Sahel countries to access the Atlantic Ocean.

Ladies and Gentlemen of Parliament,

Despite all that has been achieved, the next stage requires more mobilization and vigilance from everyone, to continue strengthening our country’s position, publicizing the justice of our cause, and confronting the maneuvers of opponents.

In this context, the foundations of the Moroccan position must be explained to the few countries that are still going against the logic of truth and history, and work must be done to convince them with legal, political, historical and spiritual arguments and evidence that confirm the legitimacy of the Moroccan Sahara.

This requires the concerted efforts of all national institutions and bodies, official, partisan and civil, and the strengthening of coordination between them, in order to give the necessary effectiveness to their performance and movements.

You, parliamentarians, are aware of the effective role of party and parliamentary diplomacy in gaining more recognition of the Moroccan Sahara and expanding support for the autonomy initiative, as the only solution to this regional conflict.

Therefore, we call for more coordination between the two houses of Parliament in this regard, and the establishment of appropriate internal structures, with qualified human resources, while adopting standards of competence and competence in selecting delegations, whether in bilateral meetings, or in regional and international forums.

Ladies and Gentlemen of Parliament,

The gains we have achieved, on the way to closing this file, and the economic and social development that our southern regions are experiencing, were thanks to the solidarity of all Moroccans, and their combined efforts, in order to consolidate national and territorial unity.

Here, we cannot fail to praise the efforts made by national diplomacy, the various institutions concerned, all living forces, and all free Moroccans, inside and outside the country, in defending the legitimate rights of their country and confronting the enemy’s maneuvers.

We also express our thanks and appreciation to our sons in the desert for their constant loyalty to their homeland, their clinging to their religious and national sanctities, and their sacrifices for the sake of the Kingdom’s territorial unity and stability.

In conclusion, we affirm that Morocco will always remain firm in its position, loyal to the approach of openness to its Maghreb and regional surroundings, in a way that contributes to achieving common development, security and stability for the peoples of the region.

God Almighty said: “O you who have believed, if you support God, He will support you and make your feet firm.” God Almighty is true.

May the peace, mercy, and blessings of God Almighty be upon you.”

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